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April 20th, 2011, 09:45 AM
I got the new Bender truss rod covers that I designed in from the metalworks today. They came out better than I had hoped. They don't look nearly as good in these pics as they really are, but you'll get the idea. From this experience I will definitely be designing custom covers to fit Gibsons, Epi's and maybe others. Not with this design of course but I've already sketched a few out. Must get Hell going first though.
And the pics...



The nice shellwork is totally bleached white on the logo and Bender "B" from the lights but it is there.

April 20th, 2011, 12:39 PM
Here's an uber close-up of the toggle knob and a couple of the volume knobs on the Bender model. They are chromed brass. Not too heavy though as the vol/tone knobs have plastic inserts to attach to the pots. Really nice feel to them. The toggle switch knob is vintage style. Was rather hard to find.

As always, comments, observations appreciated. Thanks!

I missed this post of yours until now.
What I'm looking at says quality. I'm impressed.

April 20th, 2011, 02:39 PM
Where's the pricing info?!?

April 20th, 2011, 07:53 PM
Where's the pricing info?!?


Sorry, couldn't resist.

April 20th, 2011, 08:10 PM

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Excellent retort!

April 20th, 2011, 08:44 PM
Wow, those truss rod covers look fantastic, Syo! I know I'd want one on my Bender. Very classy!

April 21st, 2011, 12:36 AM
Hell yea me to...............:dude

April 25th, 2011, 12:10 PM
I've just read the entire thread and the progress of the design and company in general is impressive! I very well may be in line for one the "tele" type models.

April 25th, 2011, 10:24 PM
I've just read the entire thread and the progress of the design and company in general is impressive! I very well may be in line for one the "tele" type models.

Thanks Teleman!
You just read through the entire thread? That's quite alot to catch up on...:D

April 26th, 2011, 08:38 AM
Thanks Teleman!
You just read through the entire thread? That's quite alot to catch up on...:D

Yes it was, but I had some time to kill!

Dragon Rider
April 30th, 2011, 08:18 PM
I'm looking forward reading the entire thread,

I've just read the first and last few pages, and enjoyed the photos. :D

Have you considered putting a quick and easy copyright on your images?

May 1st, 2011, 09:02 AM
I'm looking forward reading the entire thread,

I've just read the first and last few pages, and enjoyed the photos. :D

Have you considered putting a quick and easy copyright on your images?

Welcome to The Fret, Dragon Rider. I should probably read over the whole thread myself except I don't want to be faced with the fact that my projected launch date(s!) were horribly off. You'll certainly notice this if and when you read it...:D

Regarding copyright, I suppose I should start including that with my images although it never prevented me from being "borrowed" from in the past. This thread (although certainly available to anyone) was posted for my Fret brothers here. My whole approach was to share ideas and it seemed rather too much to post legal protections as part of it. I do appreciate your thoughtful suggestion however. Everything on my website will be suitably copyrighted.

Speaking of images without a copyright, I have to list one more T-shirt design. I had this almost finished a month ago but just dusted it off and finished today as a graphic for the website. I'll try to send it off to the T-shirt folks this week.

As always, comments appreciated. Particular color scheme is Guiness Head on black. My favorite combination! :beer:


Dragon Rider
May 1st, 2011, 09:22 AM
Yea, copyright is kinda of like cheap bicycle locks, it just keeps honest people honest.

T-shirt looks good. You going to sell them directly or through some place like cafepress? (where you could do coffee mugs, etc?)

May 1st, 2011, 09:32 AM
Yea, copyright is kinda of like cheap bicycle locks, it just keeps honest people honest.

T-shirt looks good. You going to sell them directly or through some place like cafepress? (where you could do coffee mugs, etc?)

I'll sell direct. Cafe Press costs 4 times more and doesn't do nice silk screens. They'll be available from the website and also (sometimes, maybe) given for free along with a guitar.
Depending on my mood... :french :D

May 1st, 2011, 10:24 AM
Patiently waiting for a guitar.............................

May 1st, 2011, 01:44 PM

This one is cool! I like the overall shape and the details.
If I were to buy only one shirt, I'd have a very difficult time choosing one over the others, which is a good problem.

May 1st, 2011, 08:48 PM
I see I'm going to have to expand my T-shirt wardrobe a bit more...

Very nice. Of course, now that you've mentioned Guinness, I want to walk to the store and get some stout. I feel a mighty thirst just reading about your T-shirts, Syo. ;)

Oh, are you going to have your shirts for the ladies too? I hope so. They're going to feel left out, otherwise.

May 2nd, 2011, 07:22 AM
That is a nice T shirt.

Your design is great.

Just an observation from my removed point of view; I'd enjoy seeing this version on the "back" of the T shirt, with a small image over the pocket on the front, not necessarily the same image as that on the back. I like to see the main large image on the back with a small image over a pocket on the front. I'm sure you know how much more this costs, etc. But I think it looks cool when the main image is on the back. This probably has to do with my biker background. Plus I just don't like to see the back of T shirts and jackets empty - it seems like the job didn't get done and, to my observation, looks incomplete.

Obviously I'm not being overly critical. It's not my project, it's obviously yours and you will do what you want. I also know that you appreciate the feedback and input you are getting from us.

It's not like you are coming off like you are on an ego trip. It is really cool to watch your endeavor develop and unfold and read about your personal observations relating to the changes you are going thru as you walk down this unfolding path. Your openness and genuine sharing isn't something that I have seen before.

