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View Full Version : Boss CS-3 Compressor pedal - which settings do you use?

August 4th, 2006, 07:30 AM
I still can't find a setting on this pedal that provides just a mild toning down of the highs for when I play clean & distorted in the same song. If some of you could post your settings I'd love to give some of them a try.

I really need to use it for a Rush instrumental we play called 'Where's My Thing?' as the intro is clean and then goes dirty. Right now my clean is either way too compresssed or super bright before I switch tones.


August 4th, 2006, 11:26 AM
First off, what other effect do you have in your chain? List them in order strating from the guitar please. My settings are tone 12, attack 3, sustain 1, volume 12 (the volume is a preference though).
If you start hearing those picking noises you can turn something down, maybe put the sustain on 12 o'clock and put the attack on 1, I haven't actualy found a good setting myself either, but don't you have an EQ to bring the treble down, otherwise put the tone at 9 o'clock, Im not sure if it can help though. Also are your pickups bright, have you tried to put the tone on your guitar down a little?