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View Full Version : Dramagods (Nuno's new band)

August 23rd, 2006, 07:59 AM
I don't know if any of you have heard Nuno's new band "Dramagods" (formerly "Population 1") yet, but I found a webpage that has some soundclips from their ablum I think some of you may dig. They've got something a bit different to offer from most of what's out there these days, so I'm just spreading the word to Nuno fans and for people looking for something different.

The webpage is in Japanese, but the clips and videos work just fine. (The album hasn't been released in the US yet).

http://www.shipwreckislandstudios.com/img/cdreviews/dramagods.jpg (http://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/-/Discography/A019986/VICP-63136.html)

(http://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/-/Discography/A019986/VICP-63136.html)Favorites include Nice To Meet You, S’OK, Something About You, Heavy, Interface, Megaton, and Pilots. There's also a great in-depth review of the album here (http://shipwreckisland.tripod.com/albumreviews/2006/love.htm).

I'll get off my soapbox now. ;)