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February 6th, 2009, 12:25 PM
Last night we caught Buddy Guy and B.B. King in concert in Clearwater, Florida. Love to be telling you it was great but.....

Buddy was terrific. Great showman, fabulous guitar player and singer. Terrific, tight backup band. Loved the way he paid tribute to some old blues players, John Hurt, Albert King, Sumlin. Terrific nod to Clapton with a cover of Strange Brew. Even a quick Hendrix riff. He played the title tune of his new'ish CD "Skin Deep". The electric sitar was a neat surprise. Here is Buddy doing the tune on Letterman. Same back up band bye the bye. Finished with "Damn Right I've got the Blues". :AOK:


The not so good part was B.B. Train wreck of a performance in my opinion. Way, Way, Way to much talking between songs. All the talking was done over a riff by the band. You kept thinking they are going to actually settle into a song any minute, but no the chatter would just go on and on.

I thought B.B. and Buddy would be backed by the same band. Nope, the roadies clear out Buddy's stuff. Set up B.B.'s band which includes a four piece horn section. Before B.B. comes out the band does two instrumental tunes, with every member but the drummer doing a solo turn. We are now 20minutes into the set and no B.B.. Then when he does come out, he goes into a long patter before finally we get a tune. I did not have a watch on this, but my guess is it took him an hour to play four songs. Now when he finally got around to playing he was good. He's lost a bit of his chops, but hey he's 83. A point he made dozens of times. And he's still got the pipes. Key to the Highway was good, nothing else really stands out. Cover of You are my sunshine, "for the ladies", was pitiful. For only the seond time in my life I left a concert early.

Sorry for the rant, but Buddy and BB are going to tour together for a while, so if they come to your town, buyer beware.

Side rant, this was the first concert I've been to where the use of cell phones, cameras, etc. was a real pain in the bu**. The guy in front of me spent a good portion of the show text messaging and there was a constant use of cameras. Rude IMHO.

Rant over...

February 6th, 2009, 01:26 PM
bb is in very poor health....so he really isn't up to playin' like the old bb....but still he is a legend :master: and i kinda enjoyed listening to him talk between songs (i saw him a couple years ago)....with bb it's more of "an evening with" than a "concert"....

....just my 2 cents....

February 6th, 2009, 03:46 PM
Crap. No shows anywhere around here.

February 6th, 2009, 04:49 PM
I've heard similar comments about recent BB performances. I think the bottom line is that he's just not in the shape to do these shows anymore, between age and infirmity. Kind of like an athlete who hangs around too long. I suspect he does 4 tunes because that's about all he can handle anymore, and tries to slide through on the endless banter. But he's been up on stage for, what--nearly 70 years now? It must be the only life he knows.

Well, we can all certainly cut him some slack for what he's meant to the blues & guitar playing over the years. I could practice it for years and never get close that fast vibrato of his, in his prime. :master: :master: :master:

February 6th, 2009, 05:18 PM

February 6th, 2009, 06:58 PM
He's certainly paid his dues. At 83, if he does a show, kudos to him.
And if people were that rude with cameras and cell phones and he didn't complain or throw a tantrum, as mentioned in another thread here, even more kudos to him.
How many of us will live to be his age, much less influence so many others with our knowledge of the blues?
Hey, if it were your grandfather up there, would you be amazed he could still do what he loves doing, or complain about his ability to do it?

February 6th, 2009, 07:40 PM
Buddy Guy is amazing. I saw him back in 1995 and just picked up his most recent CD....probably one of the best CD's I've picked up in a while, plus it features Derek Trucks, Susan Tedeschi and Clapton.

That's a shame that BB was a letdown, but I hope I'm still kicking along and playing blues when I'm 83 :AOK:

February 6th, 2009, 08:59 PM
Buddy Guy is amazing. just picked up his most recent CD....probably one of the best CD's I've picked up in a while, plus it features Derek Trucks, Susan Tedeschi and Clapton.
true dat! currently one of my favorite cd's....no weak tunes at all.... :pancake:

February 6th, 2009, 09:04 PM
I'll have to check out that CD. Makes me all the more excited to see him in March!

just strum
February 6th, 2009, 09:08 PM
Buddy Guy is amazing. I saw him back in 1995 and just picked up his most recent CD....probably one of the best CD's I've picked up in a while, plus it features Derek Trucks, Susan Tedeschi and Clapton.

That's a shame that BB was a letdown, but I hope I'm still kicking along and playing blues when I'm 83 :AOK:

What's the name of the CD?

February 6th, 2009, 10:02 PM
skin deep
