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View Full Version : Out of the Blue...

May 14th, 2009, 10:29 AM
When I got home yesterday, I found a letter in the mailbox hand addressed to me by someone I didn't immediately recognize. When I opened the letter and began reading it, I knew instantly who it was from.

A second cousin of mine whom I haven't seen nor heard from in 40 years had found my address and sent the letter. Understandably, she was careful to explain who she was and how we're related in case I couldn't recall. Well, I do recall everything about her, her three brothers, and her mother and father (who are my God parents). Some of my fondest memories of time spent with relatives was with their family.

With all the moving around that we did as a family when I was a kid, we lost contact with most of the relatives. This was particularly true after my mother passed in 1977.

I didn't have time to call her last night, but I surely will tonight. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to reconnect with a long lost relative. As time passes and I get older, these things seem more important. Evidently, my cousin feels the same way.

What a wonderful surprise....

May 14th, 2009, 10:49 AM
Very nice news Blooz! Thanks for sharing.

BTW, for some reason, people's posts in the last two days keep making me think of NY lyrics. Hope this isn't to big a detour from your thread, but since it brought it to mind:
