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View Full Version : i'm sorry if this is a no-brainer, but...

March 22nd, 2009, 07:09 PM
if i help one person...

6/28/02 i had an L4-L5 fusion. i used to bike everywhere, now i'm relegated to 2 miles or more a day on the treadmill.

off and on, i suffer from horrible insomnia [caused often by] /general back pain.

recently, i started having knee issues, and i talked to byproxy, who, like my husband, runs.

'go buy some really good shoes.'


i listened.

i'm sleeping better, my back isn't hurting like it did [as much, i'm always going to have issues there] and the knee pain is subsiding.

i guess i'm just trying to help... if you take care of your feet, it can help take care of a lot of other things, maybe. :)

street music
March 22nd, 2009, 07:36 PM
Good for You CB, my wife has had spinal fusion and another back surgery before that. Our Chiropractor found that my wifes hip wereout of line and he made her a insert for her left shoe. It has really help eliminate a lot of her leg and hip pains that she was having for a couple of years.
Sometimes the simple things can make a big difference.