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View Full Version : More chording examples - Stones - kinda

July 13th, 2006, 04:15 PM

More rhythm examples in the style of Keith Richards. I think he uses open tunings, but this way you can simulate that kind of style.

Let me know how useful you find it. Thanks! :)

July 13th, 2006, 08:03 PM
Cool. I use that one a lot myself. That is a very useful chord shape for rock n roll.
It also works for Jay Ferguson's "Thunder Island". Joe Walsh plays slide on it obviously not using the same chord shape.;)

July 14th, 2006, 03:47 PM
Hi Robert,

Great chording examples. I love that sound.

You know its funny that there aren't more videos out there for guitarists that concentrate on rhythm playing. I'm always telling my students that as guitarists we're most often called on to play rhythm parts rather than jamming away on solos all night long, so I encourage them to learn as much as possible about chords to make sure that they're strong rhythm players above all else.

I bought a few of the Eric Johnson instructional videos and he spends a lot of time talking about his chordal work. There are some really nice examples on those videos of his Keith Richard's approach to chordal work.

Great job Robert.

-- Jim