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View Full Version : First Acoustic Build

February 17th, 2009, 10:59 AM
OK, so as the title implies, this is my first attempt at building a guitar...
I'm still a little unsure as to finishing it though. I've done a good bit of reading and just wanted some advice.
I'm not really sure if I need to fill the body before I seal it and apply lacquer..or what would be best to do such.
The build is a spruce body and poplar neck, and I'm pretty sure I'll be using nitrocellulose lacquer to finish it off. Though lately I've been considering the option of just using tru-oil or something similar...probly stick with nitro unless there's some compelling argument not to.
Any advice would be MUCH appreciated!

February 17th, 2009, 05:14 PM
Cool project!! Do you mean fill the body as in filling the grain of the wood? If so, I would on a project like that and I would use nitro lacquer. I love the stuff, it makes the hair in my nose stand up:D Just kidding. It is the best material for a guitar other then a thin sealer of some sort that lets the wood resonate. In my humble opinion of course.:D
Some use a sanding sealer as a base and some just start out with the clear and use that all the way up. I don't like mixing materials and having surprises later on so I use clear all the way from the bare wood. It may take a bit longer but I know there will be no surprises as I go through the painting process and I know I will end up with a pure clear finish. Others will disagree and use sanding sealer. Either way it is personal preference. I sand between each coat and let each coat dry at least one day between coats, more if I can. I don't like an unstable finish underneath each coat and lacquer takes quite a while to dry thoroughly. Hope this helps some.

Edited: I forgot about grain filler. If the grain is very open I will sometimes use a grain filler but if I can get away without it I will try.


February 18th, 2009, 06:18 AM
Coolio Konerix!

Please post pics as you progress. We love that stuff.

February 18th, 2009, 10:26 AM
OK, well after some more reading, apparently spruce is pretty tight grained wood, so filling the grain shouldn't be necessary (the poplar is close grained as well). I would like to stain the sides of the body to possibly give some life to it as opposed to just a boring bare wood all over, but spruce doesn't seem to take stain evenly at all, so I may just do some experimenting with pre-stain conditioner there...don't want to chance it on the soundboard though. Oh i didn't mention that this is actually a kit from grizzly.com (I didn't want to ruin anything nice like a martin until I get some experience under my belt:D ) I know I've read a few posts here wondering about the quality of them and such. I've gotten as far as sanding everything down and attaching the neck to the body, with it being a dovetail I'm just gonna tape everything off and finish it together.
With using the nitro lacquer, how does it feel on a neck? I'd prefer something that feels a little fast...
I'm thinking I'll use sanding sealer on it all before I laquer it up, since I'll be ordering it from stewmac and it's just staring me in the face.
Once again, any more input would be great!!
Heh, sorry for the chapterbook of a post, and I'll be sure to get some pics up as soon as I find my wife's camera :AOK: