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View Full Version : Open Chords All Over The Fretboard

January 28th, 2009, 11:42 PM
I want to share something I found that can really "open" up my guitar playing--the use of open chords, and I don't mean just the basic open chords down near the first three frets. I mean the open chords that are found all over the neck of the guitar.

I like open chords because of their unique and beautiful sounds.
E.g., if you strum all six strings while fingering only the three notes...

B string, 10th fret
G string, 9th fret
D string, 10th fret

...you play a gorgeous Am chord.
Now you may have known about this one, but bear in mind it is only one of many!

I discovered this guitar software program that allows for experimenting all over the neck of a virtual fretboard for discovering these open chords by using its Chord Finder utility. The software can be downloaded for a 30-day free trial, and can be bought for $29.95. Also, I am not associated with this product whatsoever.

Personally, I have 18 days to go on my free trial period, but I am now certain I am going to purchase it for this feature alone (it has other utilities, but this Chord Finder is a jewel for finding hidden open chords all over the neck, and it makes it so easy).

Check it out yourself by experimenting (remember to "click" on your non-fingered strings to make them "open") and you be the judge. IMO this is a great asset to have.

The software is called "Guitar Power", has good reviews, but most important to me is this Chord Finder utility! :rotflmao:

Here's the link:

BTW, I have searched exhaustively on the internet to find a program that does this exact feature FOR FREE...but have not found anything for free and nothing that compares to this program. IMO the value of the software for a paltry $30 is no-contest. I am going to get it and know it will be most useful in many ways for many days. It is already a valuable resource to me.

I love to vamp and groove using open chords and their relationships with other chords. This is also an easy way to find cool jazz chords.