You are right about the copyright and its ultimate value. Eli Whitney, the American inventor of the "cotton gin", made almost nothing off his invention even though it was "patented". His invention universally revolutionized the cotton industry and increased production by at least a couple hundred fold. Every cotton farmer or other plantation owner desiring to get into the profitable cotton boom, copied his invention and built their own "cotton gins", thereby bypassing his patent rights. Farmers, as you may know, are very inventive and innovative people, and their success is often dependent upon well honed skills in these areas.

Your project will be what it will be, no matter how much you try to box it in. I like your openness and the way you have shown us your prototypes well before the official offering of the items. The final outcome, as with everything, remains to be seen; but from everything we have seen from you, your mission is an ongoing and well thought out one that merits substantial success.

Without a doubt, a lot of us here would love to own one of your guitars if they become available here in the US; untouched, just from following your quest here on these pages. I think, for me at least, following your progress on these guitars, and seeing you incrementally show us your progression thru pictures and discussions, has added beauty to your prototypes that would not be perceptible when looking at some other picture of a newly released guitar from a company that we know nothing about or had no insight into the initial thoughts and tentativeness all the way thru to the growing anticipation and first hand feeling of the growing excitement and positiveness as the official introduction date approaches, along with the feeling that you cared about our ideas in the development of the ancillary products and classy promotional materials.

We, or at least I, feel like I've been part of your unfolding project - and that is a cool feeling I've never felt as a distantly removed, casual participant. Thanks for letting me, and even us, feel like I've been at least a small part of what you have been trying to do.
You have never seemed egotistical and we have never felt jealous as we followed your quest, and if you communicate as well in your product promotion as you have with us, you definitely have a major arm up in pulling this endeavor up from uncertainty to the level of a solid success.

May 2nd, 2011, 11:24 AM
Nice shirt design...of the three print designs I can recall at the moment, I personally rank them thus:

1) the rising sun on white design
2) Guinness inspired
3) Kanji

As with everything Hell Guilar related at this point, it's a matter of degrees, it's aaaaalllll good.

May 2nd, 2011, 08:09 PM
Thanks Duffy, for the input on the shirts and the kind words. I know you have designed quite a few shirts yourself so I appreciate the feedback.

We, or at least I, feel like I've been part of your unfolding project - and that is a cool feeling I've never felt as a distantly removed, casual participant. Thanks for letting me, and even us, feel like I've been at least a small part of what you have been trying to do.
You have never seemed egotistical and we have never felt jealous as we followed your quest, and if you communicate as well in your product promotion as you have with us, you definitely have a major arm up in pulling this endeavor up from uncertainty to the level of a solid success.

Thanks Duffy. Inspite of the fact that I have posted quite a bit of Hell stuff, I do try to moderate it a bit. I figure not everyone wants to be bothered with it so I don't post as often as I could :D

The fact that you haven't felt "distantly removed" is something I thank you for. I have felt that, in a way, this has been a collaborative effort. The fact that some Fretters have taken to this project and offered their encouragement, support and important feedback has really meant alot. If ever Hell Guitars enjoys some success, some of my good brothers here will have had something to do with it. :dude

Dragon Rider
May 2nd, 2011, 08:34 PM
I'll sell direct. Cafe Press costs 4 times more and doesn't do nice silk screens. They'll be available from the website and also (sometimes, maybe) given for free along with a guitar.
Depending on my mood... :french :D

yea, I wondered how much the cut for cafe press was
and if is was worth it to avoid the start up capital and inventory costs.

I've gotten some 'order of the stick', ( dnd nerd web comic) stuff from them

Dragon Rider
May 7th, 2011, 08:57 AM



just read the entire thread
(phenomial job getting this done by the way)

and I discovered. this


the #6

must have,

'You, ARE number 6'

points to the first person to get the reference. :D

(I am not a number, I am a hell guitar fan)

May 7th, 2011, 09:53 AM
'You, ARE number 6'
points to the first person to get the reference. :D

(I am not a number, I am a hell guitar fan)

The Prisoner, of course. :dude

Dragon Rider
May 7th, 2011, 11:10 AM
we have a winner, that was fast.

Also a great series if anyone hasn't seen it.

May 7th, 2011, 08:18 PM
"I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own".

Watching that series as a child left a considerable impression on me. So unlike anything on TV at the time. Patrick McGoohan was a talented fellow. He followed up one of the hottest series in TV at the time (Danger Man) with something decidedly not in the mainstream. Definitely an inspiration for me and a part of the Hell Guitars mindset.

Dragon Rider
May 7th, 2011, 09:04 PM
wow, someone who knows that McGoohan was in a hot series before the prisoner?

I am impressed !

In the Bay Area in the 70's there was a guy on public television who introduced the shows, and even changed the order of the shows.
His commentary on the meanings hidden in each show was almost as long as the show. :)

May 10th, 2011, 07:58 PM
As you all know, our man Robert has done some terrific demos/review of his Hell No.2. I asked if he could do the same for the ZeroDot and Bender and he kindly agreed. Robert has been very enthusiastic and encouraging for which I feel very fortunate indeed. He's such a well-rounded, tasteful player too. I couldn't be happier.

