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View Full Version : cab to pair with a 8412?

July 18th, 2009, 02:46 PM
after i eventually get either an SX or Vintage tele, the next thing on my list is to expand my halfstack into a full stack for reasons of vanity and increasing the amount of air i move.

i think the 8412 is a fairly small 4x12, so this cab would be the base cab.

anyone know any good, but cheapish cabs available in the UK? i was thinking maybe a Hayden Peacemaker 412 but im unsure since its so cheap.


July 18th, 2009, 03:50 PM

Why bother adding another 4x12 cab when you don't actually need one? Wouldn't you be better off using that money to buy a better telecaster?

Guitarists don't need a full stack any more, a half stack and a mic to the P.A. works just as well and is easier to transport. A full stack you'll pretty much need a transit-size van for.

From what I've seen the speakers in the Hayden Peacemaker cabs are fairly low quality. You get what you pay for. The first run Ashdown Peacemaker cabs had Celestion G12h-75s (I think) and were built to a much higher standard.

July 18th, 2009, 03:52 PM
hmm thats true, it is money i dont need to spend. i guess i wont bother, after thinking about it.

eventhough, transit isnt a problem, as my bassists dad has a 16 wheeler truck.