View Full Version : Saw a great band this weekend....

February 23rd, 2009, 08:14 AM
Really tight. Great chops by all the band members. Super material, too. You've heard of BTO? Well, these guys (& gals) are BSO--the Boston Symphony Orchestra, with front man James Levine. He doesn't sing much, but he waves a mean stick. Cool hair, too.

They only did three numbers--tunes by this Austrian dude, W.A. Mozart--but they were l-o-o-o-n-n-g. Reminded me of "Mountain Jam" from Eat A Peach by the ABB. Only no slide guitar. No guitar at all, AAMOF. Beaucoups fiddles, though.

This guy Mozart writes great tunes but doesn't seem to be much of a lyricist. He couldn't even think up decent names for his numbers. I mean, "Symphony 39", "Symphony 40", and "Symphony 41"?? Not a lot of imagination there, huh? Although the program did say something about that last one being called "The Jupiter". Well, that's a little better. Apparently, this guy kicked the bucket at a young age, and he's been dead a while now. Like longer than Hendrix or even Buddy Holly! It's a mean ol' world...

Seriously, it was a great concert. We were in Boston to see my daughter who goes to school there. I'm not a big classical music buff, but I enjoy it and Mozart is definitely right near the top of my short list of favorite composers. Those three symphonies are widely held to be his best, and are true masterpieces. I'm no critic of symphony orchestras to be able to comment on how good the performance was, but it surely impressed me, and the audience stood and clapped for a LONG time at the end. My daughter is the serious musician in the family (voice and viola), and she was extremely impressed. That level of musicianship is just unfathomable for most of us, I think. Truly impressive to watch these consummate professionals play this very difficult stuff and do it with such perfect precision.

February 23rd, 2009, 05:35 PM
Yeah... I wonder what they play when jamming after hours, in the backroom of the local dive...?!!?