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View Full Version : Almost was NGD! Strat - 50s CV vs Mexican

September 4th, 2009, 07:53 PM
Was ready to walk out with a Strat today, hoping our best little guitar store still had the very sweet looking/feeling/playing/sounding CV I checked out last month. Alas, they had another which didn't look as choice, and the entire bottom of the fretboard had rough fret ends. Pass :messedup:
They will have a new shipment of CVs in soon.

However, they have a 6 yr. old used but clean basic SSS Mexican Strat, off white, with real nice glossy maple fretboard/neck, and all is swell, a good one.

Both @ $350, and obviously it is my first hand decision on which one is it for me.
If I had to choose today between these two examples, I'm leaning towards the Mex.
That said, in checking what is/was available on Ebay, similar Mex's can go for much less than $300, w/case.
And, after seeing the 50th Anni. Shoreline gold beauty that went for $535 recently..., I may have to stifle my impatience.

So, for those who have extensive experience with both and know the good, bad, and the ugly of the hardware and overall sound/playability on each model at their optimum, I ask which is preferable to you.

I've been set on the CV for a year, but am getting cold feet now, at least until the new shipment arrives.

September 4th, 2009, 08:44 PM
I personally love my MIM 60th, but have not really played a CV. Of the CV's my choice is the 60s, but that is because the pups, and sound, seem closer to mine with the tex mex pups. But if you are going for used MIM, I would not go 6 years old but would go for an '06 or later with the very substantial improvements to the line. Better shielding, heavier trem block, and some other things. In today's economy, I have seen really nice '06 and later used MIM's going for a lot less than $350. That is the way I would go.

September 4th, 2009, 09:34 PM
Sweet info, svl, thanx!

September 4th, 2009, 10:08 PM
SVL is right. The 06 and newer Mexicans are pretty nice. Most complaints are about the pickups and we all know how to fix that issue. So if you can find a newer used Mexi you might be pretty happy. I've played several that felt really nice, had good sustain and playability. The ones I really liked had nicer pickups in them already than the stock ceramics FWIW.

September 4th, 2009, 10:38 PM
and I consider my 60th Tex Mex pups to be among those, so if you can find a good used 60th, that is a good move too, though a good standard MIM with pup upgrade, or even with not, will do you well.

Tex Mex pup description:

These overwound vintage style Strat pickups offer increased output, sparkling highs and a very nice warm tone while retaining your favorite vintage Strat characteristics. Constructed with Alnico 5 magnets and polysol magnet wire and featuring a reverse wound/reverse polarity middle pickup for hum canceling in positions 2 & 4, these pickups scorch. OEM on the Jimmy Vaughan Stratocaster. Available in white only.

September 5th, 2009, 07:27 AM
I would agree with SVL. I have both the CV50s and have owned several MIM Strats. I agree 100% on the 60th, and the fact that there were upgrades in the 2006 models. The pickups in the older ones are ceramic and some consider them harsh. A good deal on a Jimmie Vaughn, 60th, or even a Deluxe Players Strat. They are really nice as well with the Vintage noiseless, and the extra pickup switch. Don't get me wrong I really like the CV50s and I think it is the best Squier to come along in many years. I would check the local online buy/sell. Right now you can get a lot of guitar for 350 there.
The only standard MIM I owned was back a while and it was quite nice but it had a rosewood board and I like the maple. It was my first "new" guitar since my 1968 SG that I bought in 1969, and it created a monster. Since then I have bought and sold 20 to 25 guitars. I currently own 9 Strats, 7 of which are maple boards. Keep looking, there are a lot of "motivated sellers" out there. If you are looking at dealers you will probably pay 30 to 40% more than private. I have made some killer deals lately on our local Kijjiji.

September 7th, 2009, 01:53 PM
Here is my 2ents.

1st off I have not played the classic vibe 50's or 60's.
I have played the Classic Vibe Duo-Sonic ‘50s its nice guitar just not for me.