He just received the two guitars and hopefully he'll like these too and we'll have some more Robert/Hell magic soon. Has anyone noticed that the guitar plays so effortlessly that Robert didn't need to bulge even one vein? Speaks volumes if you ask me...:dude

May 10th, 2011, 09:23 PM
Syo, I am more than excited. These guitars feel fantastic! Then I plug in to my amps, to find out they also sound wicked good. Sweet! Oh, I nearly popped a vein from the excitement... ;)

They are very different from each other. The Zero Dot is like a Strat on steroids - that bridge humbucker really makes guitar a rocker when needed.

The Bender has that Gibson-ish sound, as well as feel. Lots of sustain and it makes me play in a different way. Very fat, and rich tone. Gorgeous neck on it too.

Demos will come, hang on!

May 10th, 2011, 11:55 PM
I just received word that our tweed cases are shipping from the factory today. I was surprised to find that they added our logo to the cases! I would have opted for a little different placement however it was not expected that they would be adding logos as our quantity was too small for this order. We just wanted to be sure of quality issues before ordering too many.

Here's a shot of it:


May 11th, 2011, 07:08 AM
Nice case! I love tweed. That looks great, Syo! Are they relatively universal, or does each guitar (or should I say guilar?) get it's own special type of case?

May 11th, 2011, 07:29 AM
I just received word that our tweed cases are shipping from the factory today. I was surprised to find that they added our logo to the cases! I would have opted for a little different placement however it was not expected that they would be adding logos as our quantity was too small for this order. We just wanted to be sure of quality issues before ordering too many.

That was a nice surprise! The case looks really cool.




May 11th, 2011, 07:32 AM
Nice case! I love tweed. That looks great, Syo! Are they relatively universal, or does each guitar (or should I say guilar?) get it's own special type of case?

Hey Sean.
Unfortunately it's universal for now as molds are rather expensive for short runs. However once sales can justify it I intend to create custom cases as well. I some experience helping design cases (mostly violin/cello cases) for a Chinese company. I'm looking forward to designing for guitar as well.

May 13th, 2011, 03:38 PM
Super classy. I like that look a whole lot. What colour are you going for on the inside?

May 13th, 2011, 03:42 PM
Syo, I am more than excited. These guitars feel fantastic! Then I plug in to my amps, to find out they also sound wicked good. Sweet! Oh, I nearly popped a vein from the excitement... ;)

They are very different from each other. The Zero Dot is like a Strat on steroids - that bridge humbucker really makes guitar a rocker when needed.

The Bender has that Gibson-ish sound, as well as feel. Lots of sustain and it makes me play in a different way. Very fat, and rich tone. Gorgeous neck on it too.

Demos will come, hang on!

So what you're saying is, we should be saving for all three? :) I anticipate quite a few "NHGD" threads in the future.......

May 13th, 2011, 07:29 PM
Get all 3! 3 is a good number, all things come together once you have 3 of something. Ain't that right? :D I mean, just look at the 3 Musketeers, you couldn't have just 2 of them, now could you! (now I sound like David St Hubbins...).

Dragon Rider
May 13th, 2011, 08:36 PM
Get all 3! 3 is a good number, all things come together once you have 3 of something. Ain't that right? :D I mean, just look at the 3 Musketeers, you couldn't have just 2 of them, now could you! (now I sound like David St Hubbins...).

Yup, lets see what things come in threes.

Hell Guitars
but I'm not sure how I'm going to hide/explain three guitars, the old stand by, oh, I've had that for a while can't be stretched to three guitars.

The floating cords used to play EVERY AC/DC song.

Guitar chords in punk music


Yawns (Ha ha, now you've got to yawn)

May 13th, 2011, 08:41 PM
Get all 3! 3 is a good number, all things come together once you have 3 of something. Ain't that right? :D I mean, just look at the 3 Musketeers, you couldn't have just 2 of them, now could you! (now I sound like David St Hubbins...).

You forgot to mention The Three Stooges! Why I Oughta...order three Hell guilars!

May 13th, 2011, 08:47 PM
Yawns (Ha ha, now you've got to yawn)
Damn! It even works on the internets!

May 18th, 2011, 09:25 PM
Just a friendly 'poke' there, syo! :dude

May 19th, 2011, 01:31 PM
He must be busy interviewing for the Hell Dancers positions. It's a rough job, but someone has to do it!

May 19th, 2011, 10:25 PM
He must be busy interviewing for the Hell Dancers positions. It's a rough job, but someone has to do it!

Yes well, that and wasting time messing with pictures...


Actually Don, things have been insanely busy this past week. Been meaning to write you an email. Hopefully tonight.

This Hell thing will be wonderful if it doesn't kill me before I can get it going properly...:messedup:

May 20th, 2011, 07:45 AM

LOL.. That is too funny! You'll get it all done, syo! Hang in there! :dude

May 20th, 2011, 08:04 AM
Take your time. Do it your way. That's the nice thing about being your own boss.

May 20th, 2011, 08:38 AM
Take your time. Do it your way. That's the nice thing about being your own boss.

Thanks Don and Tig. I know I can always count on you guys to understand. Yeah, I've been my own boss most of my adult life but find that it's actually tougher than working for someone. For me anyway. When it's my show I'm very keen that things go as well as possible so I put quite a bit of pressure on meself. Maybe I should start drinking more...

May 20th, 2011, 08:43 AM
Yup, lets see what things come in threes.

Hell Guitars
but I'm not sure how I'm going to hide/explain three guitars, the old stand by, oh, I've had that for a while can't be stretched to three guitars.

The floating cords used to play EVERY AC/DC song.

