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View Full Version : How to use/practice solfeggio?

March 13th, 2009, 02:14 PM
I mean, like I see it is identify the sounds? or solfeggio serve for other porpuose that I don't see?

By the way, I have this program: http://www.solfege.org/ (it is for Linux) but I dont quite get used to it, also searching for this word I found http://www.solfeo.org/ (only need flash)

The point with this things is that I don't get used to because I think I need also an extra set of theory? or some like that.... or I just go directly to practice and identify majors, minors, and so on?

March 14th, 2009, 06:17 AM
I think the main purpose of solfeggio is to give you a way to think about the way notes relate to each other within a key. If you don't want to deal with the silly do-re-mi syllables -- and who does, really? -- it makes a little more sense to use numbers that correspond to the steps of the scale. Do is 1, re is 2, mi is 3, etc. It's much, much more useful than just thinking about the letter names of the notes, not least because it lets you instantly transpose any riff or chord progression to any key.

March 14th, 2009, 12:34 PM
I see, so a riff 1,3,2,3 will be always that, even that I start @do or @re.

By the way, this things will help me train my ear? or is there other way for get a song only earing to it (at less some part).

March 16th, 2009, 10:05 AM
Hi there, I think I get what you say, so for example if I have

C-A-B-A on C Major
then I will have
C-Ab-Cb-Ab on C natural minor
C-Ab-B-Ab on harmonic minor
C-A-B-A on melodic minor

By the way, I also wrote what I learn from watching vids and from a book here En las escalas (http://tyoc.appspot.com/?p=2802) it is on spanish hope some of you can read it. Also I will like to know if the terms I used there are correctly aplied.

Now even that I have not learned all the major, minor, armonic minor and melodic minor for each key (12x4=48 scales) plus the blues ones? (12x1=12 ha), I think Im now quite confident with what is going on the more simple expresion of this.

Also I will advance furter and learn the different chords that can be build there (they are explained somewhat in the book).

Hope I can get confident with the 48 scales + 12 extra for blues?

I have seen that there are other patterns for scales :rockon: :dude:.

If you can read the post in spanish, I have used solfegio for understand a little more the names of the distance from a origin to the next 12 frets or semitones, also merget a little the concept of traspose based on numbers (thought is not clearly stated there).