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View Full Version : Which Student Classical Guitar?

July 7th, 2006, 01:53 PM
Well, I am really looking more and more into these Classical Nylon's... Reading reviews and drooling over pictures I have it down to a few.. If anyone has any hands on experience with any of these please let me know.. I want something under $1000.00 with Solid Spruce top, Solid Rosewood Back and sides.. Ebony Fret board with the 650mm scale.. what I found is just a few..some with plywood/laminate Rosewood back and sides...

1. Aria AC80
2. Alhambra 4p
3. Yamaha CG171S

thanks for opinions and suggestions.

Ofcourse my dream guitar would be a Martin Willie Nelson Trigger re-issue but that ain't gonna happen any time soon...

July 7th, 2006, 04:49 PM
If Willie would put out a signature relic model ala Fender's Jeff Beck Broadcaster (or was it a Nocaster?), then I'd scoop it up in a second. I forget what the specs are, had it in a magazine somewhere awhile back, but it is a one of a kind custom - something to do with the amp/pickup combination as well as the fact that it is a classical body strung with steel strings (cured with beer, whiskey and smoke) - all giving it that very distinctive Willie tone.

But that's a wee bit on the commercial side for ol' Willie don't ya think? If I find the background on ol' Trigger I'll post it for y'all.


July 7th, 2006, 06:22 PM
Oh there is a Willie Nelson Re-issue... http://www.harmony-central.com/Events/SNAMM98/Martin/N-20WN.html just a bit over my budget...:) he actually uses Nylon Strings... and has a baldwin pickup in the guitar.. ofcourse he only paid $700 for his...:) I got one video of him while he uses a Green Strat... and it don't sound like ole willie.. glad he doesnt leave home without his horse often...

July 7th, 2006, 07:14 PM
hmmm... maybe I was wrong about the steel strings, but thought I heard or read that somewhere :confused: I also thought that he uses a pick (in combination with fingerstyle) and that's why the top is all hammered to pieces :) Am I wrong about that too?

Just when you think you know it all...:D I've only had one opportunity to see him live (last summer). Hope he comes through our way again... it was an awesome show!


July 8th, 2006, 07:16 AM
He does use a pick on that wonderfull Classical..

1. Aria AC80
2. Alhambra 4p
3. Yamaha CG171S

Any other models to check out?