Guitar chords in punk music


Yawns (Ha ha, now you've got to yawn)

Um, wives? :-)
I've always been a believer in pairs, though. I tend to always want two similar guitars. Like right now I have two strats,two gibson scales, two shredders and two acoustics :-) but only one bass. It doesn't count.

May 20th, 2011, 02:22 PM
Maybe I should start drinking more...
May I suggest this then? Cheers!

May 21st, 2011, 11:35 PM
May I suggest this then? Cheers!

Sure Don! Why not bring one (case) over? :D

I could use this now more than before actually. I recently received a large shipment of cases and have been lugging them around and last night, threw my back out. Then tried to stretch it out and made it worse. This happens to me maybe once a year or so, but very bad timing now. Went to the local accupuncture clinic this morning which has helped a little, however they didn't give me any whiskey...

On second thought, I may be out your way before too long Don. Maybe I'll bring one along with me...:beer:

May 22nd, 2011, 07:19 PM
On second thought, I may be out your way before too long Don. Maybe I'll bring one along with me...:beer:

Anytime, my friend! :beer:

May 22nd, 2011, 10:56 PM
Syo you clearly need a roadie!

May 22nd, 2011, 11:37 PM
Syo you clearly need a roadie!

Yeah I've been thinking similarly Ch0. Actually do have a part-time roadie who removed the cases from their cartons but it was up to me (for some reason) to put them away. Definitely need a full-timer! But soon most of the guitars/cases will be shipped to the US so I'll have less to lug around.

More than anything though, I need to get back in shape. I used to be a 10-35 kilometer a day rollerblader. Now I feel proud of myself for carrying the groceries from the car to kitchen. Because we're almost always working, we've hired people to do the cleaning, cooking, yardwork etc. I finally noticed that while they are all 10-20 years older than me, they're all much healthier. Maybe time to dust off the skates, get back in shape and, in general, get off of my a$$...

May 23rd, 2011, 07:08 AM
Yeah I've been thinking similarly Ch0. Actually do have a part-time roadie who removed the cases from their cartons but it was up to me (for some reason) to put them away. Definitely need a full-timer! But soon most of the guitars/cases will be shipped to the US so I'll have less to lug around.

More than anything though, I need to get back in shape. I used to be a 10-35 kilometer a day rollerblader. Now I feel proud of myself for carrying the groceries from the car to kitchen. Because we're almost always working, we've hired people to do the cleaning, cooking, yardwork etc. I finally noticed that while they are all 10-20 years older than me, they're all much healthier. Maybe time to dust off the skates, get back in shape and, in general, get off of my a$$...

I can relate. Well, to being out of shape anyway. I don't have even a part time roadie.

I used to mountain bike, and walk a lot. Now the only workout I get is trying to fit my growing body into a crawlspace (for work, not leisure). I really need to start getting back in shape. The pre-married life of home cooked meals has been a little too good to me. ;)

June 11th, 2011, 03:46 PM
Hey Syo, I'm going to go ahead and assume it's a no, but you aren't planning on releasing any Zero Dots in lefty configuration, are ya?

They're all gorgeous guitars, by the way. I just read this whole thread and your success is really inspiring.

June 11th, 2011, 08:10 PM
Hello Chap. Thanks for the kind words. And congratulations on making it through the whole thread!
I am thinking to offer lefty models however it will be some months before they are available. Probably towards the end of the year.

June 13th, 2011, 12:41 PM
Um, wives? :-)
I've always been a believer in pairs, though. I tend to always want two similar guitars. Like right now I have two strats,two gibson scales, two shredders and two acoustics :-) but only one bass. It doesn't count.


June 23rd, 2011, 10:38 PM
Man, these are so awesome. Put me down for one of each!! :dude

I'm about a week -- or so -- into Hell and all I can say is WOW! I love these guitars! The Zero Dot is my first Strat-style guitar
and it plays so much better than any Fender I ever tried at the guitar stores... and these Bare Knuckle Pickups are fantastic!

Syo, you really out did yourself with these guitars!

For anyone interested in my own private hell, checkout http://www.thefret.net/showthread.php/18565-Hell-is-on-the-way..

June 24th, 2011, 12:55 AM
Yeah I'm pretty sure I'll need to buy a Bender when they are ready :)

June 24th, 2011, 02:10 AM
I've been collecting some serious gas for one as well all along...I've been craving for an SG for a good while but a Bender seems like it's all an SG is and improved...sorta smallish frame, not too frizzy but basically simple, with the only correct pup setup there is...yeah...

June 24th, 2011, 10:45 AM
Yeah I'm pretty sure I'll need to buy a Bender when they are ready :)
Definitely! I'm sure you'd really dig it! :dude

June 24th, 2011, 10:47 AM
I've been collecting some serious gas for one as well all along...I've been craving for an SG for a good while but a Bender seems like it's all an SG is and improved...sorta smallish frame, not too frizzy but basically simple, with the only correct pup setup there is...yeah...

Honestly, I like the Bender more than my SG... it's just so much more comfortable to play and the pickups sound awesome.

June 24th, 2011, 11:29 PM
Hey Don. I'm glad that you're enjoying them. Thanks for helping to spread the word of Hell!

BTW...If anyone is going to be in the Tokyo area (that means probably none of you) on July 21st, there's going to be a Hell Guitars night at a club called Thumbs Up in Yokohama. One of Japan's top Southern Blues Rock players and a solid Hendrix-style player will be playing Hell Guitars and we will be giving one away at the show. A buddy of mine who often books acts over here, set it all up. Hopefully I can get some video up afterwards.

