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View Full Version : Anyone Use Dr. Z amps ??

September 10th, 2009, 07:58 AM
Been Curious about the MAZ 38 in particular ???
Smokin Joe Kubek uses them , Ive seen him about 15 shows and they Fookin rip... Just curious if anyone here has one or ??
Here is my rig . Marshall Jcm 800 on 4x12 plus 3 channel Twin amp on 2x12 cab

September 10th, 2009, 09:55 AM
Sorry to be alittle off subject,but Smokin Joe Kubek great player,I saw him in a club in LA in 93 I was up front and I could see he knew I was watchin so he bent over to him amp alittle to turn it up and razor my ears off,it was a Twin and his playing and tone all I can say is WOW I still remember that.Dr.Z amps yea send one over I'll try one.Sumi:S

R.B. Huckleberry
September 19th, 2009, 11:10 PM
I play through a MAZ 18 NR. geatest amp ever!!! I highly recommend the Dr.'s amps. What kind of a sound are you looking to get?

September 20th, 2009, 03:05 AM
I Play Heavy blues /( Not alot of Slow Blues Im a Hendrix/ Vaughan kinda Guy !1 ) the last 3 times i saw Joe he Just Plugged Straight into the MaZ 38 And i have never heard such Tone / I currently Use a Marshall JCM800 on a 4x12 With A Fender 3 Channel Twin Amp on a marshall 2x12 cab With 2 Tube screamers and a Fulltone deja vibe and roger Mayer Vision octavia with a Vox Wah I have had this set up for years and years and want to Dump it for a 2x12 Combo or ??? I Also just Bought a Marshall JCM 2000 60 watt TSL 602 2x12 Combo to Ween myself of the big rig and i really like it But the tones from the Dr. Z amps Fookin Sound awesome . what can you tell me about yours ??/ As i am wide open since I dont Play out anymore I really dont need all this Stuff ( I like it , but I dont need It)

R.B. Huckleberry
October 11th, 2009, 11:27 PM
I Play Heavy blues /( Not alot of Slow Blues Im a Hendrix/ Vaughan kinda Guy !1 ) the last 3 times i saw Joe he Just Plugged Straight into the MaZ 38 And i have never heard such Tone / I currently Use a Marshall JCM800 on a 4x12 With A Fender 3 Channel Twin Amp on a marshall 2x12 cab With 2 Tube screamers and a Fulltone deja vibe and roger Mayer Vision octavia with a Vox Wah I have had this set up for years and years and want to Dump it for a 2x12 Combo or ??? I Also just Bought a Marshall JCM 2000 60 watt TSL 602 2x12 Combo to Ween myself of the big rig and i really like it But the tones from the Dr. Z amps Fookin Sound awesome . what can you tell me about yours ??/ As i am wide open since I dont Play out anymore I really dont need all this Stuff ( I like it , but I dont need It)

Sorry for the late reply:

Mine is "only" 18 watts, but it is LOUD. I run it with an attenuator (Dr. Z's "Airbrake"). It takes to overdrive pedals very well, so my set up is just guitar----> tuner pedal----> OD pedal----> amp. Depending on the guitar that'll get me from funk & country clean to hard rock (not metal).