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View Full Version : I'm interested in teaching beginner guitar. Tips?

June 26th, 2009, 09:05 PM
So recently money has been a bit tight and I've been trying to brain storm how to make some kind of supplemental income without having to resort to getting a serving job on top of my current bookkeeping job.

I've been playing guitar for around 5 years now and over the past 7 months I've really picked up my playing a lot and I'm beginning to get more and more confident with my ability. By no means am I a self-proclaimed pro however I would like to put myself into the higher end of the intermediate category.

With that said, the other night I got this idea in my head about possibly offering beginner lessons. Over the past couple days I've been looking more and more into it and I think I'm gonna go for it. I've always enjoyed teaching my friends stuff on guitar and I'm naturally very patient so who knows, I might turn out to be a decent teacher.

It'd be great if I could get some advice in regards to:

-Best ways to advertise. I've already come up with a pretty nice flier that has rip off tabs on the bottom to place on local community boards and such. Also I know CraigsList is probably a good idea.

-How much to charge. I was thinking along the lines of $15 for a half hour and $25 for an hour. Structuring it like, for the first month they pay after each lesson and following that I'll have them pay for each month in advance.

Also any further wisdom that you may have gathered over the years would be much appreciated.

Thanks fellas.

Shredd Ed
July 4th, 2009, 08:29 AM
Hi Nate,

Ebay do a good classified ads section now. For advertising business services I think it's free in the States (Presuming you are in US). Bear in mind people are searching for LOCAL lessons.

Locally you could advertise on free supermarket bill boards etc. or just flyers through doors in your area. People will prefer a teacher nearby.

One little tip. Offer a FREE first lesson. That breaks the ice and gets them interested. You can then show them how patient you are and how much they'll learn from you.

Good luck,