I do own an 06 MIM Stratocaster and I love the guitar well made feels great in hands and is my practice AXE 75% of the time. I own the Limited Edition Stratocaster with Direct-Mount Pickups far from your normal Strat setup but is a real good guitar worth every penny I spent on it $385.00 USD.
The only change I plain on making to is some hot vintage noiseless pickups.

I have also played MIM 07 to 09 and have liked what I saw and felt MIM may mean to some folks a lesser grade of guitar but not from what I have seen.

So I think if you find a good deal on a 06 MIM or later like everyone else has stated you'll find yourself with a every nice axe you'll enjoy for years to come.

Happy Hunting,


September 8th, 2009, 12:49 PM
So, a minty 50th Anniversary Strat @ $500-ish, considering the aformentioned upgrades to the more recent Mex models, would be less preferable?
How would a 50th Anni compare to a 10 year old mint Mex Custom. I had a MC and am still bummed I had to cut it loose. And I see the older Anni's come up fairly regularly at decnt prices.

September 8th, 2009, 04:51 PM
Now I think you are talking different animals. Are you referring to a 50th Anniversary MIA (made in America) Strat? If you are and you can get one for 500 bucks I would do so. What I thought we were comparing was a Classic Vibe 50s, compared to an older Mexican Strat. Remember there were specific 50th Anniversary models,as well as strats that were made in the year of the 50th Annivesary. They are not the same animal.
Things have escalated since the original 350 dollar MIM. LOL.

September 9th, 2009, 12:33 AM
Sorry to make it foggy, yes, the 50th Anni's I'm referring to are Mexican and have been going for 500ish. I can imagine the US Anni's are WAY more!

September 13th, 2009, 11:10 AM
Sorry to make it foggy, yes, the 50th Anni's I'm referring to are Mexican and have been going for 500ish. I can imagine the US Anni's are WAY more!

Yes they are I Just picked this one up , found it on ebay / a Brand New 2004 50th anniversary american Strat . Came with everything tags etc.
they retailed for $1595.00 in 2004 and this guy wouldnt budge on that price ,i just got it and had it set up and it is very nice guitar. Yes i am a lefty.

September 13th, 2009, 05:31 PM
Just food for thought, but last year I scored not one, but two Fender Roadhouse MIA Strats, and paid $575 for each, including a nice hardshell case for each, and they both came with straplocks and leather straps.
Very well made guitars, play great, and sound great.
If you can bide your time and watch for a deal, you'll find something worth the money. :)

September 16th, 2009, 11:53 AM
Yesss, those look nice. But only the MIM RHs are hitting the bay @ $500 currently.

October 28th, 2009, 08:16 PM
...the trigger has been pulled!
After being determined to get a Squier Strat for over a year, I started going against my mind set and thinking the Fender logo would be preferred. Funny how snob-ism can sway, but since I had the $ and I really found the Classic Player 50s to be even more to my liking, I switched my focus and started searching for one. Found a Surf Green w/molded hard case on ebay and missed it to a buyer that got it for a great $475. Lucky me!
Actually, I lost out a few times on very good deals for these.
In my sadness, I stumbled upon this http://cgi.ebay.com/wseBay/SAPl.dll?ViewItem&item=280415516860
Just got the mailing address and tomorrow morning $610.00 will be sent. Not too shabby, eh?
Hoping NGD will be before Friday next week! Sure, I could have gotten two used CVs for that price, but I have a feeling this guitar will bring me more than twice the enjoyment. At least that's my mantra for now. A Shoreline Gold Strat with a beautifully figured neck has been a dream forever, and now it's just around the corner. I'm lucky the guitar was listed in a less than optimum way so it wasn't as obvious as other CP50s and that I didn't succomb to the depression and buy a nice used Agile 3100 LP that was listed for much less. Maybe later...

October 28th, 2009, 09:31 PM
Nice guitar: My 60th Anni in blizzard Pearl has a highly figured neck as well.
That gold looks really nice. The pearl guard really looks good as well.
It looks brand new. Now a nice tweed fender case would go nicely with that guitar.

