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June 9th, 2009, 09:55 AM
i need to solder the female 1/4inch jack socket onto the cables of my speaker

this is the jack plug im using

http://www.audiospares.com/popup_image.php?type=P&id=1112&title=Jack%201%2F4%22%20%286.3mm%29%20Female%20Cha ssis%20PCB%20Mounting%20Socket%20Mono%20Switched&area=C

it has those silver pins on both sides, so it has 4 pins all together, and my speaker has the usual 2 wires, one black and one white

which wire do i solder onto which part?

June 9th, 2009, 10:12 AM
The 2 closest to the opening should be to the negative, and the other 2 should be positive (tip).

June 9th, 2009, 10:26 AM
so the ones cloest to the jack opening are positive, so i solder the white wire to them, and the negative pins are farthest away from the opening and i solder the black wire to them?

do i put the wire through both pins and solder it to both, or just solder them to one side?

June 9th, 2009, 11:06 AM
so the ones cloest to the jack opening are positive, so i solder the white wire to them, and the negative pins are farthest away from the opening and i solder the black wire to them?

Other way around. The two closest to the jack opening are negative (black), and the other 2 are positive (white).

do i put the wire through both pins and solder it to both, or just solder them to one side?

You can solder your wire to both or to just one.

June 9th, 2009, 01:02 PM
ahh right got it.

ill just solder it to one set of pins for ease sake.

thaanks =]