More info here:
Just scroll down to 7/21


June 25th, 2011, 03:49 PM
I'm happy to say I moved things around in my Doom Room and now have hangers for my new Hell Guitars. I've been playing the Zero Dot a lot and it is so awesome. I'm still getting used to the flat(er) radius -- it only requires the lightest of touch -- but it is such an ergonomic design. Although I've been playing mostly on the neck pickup, last night I dropped-D'd* the mother, hit the bridge humbucker, and cranked the gain on my Boogie.... and it was sweet!! :dude

I'd love to go to that gig.. I can't wait to make it to Japan someday!

* BTW, in Drop-D there was zero fret buzz, just like when it's in standard tuning.

June 29th, 2011, 09:33 AM
didnt I see a semi hollow in there somewhere? I'm really gassing for the bender now though ... :)

June 29th, 2011, 05:12 PM
Glad to see all the satisfied customers for the Hell guitars. I'm on the waiting list for a Zero Dot myself. Really drooling over everyone's beautiful guitars. Guess I'll just have to be patient.

June 29th, 2011, 07:25 PM
One would think that a Hell pointy would automatically suggest itself.

Once again, syo, no charge for all these brilliant marketing ideas ;)

June 29th, 2011, 09:18 PM
didnt I see a semi hollow in there somewhere? I'm really gassing for the bender now though ... :)

You sure did.


June 29th, 2011, 10:35 PM
Holy Hollowbodies Batman! That looks awesome!

June 30th, 2011, 05:58 AM
that.is.sweet. Can you imagine that with a Bigsby? I am number 6.

June 30th, 2011, 07:51 AM
that.is.sweet. Can you imagine that with a Bigsby? I am number 6.

Ah, The Prisoner! I once took a class that actually studied the story as part of the curriculum. Patrick McGoohan's character was actually the leader, Number 1, the whole time. They even hinted at it during the standard dialog each episode.

Who are you?

The new Number 2.

Who is Number 1?

You are Number 6.

I am not a number. I am a free man!


July 22nd, 2011, 09:35 AM
Time for another Hell update. We had a Hell Guitars Night at a club called Thumbs Up in Yokohama. The T. Sumitomo Band (w/ Jimi Hendrix tribute artist Nakano Shigeo) were playing a couple of Hell Guitars. Here's a couple pics taken by my friend Doug. I'll be putting more up soon.



We gave away a Bender and the winner is actually in a Lynyrd Skynyrd tribute / Southern Blues Rock band. Small world eh? He said he's taking it to his next gig later this month.

I'll try and get some video up soon. In the meantime you can see/hear Sumitomo-san/Nakano-san from a blues fest a few years ago below.


July 22nd, 2011, 10:06 AM
That looks awesome ! I.am.number.6.

July 22nd, 2011, 02:33 PM
Time for another Hell update. We had a Hell Guitars Night at a club called Thumbs Up in Yokohama. The T. Sumitomo Band (w/ Jimi Hendrix tribute artist Nakano Shigeo) were playing a couple of Hell Guitars. Here's a couple pics taken by my friend Doug. I'll be putting more up soon.

We gave away a Bender and the winner is actually in a Lynyrd Skynyrd tribute / Southern Blues Rock band. Small world eh? He said he's taking it to his next gig later this month.

I'll try and get some video up soon. In the meantime you can see/hear Sumitomo-san/Nakano-san from a blues fest a few years ago below.

Very cool, Syo-san!
I like where Hell is going, so to speak.

July 22nd, 2011, 03:05 PM
Nice! Did you get any feedback (no pun intended) from the guys in the band as to how they liked your guilars?

July 22nd, 2011, 10:46 PM
Nice! Did you get any feedback (no pun intended) from the guys in the band as to how they liked your guilars?

Yes Sumitomo-san, who plays with Bare Knuckles on his own guitars, said he liked it alot. His only quibble was the weight which he said was a little heavy for him. I found that interesting since he often plays a Les Paul which is a good pound or so heavier. Nakano-san had a choice of playing the Zerodot or the No. 2 and chose the No. 2. He really liked it alot. He especially liked the smaller body.

There was an editor from Guitar Magazine in the crowd taking pictures. Hopefully something might come of it but who knows. Nice to get some exposure you know :AOK

July 23rd, 2011, 10:17 AM
Yes Sumitomo-san, who plays with Bare Knuckles on his own guitars, said he liked it alot. His only quibble was the weight which he said was a little heavy for him. I found that interesting since he often plays a Les Paul which is a good pound or so heavier. Nakano-san had a choice of playing the Zerodot or the No. 2 and chose the No. 2. He really liked it alot. He especially liked the smaller body.

There was an editor from Guitar Magazine in the crowd taking pictures. Hopefully something might come of it but who knows. Nice to get some exposure you know :AOK

That's great! I've noticed that my Bender is lighter than any of my LPs, although it isn't a night and day difference. I hope the guitar magazine helps to spread the good word!

July 27th, 2011, 07:45 AM
Alright, here's a little video from the recent Hell Guitars night in Yokohama. The sound is terrible and the video cut off 10 secs into the solo for Hey Joe (he's really starting to take off at 4:52). Still, at least you can see a couple of seasoned pros slinging their Hell Guitars around for 5 minutes. Sumitomo Toshihiro on the Bender playing slide and Jimi Hendrix tribute artist Nakano Shigeo on the No. 2. Here they are...