October 28th, 2009, 10:10 PM
msteeln, looking at that, looks like some champagne is in order! Congrats!

October 28th, 2009, 10:12 PM
:cool: Thanx, ZMAN & sunvalleylaw. Until the champagne...:beer: will do!
I'm still kinda shocked that they offer the gold on these guitars, but like the earlier custom MIMs, they've cut loose with some classic shades.
I'm sure this will at least equal my long gone '95 Shell Pink w/rosewood CMIM w/Texas Specials & Fat-O-Caster that I loved. I was stoked that the seller changed the bland one ply pick guard to something sexier, and think it fits in well, helping to offset the gold without standing out too much.
They call the finish on these CPs a 'thin skin poly', as opposed to the bullet-proof polyesters. Not sure how that translates to a more resonate body as supposedly the vintage nitro finishes help produce, but if Clapton and Beck are happy with their new poly Strats, then I ain't worrying!

Another selling point on these is having a re-worked PU switch that now gives you the neck and bridge combo, which is where I always leave mine. So maybe no need to ring up deaf-eddie.
Plus the formerly unique to the Fullerton Custom Shop 'two point' vibrato should be a winner.
It would be nice to have a guitar that I don't want/need to mod.

October 28th, 2009, 11:22 PM
Nice guitar, m. It'll be interesting to see if yours has the "CS '69 Abigail Yarra" pickups or the "'69 Custom" versions.

Except for Custom Shop guitars and other one offs, all strats have had poly finishes since 1966 (American Vintages have a poly undercoat). This includes all the new strats JH played.

October 28th, 2009, 11:45 PM

I built a strat with those abbey's scalloped a 70's;neck added graphtech nut saddles and trees and mated it with a mim fender body all fender us internals, mint green p.g. it is sweet!:french

Nice strat by the way mstein:drool

October 29th, 2009, 04:41 AM
Nice score, m! She's a beauty. :drool

October 29th, 2009, 11:24 AM
Very nice, msteeln! No doubt that's the one that's been waiting for you! :applause

October 29th, 2009, 04:43 PM
markb, that's how I look it at all. Things often do work out in the end, and now that the search is over, this should be a nice new chapter.

I think these 50s models have what's termed '57/'62s for PUs. Interesting tho about the Abi's.

October 29th, 2009, 04:45 PM
Oops on the AY pickups. 57/62s are nice.

October 29th, 2009, 04:51 PM
In the description on ebay it says "57/62" pickups. What pickups came stock in that model? Have these been changed as well as the switch and pickguard?

October 29th, 2009, 05:28 PM

October 29th, 2009, 09:40 PM
Reading the stat sheet and reviews on these, it's safe to that they will be collectables.
The (arguably)best of the past mixed well with a load of todays inovations (without changing the vintage look) makes for a killer combo. And as with the Squier CVs, I can't believe Fender is/are? building these. What a great time to be alive!
I do feel extremely fortunate to be getting this guitar and I hope I'm selling it short with my impressions = :dude

ZMAN, should the entire electronics be totally compromised, for me, no biggie. I've got a bunch of mods aching to be employed. And the cosmetic changes that have been made were already in my mind as possilities since the 'aged' parts looked quite funky to some owners and many pickguards had a bulge at the top edge. Maybe thats why these swaps were done here.
I did consider these things but didn't really care. Then neck and body alone are worth more than I paid.

BTW, anybody have a proper FatHead brass sustaining plate you're willing to part with?

October 30th, 2009, 02:25 AM
Congrats, these are great guitars, I have the 60's version with the AY pickups. Classic players Mexican models are up there with the best of todays strats for me.

October 30th, 2009, 11:52 AM
The 60s seemed to lack the chiming highs of the 50s and focused more on the mids from my meager listening experience. Where do you see it with your's? Was that a preferrence?

The 70s look equally cool.

