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View Full Version : Tell me about GFS pickups...

January 22nd, 2009, 07:16 PM
I saw these new pickups that GFS came out with, and thought about getting one of these pre-loaded pickguards:


Anyone have any experience with these? I bought a set of GFS humbuckers for my SX and thought they were great, but don't know much about these new pickups and pre-wired pickguards.

CG and Musicians Friend are also selling Lace Sensor pre-loaded pickguards at about two times the price of the GFS...I've been thinking about getting some noiseless pups for my strats..

January 22nd, 2009, 08:21 PM
I know this doesn't directly answer your question, but if you are looking at noiseless, check out the Dimarzio Area series as well. I've got a couple of Area 61s in my Floyd and really like them.

street music
January 22nd, 2009, 08:37 PM
TS, Why don't you check out the PICKUP THREAD further down the page, you will find plenty of reviews there. I play 3 guitras with GFS pickups.

January 22nd, 2009, 09:04 PM
TS, Why don't you check out the PICKUP THREAD further down the page, you will find plenty of reviews there. I play 3 guitras with GFS pickups.

How did I miss that? I better get new contact lenses! :thwap:

January 22nd, 2009, 09:21 PM
I have a thread somewhere here about them too.

In short though, I grabbed a pair of neovin noisless and a Fat PAF for a Squier project. The Fat PAF is great as a bridge hum bucker. I coil tapped it as well and it's totally ballsy as a single coil too. It smashed the Dimarzio stacked humbucker that was in the bridge. Much louder, much fuller and although it's definitely angry, it's gives a very noticeable nod to the more traditional PAF sound. Is it as good as the SD '59? IMO, No. Is it as good as the SD SH4? IMO, No. But in a guitar that cost me $100 it's awesome and I'd recommend it for an inexpensive guitar any day. If I wanted different PU's for my Maton's though, I'd go boutique or back to Seymour Duncan. (or maybe vintage Gibson, I heard a MS2000 the other day with original 60's era LP pickups and it sounded heaps good)

The Neovins are a different story altogether. I have them in a box in the cupboard. I tried two of them with the GFS Fat PAF and their output is so low it's an unusable combination. Even running the PU's with no pots or caps direct, their output was so low that they were inaudible when the FatPAF was just right. Right now I have the Dimarzio FastTrack that was in the bridge, in the neck and it's likely to stay there. I put the original Squire SC in the middle position again as I never use the middle PU anyway. If I further mod that Squier it'll be to make it dual Fat PAF's (zebra of course) and no middle PU.

So big thumbs up for the Fat PAF, but I'm not a fan of the neovins.

Finally, don't be afraid to skip the pre-wired's and just DIY if you don't like the PU's offered in the pre-wired packages. There are plenty of guys here, including myself who can guide you through the process if that's what you decide to do.