July 27th, 2011, 07:54 AM
Wow, I like that white No.2! :AOK

Dragon Rider
July 27th, 2011, 09:40 AM
Very nice :dance

July 27th, 2011, 10:00 AM

July 27th, 2011, 02:28 PM
Alright, here's a little video from the recent Hell Guitars night in Yokohama. The sound is terrible and the video cut off 10 secs into the solo for Hey Joe (he's really starting to take off at 4:52). Still, at least you can see a couple of seasoned pros slinging their Hell Guitars around for 5 minutes. Sumitomo Toshihiro on the Bender playing slide and Jimi Hendrix tribute artist Nakano Shigeo on the No. 2. Here they are...


That was awesome, even with the poor audio recording. You can just feel the soul coming from those guys. Awesome! :dude

July 28th, 2011, 12:29 AM
I thought the whole band sounded great playing that great classic song.

Totally nice playing and great sounds coming from both guitars. The bass guy probably wished he had a bass model to demonstrate.

July 28th, 2011, 07:24 AM
I've decided I need a Number 2. The guitar, I mean. :D

July 28th, 2011, 07:33 AM
I've decided I need a Number 2. The guitar, I mean. :D
Those guitars are the shit.

July 28th, 2011, 07:45 AM
I've decided I need a Number 2. The guitar, I mean. :D

LOL (A Number 2 from Hell?)
Mine is a keeper!

July 28th, 2011, 01:08 PM
Those guitars are the shit.

I wonder if I can get that in Brown Faded...?

LOL (A Number 2 from Hell?)
Mine is a keeper!

Man, I've had some of those after spicy Thai food. Oh, this thread is so derailed. Eric again...

July 29th, 2011, 09:08 AM
I wonder if I can get that in Brown Faded...?

Man, I've had some of those after spicy Thai food. Oh, this thread is so derailed. Eric again...

July 29th, 2011, 07:40 PM
Moving right along... :)

My Zero Dot is quickly becoming my favourite guitar. It plays so easily and fills so good. Don't get me wrong, I love the Bender too but lately I've
been working on some clean songs and this guitar (and my Godin) are so awesome to play. Syo, you did a great job with these guitars!!

July 29th, 2011, 07:42 PM

Robert, I love this photo.

I have this exact guitar, and if you set aside the fact that you can actually play it (and that I'm fatter than you), I might even call that a self portrait! ;-)

July 29th, 2011, 08:45 PM
can we order yet?

July 29th, 2011, 09:38 PM
Thanks Don, yeah I'm glad I'm blurry and the guitar is not! :)

It looks dang fantastic this guitar, and I love how easy it is to play. Not to mention the great TONE... :cool:

August 20th, 2011, 11:31 AM
I'm new to this forum and must say these guitars look and sound awesome. Looking forward to their release.

October 14th, 2011, 09:40 AM
Hello again...
It has been awhile since any Hell reports. I have been debating about doing so for awhile but as much has happened (both good and not so good), report I shall.

As for the good, our first small run sold out very quickly. Sold to both dealers and individuals. We now have three dealers in Japan and tons of enquiries/preorders from many good people all over the world. Frankly I was pretty much overwhelmed by it all. Between Robert's Youtube vids and a friend's efforts here in Japan, the word got out surprisingly fast. We have a larger production run finishing up in the next few weeks and distribution will be direct from Japan and the US. Although we ship to Europe now, we probably won't have a distributor there until sometime in the new year.

I am really excited that Hell is able to take part in an upcoming charity event benefitting the UCLA Daltrey/Townshend Teen Cancer Program and the UCLA Early Childhood Partial Hospitalization Program for Autism. A signed Hell Guitar ZeroDot will be auctioned off. Signed (I've been told) by the artists participating in the event, including Roger Daltry, Robert Plant, Dave Grohl and and others (2 of the rumored special guests make me want to buy the guitar myself!). It was my intent from the beginning to use a portion of profits to benefit others so I was very happy when this opportunity to participate came our way. Here's the invite:


Tickets starting at $2,500 (with packages up to $100,000) so it's sure to sell out fast...:)
More details here: http://www.uclahealth.org/site.cfm?id=535

More good news, we've had our first review (a good one) in a nice Japanese guitar mag called "Gigs". I'll try to post a translation somtime soon. I find that when it comes to guitars, the Japanese market is by far the pickiest and really demands quality. I've been very encouraged to find that our guitars have been (so far) given very high marks by both people in the business as well as regular players.


On the not so good side, I have been rather overly challenged of late with health problems. I was diagnosed about 12 years ago with an auto-immune type of arthritis. It never really caused much trouble at all, however about 4 months ago it started to become increasingly active. Fingers and toes swelling up like sausages and considerable pain, fatigue and stiffness over most of my body. I was given meds to deal with it but was taken off of them after some alarming blood work. Since then things have been particularly unpleasant. I should hear back from my doctor tomorrow if I can start back on the meds. I certainly hope so as they did seem to keeping the worst of it at bay. I am relating this info because I know that some of you have been following along and I wanted to continue telling the story as it is. I intended to launch the website some months ago but held up because of my condition. I had far more enquiries than I could handle without the finished site going live so I though it best to wait until either my situation was stable or I could get more people on the team to help out. I feel confident that I will get on the right track soon and I do have some very good people who can help out. All this has put me a bit behind schedule, but that's life. We're pretty much set to go for the next shipment in early November. So stay tuned! In the meantime you can see some of the Hell Guitars' gallery (not quite finished) from the website here:


Sorry for the long post. But it has been awhile...

