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View Full Version : Compressors...yay or nay?

March 31st, 2009, 07:24 PM
Wondering how many of you are using compressors. I've had a few on and off my board over the years...they never seem to stay, but I'm thinking about it again.

March 31st, 2009, 07:54 PM
Nay, they don't do it for me.

March 31st, 2009, 08:04 PM
Depends on the situation, but in general, yay.

March 31st, 2009, 08:25 PM
A good compressor can give a bit more feel to a "stiff" solid state amp but on the whole I've never found one that really did anything for me. when I've had a compressor it's wound up being used as more of a clean boost.

March 31st, 2009, 10:34 PM
Overall it's a yes! Although compression is a personal thing (IMHO) It can give any amp (SS or tube) alittle more sponge or squish. Anyway I like the way it can give alittle extra to your clean sound especially. It also works great to give your overdrive sounds more of a 3d effect. Use just enough ,but not too much. IMHO don't over do any of your effects. It can really f**k with your tone.

Thanks :beer:

March 31st, 2009, 10:37 PM
IMHO don't over do any of your effects. It can really f**k with your tone.

Thanks :beer:

No need to be humble about it, larryx. You're quite right :beer:

April 1st, 2009, 01:24 AM
Yay, I love to kick in a compressor when I play country licks!

April 1st, 2009, 06:06 AM
Yay & nay.

I usually play without, but I'll occaisionally dial in a little subtle compression. Every once in a while I'll crank up the squish.

Very cool to have the different sound & feel. My adventures in compression are usually short-lived & off it goes. But I'm the same way with overdrives & I never use distortion or modulation. As a beginner I want the maximum dynamic range to really get to know my fingers & the strings, guitar, pickups, & amp.

April 1st, 2009, 07:07 AM
Definitively, N A Y!

April 6th, 2009, 06:44 AM
Depending on the amp, a compressor after a distortion or in the FX loop of an SS amp does wonders. I have long used a Rocktron Surf Tremolo (which has Hush NR and a single-knob compressor built in) in those situations to great effect. Robert Keeley recommends this approach as well.

I'm not too big a fan of compression before a high gain stage, but it's fine before a clean channel. I think it's all in how you use it and it's highly variable on how decent a compressor you have. Crappy comps don't help anything any time... YMMV

April 7th, 2009, 06:44 AM
Picked up a new old stock, made in the USA DOD Milk Box Compressor for 40 bucks yesterday. Not bad. A little hissy as usual, but lots of squish if you want it...good sustain, good gain, and "hi frequency expander" to put back some lost hi end if you like. This is the model with the ridiculous function names like "spill". The later one with the normal names is made in China.

Good bang for the buck. One of the better stomp box compressors. Not quite as good as my old DOD FX-80B...which was much less hissy, but also much more subtle and in turn...less fun.:bravo:

I tried out the Boss CS-3...OMG what a useless piece of garbage...I can't believe they still sell that pedal.:thwap:

May 9th, 2009, 03:21 AM
Wondering how many of you are using compressors. I've had a few on and off my board over the years...they never seem to stay, but I'm thinking about it again.

I think I have had similar experience w/ compressors. I have had a few but tend to not keep them. I find boosts to be more useful for me and they kind of do the same thing anyway.

=-) PJ

May 9th, 2009, 08:43 AM
nope to compress:whatever:

May 12th, 2009, 02:04 PM
I'm digging my DOD Milk Box, but curious about the BBE Qrange Squash...any users?

May 12th, 2009, 05:48 PM
I picked one up last year because I had a gift certificate to use up and it was almost exactly the value taxes in, ...and I've always been a bit curious about how and when to use them.

Didn't really find a place for it. Just re-introduced it on my board to even out/thicken up some acoustic strumming and like what I hear so far, so I'm going to keep it. For now. Maybe.

May 14th, 2009, 08:10 PM
I picked one up last year because I had a gift certificate to use up and it was almost exactly the value taxes in, ...and I've always been a bit curious about how and when to use them.

Didn't really find a place for it. Just re-introduced it on my board to even out/thicken up some acoustic strumming and like what I hear so far, so I'm going to keep it. For now. Maybe.

I'm a little wary with its lack of attack control...the two knob compressors don't seem to offer enough control, but I may be wrong.