One thing that sealed the deal in my mind is the seller's pictures show the guitar's PU selector in the #4 position, which on this model has been reworked to allow the neck and bridge combo. I never use anything else!

October 31st, 2009, 10:23 AM
I have the 2006 Fender Frontline. There is a little bit of a write up, but no specs. I saw another review, and it said they came the 57/62 pickups. Also unlike most of the MIM deluxe series it has a 9.5 redius instead of the 12.
I am pretty sure they came with a Fender gig bag but you can get them fairly cheap. I would get one of the Fender tweed cases for it. I have two they really set the guitar off. Pictures are a must, when you get her!

October 31st, 2009, 10:39 AM
Oops on the AY pickups. 57/62s are nice.

Agreed. The 57/62 pickups are my second favorite vintage style strat pickup. They sound great. My favorite is the Duncan Alnico Pro Strat II. The Duncan APS is only a tad warmer than the 57/62, so the 57/62 is a very close second.

October 31st, 2009, 06:31 PM
Pictures are a must, when you get her!I was just about to get a Kodak C182 when I spotted the 'consolation' Strat, which sucked up all my current fun tickets. Now the camera won't be on sale any longer at a local store. Might just pay the reg price if they still have some. These seem to be the best lil P&S available @ $100-ish. Definitely gotta get this guitar and all my other stuff archived for safety sake asap.

I give all my hard cases to a friend and run with gig bags, as I need the space. A shame in this case tho, a tweed would look good!

Had the seller pop the neck off to provide as much assurance possible for a safe and sane shipping experience. Plus I can inspect the neck end and body cavity for anything interesting, and revove any tone sucking paint. I'll also inspect the PUs and circuitry to know for sure just what I got before putting her all together.

November 6th, 2009, 12:54 AM
Got'er today and put the neck on with just enuf time to clean off some sticker goo from the neck/pocket/plate areas, then headed off to dinner to celebrate and to get a new camera, while hoping to get a set of 11s which I should have had waiting... No luck on the strings, so another 12 hours of waiting to fire this baby up. A pack of 9s came with the guitar, but I can almost wait.
Looks wise she's fine. The seller's camera brought out figuering along the neck that isn't all that outstanding in person, but it's still delicious in that dept. I've seen only one Mex neck that was even close, and it's stunning tiger stripping from end to end is unreal. There wasn't much interesting at the neck/pocket except more stickers w/goo to clean off. Made horrors of things trying alcohol to remove the various goo when I remembered having a bottle of witch hazel which worked wonders in ridding the mess. Wasn't happy to find a bar code sticker under the finish at the neck end. Can't get that off without sanding, so it'll stay for now, and may not matter anyway.
The body color, as I knew, is much better looking in person. And the pearloid pickguard is surprisingly more fitting for the overall appearance, with a gold hue that nicely matches the body and neck, not at all the very white pearl as in the ebay shots. I'm really happy with that.
I and ZMAN questioned the originallity of the PUs and tips, turns out they are indeed factory direct. Again it was the camera tint. So just the pickguard was changed, everything else looks to be stock.
It's been a happily stressful day and I'm going to crash out with a big smile after enjoying an early Christmas with a new Strat and camera. I'd bring the Strat to bed, but that might be pushing it too far...
BTW, if you're looking for an excellant point and shoot that is priced great, check out the Kodak C182. I'll be testing it tomorrow when I get shots of this guitar. I've seen them as low as $90. The Canon A1100IS is another really good one at $90-ish.

November 7th, 2009, 01:28 PM
Were the stickers actually in the neck pocket. Sometimes they put them in to shim the neck in the cavity. I have heard of this in the past. I have personally had two Strats with highly figured necks. I have a MIM 60th Anniverseray Commemorative in Blizzard Pearrl that had a wonderfully flamed neck. I purchased a Squier Metalic Pearl Deluxe Strat for a friend and it had a very cool looking flame on it as well. A Squier by the way.
11s, wow the most I every go on a Strat is 10s. My current favourites are D'Addario 9.5s on them.
I will post a couple of pics of the necks just for fun.
I guess it is more of a quarter sawn or tiger stripe.
And the Squier.
Looking forward to the pictures.