October 14th, 2011, 11:51 AM
Some good news and bad news there. Sorry to hear about the condition -- is it RA? The companies I work for tend to be big into autoimmune treatmeants, so I guess the upside is that right now is a good time for a lot of innovation in those medications. I hope you manage to get it under control soon.

October 14th, 2011, 12:53 PM
I'm very happy about the good news and growth of Hell Guitars. I still absolutely love http://markweinguitarlessons.com/forums/images/smilies/love.gif mine even after the honeymoon period. The online guitar gallery looks very professional, and I recognize some of Robert's guitar work in the streaming audio.

I sure hope you get the arthritis controlled again. That is a pain that most of us luckily don't understand. I suffer from a similar joint condition and feel some of your pain. Playing guitar actually helps my hands.

Consider possible changes in diet to help manage the inflammation. Hopefully things will return to normal. Take care, and feel free to unload on us if you need to vent.

October 14th, 2011, 11:11 PM
Some good news and bad news there. Sorry to hear about the condition -- is it RA? The companies I work for tend to be big into autoimmune treatmeants, so I guess the upside is that right now is a good time for a lot of innovation in those medications. I hope you manage to get it under control soon. This one has been promising so far.

Hey Eric. It's Psoriatic Arthritis which is similar to RA in many ways. Right now (as of this morning:happy) I am back on the Methotrexate which is usually one of the first meds tried when an auto-immune arthritis is getting more serious. It is a chemotherapy drug that has been around for awhile. As you say, there are all kinds of new/amazing (and expensive- $25,000 a year!) drugs out there for RA/PA. I'm sure I'll find something that works well for me.

I sure hope you get the arthritis controlled again. That is a pain that most of us luckily don't understand. I suffer from a similar joint condition and feel some of your pain. Playing guitar actually helps my hands.

Consider possible changes in diet to help manage the inflammation. Hopefully things will return to normal. Take care, and feel free to unload on us if you need to vent.

Well Tig, guitar has been out of the question for me the past week or so. Hard to play with a few sausages posing as fingers. It has been rather depressing not to be able to play. Just got some very strong painkillers/anti-inflammatories this morning so hopefully I can bang around some this weekend. Regarding diet, I have been a vegetarian most of my life and switched to vegan because of this. Eating foods that supposedly decrease inflammation and avoiding salt and sugar. Haven't noticed much difference yet except that I crave pretzels and cake. :hungry

Thanks for the invitation to vent. I think I just did!

October 15th, 2011, 09:23 AM
My wife has RA with symptoms since she was in her 20s. The last several years she has been on Humira from Abott and it has helped fend off the worst symptoms. I don't know if Humira works for Psoriatic Arthritis, I take it that if it works your doctor would have considered using it.

October 15th, 2011, 10:44 AM
My wife has RA with symbols since she was in her 20s. The last several years she has been on Humira from Abott and it has helped fend off the worst symptoms. I don't know if Humira works for Psoriatic Arthritis, I take it that if it works your doctor would have considered using it.
Humira, Enbrel, and Remicade (and now Simponi) all target the same thing (TNF alpha), and I think Humira is the one that's supposed to be the most compatible in people (i.e. a fully human antibody). I think at least a couple of those are add-on drugs to Methotrexate, where you have to already be on Methotrexate to take Remicade, for example. There's a whole slew of new ones out there like Stelara that are indicated for similar autoimmune conditions like psoriasis, PA, etc. I think Stelara in particular is in clinical trials for PA right now.

But yeah...I guess you're right that it's safe to assume the doctor is considering or has considered all of those already. Not sure what the point was of my blather above, now that I look at it.

October 15th, 2011, 04:03 PM
Man, syo, I hope you get better, and soon.

October 15th, 2011, 07:13 PM
My wife has RA with symptoms since she was in her 20s. The last several years she has been on Humira from Abott and it has helped fend off the worst symptoms. I don't know if Humira works for Psoriatic Arthritis, I take it that if it works your doctor would have considered using it.

I'm sorry to hear that your wife has been dealing with this from such a young age. She's on the good stuff though. Humira is often prescribed for PA too as well as the other TNF alpha inhibitors Eric mentioned (Eric, you certainly know your stuff!). One problem for me with these drugs is that I test positive for tuberculosis having been exposed in my teens. There is a danger of the TB becoming active when taking these drugs because one is left wide open to infection while taking them. So I will need to take a different drug regime to deal with the TB (for the better part of a year) before I can take any of the above mentioned drugs. But the one I'm on now is fairly standard and hopefully will have me right as rain soon. :dance

The timing of all of this has been the most unfortunate part for me. Honestly Hell Guitars could not be blowing up any better. I'm looking forward to feeling better soon and making my own small but satisfying mark on the guitar world. And if anyone out there is planning on going to The Who Teen Cancer benefit, let me know. I'll send you some free Hell swag!

Man, syo, I hope you get better, and soon.

Thanks Brother Kat. I certainly intend to! :)

October 16th, 2011, 11:41 AM
I guess I didn't see the the post here after all Michael. Its sounds a lot worst than I though, hope you can get healthy REAL SOON!!! I checked out web site demos and photo gallery. Really well done looks fabulous!!! By the sound of things looks like Hell is going to be a BIG hit!!! Kudos to you my friend. Keep up all the great work & get well soon.

