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View Full Version : For Robert or any other Scandinavian Fretters

August 15th, 2006, 01:42 PM
This American is very confused about something. Why are the Scandinavian countries home to so many death metal bands? I would think that with so many statuesque, blond, blue-eyed maidens around it would be very difficult to feel anything but peaceful and tranquil. Is there any rhyme or reason to it?

August 15th, 2006, 01:46 PM
Good question, I wish I knew the answer... SuperSwede, please come and help with this one! :)

Maybe since Swedes are viewed as kind of "reserved", the metal stuff gives them a chance to "rebel" somehow, to let loose and throw away the blanket of reserveness (that's not a word, is it) ?

August 15th, 2006, 01:51 PM
Sorry, I havent got a clue... :D

August 15th, 2006, 02:51 PM
But....aren't you guys like vikings or something? ;)

August 15th, 2006, 08:40 PM
But....aren't you guys like vikings or something? ;)

I just had to pop in Malmsteen's "I am a Viking" after I read that.

I hope nobody misconstrues my question as a way to poke fun at our Scandinavian brethren (and sistren). After all, my wife is 3/4 various Scandinavian (mostly Norwegian, but also some Swedish and Danish to round things out). It's just one of those imponderables that I like to ponder.

August 15th, 2006, 10:44 PM
I just had to pop in Malmsteen's "I am a Viking" after I read that.

I hope nobody misconstrues my question as a way to poke fun at our Scandinavian brethren (and sistren). After all, my wife is 3/4 various Scandinavian (mostly Norwegian, but also some Swedish and Danish to round things out). It's just one of those imponderables that I like to ponder.

My wife is Swedish/Chinese but she can't play anything. However, she does like hard rock and heavy metal.:)

August 15th, 2006, 10:54 PM
Well how many Swedish or Norwegian death metal bands do you know exactly?

Maybe its because they can be all wild and stuff without conquering other contries :DR

August 16th, 2006, 03:26 AM
There are zillion death metal bands here ;)
Im not a metal head, but some of the early Entombed songs were pretty good (wolverine blues among others).
Norwegian metal bands are more into the black metal stuff, but you might not have heard of them because they are pretty busy burning churches these days.

September 8th, 2006, 01:58 AM
Metal in generall is popular in Sweden, we got a whole bunch of great "normal" metal/hardrock bands too. But when it comes to death metal i just think that it might be that metal isn't extreme or evil or whatever here...so you gotta go to death metal if you wanna rebell. That's abit how i would think the trend started, and then it grew by some bands getting big success and when a band gets that kids wanna play like that and then the rock is rolling...well more growling than rolling in this case. Bands like In Flames and Opeth has made it more melodic and musically more complex and that has done so that more musicians play it and not just a teenage thing to get out aggression like it was back when it started.

As SuperSwede said, Norway is more in to black metal than death metal....guess they are just abit crazy over there, to much fish eating or something. Well i guess it's the same as with sweden and deathmetal....they have Dimmu Borgir that made a "big" success in that genre and had more people interested in it.

Or it could be that in big areas of sweden you have to be very loud to annoy your closest neighbor who lives 5 miles away or so


September 8th, 2006, 07:08 AM
Maybe since Swedes are viewed as kind of "reserved", the metal stuff gives them a chance to "rebel" somehow, to let loose and throw away the blanket of reserveness (that's not a word, is it) ?
No it's not, the word is
