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View Full Version : Marshall MG100HDFX Halfstack

June 2nd, 2009, 03:44 PM
Just got one of these today, used. It was really cheap and i needed an amp, so i figured i'd go for it..

Its not nearly as bad as some of the reviews it gets. Its actually quite good. I like it, it has that marshall distortion i've been itching for, and the clean channel is very good. the effects i haven't played around with much, they're okay, nothing special, but i never really planned on using them much anwyay. It sounds good though with very short delay. very cool indeed. that's probably as far as i'll ever go with using the effects. plus a little reverb.

Discuss. :AOK:

June 2nd, 2009, 05:24 PM
I got one from a friend, had an intermittent problem with it cutting out. Sorted that in the end, and tried it out. As you say,I didnt find it as bad as I was expecting it to be, going by what people had said. I found that if i kept the gain down a touch from max, it sounded not bad. With everything max'd, it sounded a bit poo.

if people manage to do as we have, and pick one up cheap, its not a bad amp. Its when you factor in the retail price that it starts to fall by the wayside.

June 2nd, 2009, 06:48 PM
Solid state has come a long way though in comparison to the stuff I was playing in the 70's and 80's. The MG series isn't bad, and seems to favor humbuckers more than single coils.

June 4th, 2009, 09:27 AM
eurgh i hate MGs lol.

the overdrive, imho, is horrible

the digital effects are way to saturating, and the cleans only sound good as cleans, any reverb etc. over them sounds horrible

but this is just one guys opinion...going by what ive heard from the MG100DFX and the MG250DFX combos.