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View Full Version : New Pedal Day - Bad.....Monkey...Finally

April 9th, 2009, 06:51 PM
I finally got around to buying a Bad Monkey....got it off ebay for $35 shipped.

It arrived today...I plugged it into the classic 30 on the clean channel and tried it both with and without the amp boost added in.....either way it sounded freaking awesome....major sustain and bawlz....boosting the low on the monkey just made it even better.

If I would have known that it would sound that great with my setup I would have bought this one a couple of years back.....if you are on the fence on buying the Bad Monkey....do it....and don't look back.

Kicked in the amps distortion and it just got darker and darker....nice...but clean with boost and the monkey kicked in with amp volume at about 3 was just about perfect.....but it sure makes the classic 30 a lot louder.....I hope to be grabbing a Vox AD30VT this weekend in hopes that cutting it back to around 3 watts or so will give me the killer tone I found but at bedroom or main floor volume levels.....if not...going to have to move the amp back down to the basement or out to the garage while I continue to sew my oats :-)

I am so digging this pedal alone....can't wait to add in the new BBE Fuzz, the Boss EQ and Vox Wah into the chain and see how it all comes together.

April 9th, 2009, 08:05 PM
Congrats. I've been using mine a lot lately too. It's amazing that such good sounds can be gotten from this cheap pedal. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Just resist the temptation to unload it when people start talking about the new "flavor of the month." It's always going to be a good pedal.

April 9th, 2009, 09:02 PM
That was my first pedal, and I think it sounds great with the C-30. Glad you like it!

April 9th, 2009, 09:02 PM
Yah, the Monkey is Baaaad to the bone!

April 10th, 2009, 04:12 AM
My choice was made so much more difficult when I first set about looking for a pedal I listened to clips of the monkey and the Screamin Blues...and liked both of them so much....Those really have been the only 2 that I have constantly vacillated on....I think the swaying factor was so many people here having the monkey.

Just knowing that it pushes the C30 to sound near perfect is enough for me to keep the pedal for quite a long time.

April 10th, 2009, 09:21 AM
Monkey madness. Congrats.

April 10th, 2009, 07:46 PM
Maybe the best value in pedals...period.

April 10th, 2009, 08:53 PM
Congrats on the new pedal, Kazz! Glad to hear you like it.

(P.S. Should I take this down now? It's been 1yr. + something.)


April 10th, 2009, 10:55 PM
NO, don't take your stuff down. It is good stuff!

April 11th, 2009, 05:22 AM
Congrats on the new pedal, Kazz! Glad to hear you like it.

(P.S. Should I take this down now? It's been 1yr. + something.)


ok...so I have the pedal...and I still do not sound like you....

First you.....then that big guy in the youtube videos.....the one wearing the sock mask playing slide delta blues......I finally figured it out....its not my lack of talent.....it has to be the darn bib overalls.....gotta get me a pair of them....then I will be able to play the blues :-) :rockon:

On a serious note....my C30 pretty much reacts the same way your amp does to the Bad Monkey....gets much fatter sounding as soon as you engage and all the subtle nuances really shine through. Harmonics are much more noticeable too.

Probably the best 40 bucks I have spent on gear to date.....I can assure you there is not a single tone in the RP80 that comes close to the Bad Monkey.

I need to get a couple of short cables so I can string a few pedals together....I really want to hear it with the fuzz and wah added in :beer:

April 11th, 2009, 10:44 AM
I recently got a Bad Monkey also. I don't know what took me so long, its almost embarrassing. Awesome pedal, gets me that crunchy but not overly distorted tone I need to play all the stupid 80s music I like. I particularly like that it has a "Low" knob so you can make sure the low end doesn't disappear when you engage it. Everyone needs a Bad Monkey, should be a required item like a cable or a pick.