November 7th, 2009, 10:22 PM
Those are indeed two sweet lookers, ZMAN. Better than mine. The tiger stripe looks just like my friend's '95 MIM custom Burgandy Mist that has faded to a cool copper color. Funny thing, I bought a used Shell Pink version years after him and we ended up with consecutive serial #s! The Pink's neck was merely standard looking, but both are sweet guitars. Well, his is still, mine doesn't exist any longer...

Stickers, there were two besides the bar code on the the neck tang.
We'll see if there was a good reason tomorrow when I set the guitar up. Embarrassing, but I just got the Gotohs figuered out a few hours ago. Spent the last few day's twisting in the wind being completely baffled on how to string up using them. Even with the diagram I found online, I couldn't figure it out until today's success.
Didn't even bother intonating the bridge first I was so frustrated, so I'll have crimps..., no biggie as the strings I put on (GHS flat Brites) aren't what I prefer (true flats), but it's all I could get quickly. They squeak, shocker! I just wanted to get tension on the neck after being off for a week.

But the guitar resonated nicely after getting strung, and accoustically it sounded promising.

11s, some have said the guitar really prefers 11s and I like heavier guages on at least the lower two strings, so this is still very much a work in progress until I sort everything out. Been a long time since I had a Strat, and I'll have to put in a few hours getting it set up properly.

I'm thinking the seller used it for a photo shoot and never played it. The trem pocket hasn't been toched it seems, plastic is still on the guard, and not a single light scratch anywhere.

Anyway, the real fun shouldn't be too far away, now that a ton of unexpected BS is outta the way. Still must learn to drive my new camera, so I'm not out of the woods yet. I need more hours in a day!

November 8th, 2009, 11:34 AM
I don't use the trem at all, in fact I have it screwed right down flat to the body. I use a lot of finger vibrato. I haven't been playing my Strats lately, I am in a definite Les Paul mode lately. I just can't get enough of the full humbucker tone lately. Of course every time I watch the Crossroads DVDs I get Strat withdrawl. My son is looking for a new Camera so I will have him take a look at the Kodaks. He was been looking mainly at Canon and Nikon.
As far as set ups go I take mine to my Dealer/tech who is an absolute wizard with them. It is like he is in my head when it comes to perfect set up. If you can believe it I have 17 guitars and they all have the exact same action. Very easy to play. Free set up with a new guitar, 30 bucks plus strings for anything I buy elsewhere.
Waiting for the pictures. Should be sweet.

November 8th, 2009, 02:07 PM
I don't use the trem at all, in fact I have it screwed right down flat to the body. I use a lot of finger vibrato.

I just can't get enough of the full humbucker tone lately.

My son is looking for a new Camera so I will have him take a look at the Kodaks. He was been looking mainly at Canon and Nikon.

As far as set ups go I take mine to my Dealer/tech who is an absolute wizard with them. It is like he is in my head when it comes to perfect set up.Hard to beat good finger vibrato, but I can't imagine having a guitar without a whammy bar. Everytime I see one I feel sad for it.

Too true! I was dancing between the Strat and an Agile LP. Can't afford an Edwards 'Jimmy Page' or relic, with a pair of Mules yet. I'm cosidering getting a Bare Knuckels 'Sinner' for the bridge on this Strat. Hoping it's bucking sound is as good as touted AND still gives the sc bridge tone needed.

The C182 has set a new bar for low priced P&Ss. Nothing I've come accross after extensive research comes close except the Canon A110SI, and it is at least $30 more and less feature packed. Kodak has been plagued with bad lenses, this one has a new lens that is way better.

I like doing my own set up. But you're fortunate to have someone that's in your head about it.

Thanx for your comments, ZMAN.