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View Full Version : Little tip to improve your speed quickly

April 23rd, 2009, 03:53 AM
Hey friends,

I have been working with my new practicing schedule for some time and there is one small excercise that gave me brilliant results in very a short time period. It improves your picking accuracy and speed. All you need is a metronome and your guitar of course.

Set the metronome to 25-35 BPM, this can vary from player to player, choose the tempo you feel most comfortable with and where you play absolutely correct and accurate, better to play very slow than to cheat on yourself.

Play the following lick as follows (4/4 beat):
1. 2 notes per 1/4
2. 3 notes per 1/4 (triplets)

Very important, keep the order/sequence as above mentioned and play each, Step 1. and Step 2. least for 3 minutes. Don't lose your focus while playing! It's good when you get into that "trance" mode, but don't forget to watch your fingers and to play with concentration. Watch ther alternate picking motion of your right hand. Start with a downstroke and then up and down, watch the transition from string to string, first transition is an Upstroke, take care do not play a downstroke here.

So here's the lick in c-minor/e-major (at the end of the lick when you go back play a second downstroke if you want...it's just ot make the lick go round, or either separate the down and up part and practice separately):

Down - starting with a downstroke:
e---------------------------------------9 11 12---------9 11 12--
h --------------9 10 12---------9 10 12---------9 10 12----------
g--------8 9 11--------- 8 9 11----------------------------------
d 7 9 11--------------------------------------------------------


Increase the BPM only if your are totally accurate in playig this lick. Once again, alternate pick this and controle yourself to pick alternately.

Have fun with this excercise, it's really bringing results!


April 23rd, 2009, 06:22 AM
Very cool, Jimi - thanks! I find that if I don't think abt alternate picking, it just comes naturally to me. My struggle is to force myself to alternate pick consciously, which is a whole different ballgame. I'm working on that now. Time for a metronome, I guess! :AOK:

April 23rd, 2009, 06:31 AM
Very cool, Jimi - thanks! I find that if I don't think abt alternate picking, it just comes naturally to me. My struggle is to force myself to alternate pick consciously, which is a whole different ballgame. I'm working on that now. Time for a metronome, I guess! :AOK:

BigG, fingers crossed - go for it! In fact most players think they alternate pick, but if you really controle your picking you find a lot of mistakes and inconsistency. The metronome is your friend! :AOK:

April 23rd, 2009, 12:48 PM
Hey Jimi - good post. We are taught in a very similar way at the ICMP - but they add a couple more things to it. If you want to solidify your alternate picking, they tell you to tap your foot to every downstroke. Then as you get better, to every other downstroke.

Also, when it comes to concentration, you have to remember that we can only concentrate at 100% for about 2 minutes. After that, our concentration falls gradually and after not long we won't take in much information and - what tends to happen if you go on longer - is that you 'burn-out' - or just can't take in any more information.

What we're taught is to concentrate on whatever you are doing for that 2 minutes, and take a 15 second breather - this refreshes your mind and allows you to go back to whatever you were doing for another 2 minutes at 100% concentration. This process can go on for a very long time.

It helps a lot!

April 23rd, 2009, 01:31 PM
Thanks! Great post!

April 24th, 2009, 01:18 AM
What we're taught is to concentrate on whatever you are doing for that 2 minutes, and take a 15 second breather - this refreshes your mind and allows you to go back to whatever you were doing for another 2 minutes at 100% concentration. This process can go on for a very long time.
It helps a lot!

Very wise addition Mage! Thank you for that. I will apply your 2 minute method - sounds absolutely logic what you say.

May 7th, 2009, 08:47 AM
Good post mate but why is the b string called h?