October 17th, 2011, 01:38 PM
Michael, I also have PA. I've had it for more than twenty years.

It really sucks, but I'm taking a fairly effective anti-inflammatory (Etodolac) which works well for me. I also find excercise to be a big help.

I hope that you can find a medication that will help you effectively deal with the swelling and soreness. Good luck to you.

October 17th, 2011, 06:56 PM
Best wishes Syo. Time has a sneaky habit of moving on and leaving us behind. That's why it's a good idea to make the most out of every day, and even though we might not be able to exactly keep up, we can do our best and make more of a contribution than we might be aware of.

A recent Pope, in denying a request to retire from one of his top dudes suffering from deteriorated health, said, "Pain is your friend. It keeps you humble." Not many people want to suffer pain, and I hope that your pain meds help you A Lot and keep the inflamation down. I have followed your developing endeavor and hope that you can continue your pursuit in the face of this adversity. Some of the greatest achievements made have been acomplished under adverse conditions.

October 17th, 2011, 07:02 PM
Hey Basser, thanks for the encouragement. I'm sure I'll be doing much better once the meds kick in!

October 17th, 2011, 10:39 PM
..."Pain is your friend. It keeps you humble." Not many people want to suffer pain, and I hope that your pain meds help you A Lot and keep the inflamation down. I have followed your developing endeavor and hope that you can continue your pursuit in the face of this adversity. Some of the greatest achievements made have been acomplished under adverse conditions.

Thanks Duffy! I totally agree with you. No one wishes to have pain and/or adversity but I do believe that our greatest opportunities for growth and positive development often come from them. And yes, certainly humility too!

Fortunately, the most demanding parts of developing Hell Guitars have been taken care before all of this recent unpleasantness. Now I can delegate certain responsibilities to others to take care of and I can spend more of my time designing and dreaming up new ideas. We are pretty much ready to go as soon as the guitars are finished and delivered. If this had happened a year ago I would have had to shelve things until I got better. But I fully intend to make Hell a successful brand. Successful in that we can make enough money to continue doing business and give as much as possible to help others in need. I'm excited...

October 17th, 2011, 10:53 PM
Thanks Duffy! I totally agree with you. No one wishes to have pain and/or adversity but I do believe that our greatest opportunities for growth and positive development often come from them. And yes, certainly humility too!

So true! I remember my Dad telling me when I was a teen that "this [adversity] is a character builder", and my reply was, "I think I've have enough character built today, thanks!"

The funny thing about chronic pain is when it suddenly is lessened or gone, you realize just how bad it has been. You get so used to it, only increases or decreases in it are noticed.

Now I can delegate certain responsibilities to others to take care of and I can spend more of my time designing and dreaming up new ideas.

Um, I'll throw in a vote for something in a semi-hollow 335-ish guitar. Just sayin'... :cool:

October 20th, 2011, 10:34 AM
Here's to good health, syo!

November 21st, 2011, 08:22 AM
Time for some Hell updates...

Until recently Hell was mostly what I was feeling like. I had a fairly trying time both before and since my last post but things are trending more positive nowadays. My hands are almost normal size and I can play the guitar again. woohoo! Fingers have twisted a bit but it just seems to compliment the idiosyncratic nature of my playing style. Or so I choose to believe. :cool: Anyway, back to the REAL Hell news...

Sold our first $15,000 ZeroDot at auction earlier this month. Though I think it had more to do with the fact that it was signed by Roger Daltrey, Robert Plant and Dave Grohl than the actual value of the guitar. The Teen Cancer benefit was quite a success from what I hear and we were very happy to have been a part of it. My buddy tells me that Daltrey and the Foos did a ripping version of Young Man Blues. Wish I could have made it.

Just heard from the factory today that the guitars are ready to go. I just have to go over there to inspect the lot before it ships. Travel is still a little rough for me so I may wait another week or two, but we're nearly there.

I don't know if any of you remember some of the Gibby truss rod covers I designed but they are finally being made and should be finished in just over a week (I'll be sending you one Sean along with some other bits). I've also designed some copper/nickel pickup covers and am talking prices with manufacturers now. Hope to get some of those in too, some time in December. Oh and the website should be up (shouldn't it?!:thwap ) and really will be before too long. :whatever: Also we have a new Japanese dealer (chain of stores) who is currently displaying some Hell Guitars and will be carrying our brand. Not too shabby...

That's it for now. I have been quite absent in terms of posting in general at The Fret but it isn't because I haven't wanted to. Just went through a rough patch. It's nice to be back. :)

November 21st, 2011, 09:45 AM
Good news, all!
I'm glad both you and the business are on an upward swing.

November 21st, 2011, 10:12 AM
That's some great news. Can only image how tough this has been for you. Looking forward to the website to be up & running. Not to mention the delivery of some of those beautiful guitars.

November 21st, 2011, 12:14 PM
Great news, inspiring stuff this....

November 21st, 2011, 03:24 PM
Glad you are feeling better, syo! When you get back to 100% I'll restart my status update nudges. ;-)

November 21st, 2011, 07:17 PM
So good to hear that you're feeling better! I'm anxious to see some of those pickup covers, my friend. I love the stuff you do, so I'm sure I'll like the covers, too!

November 21st, 2011, 09:40 PM
It's nice to be back. :)

Great to see you back posting, syo!

Also good to read that you're able to play. Still sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.

Can't wait to see the pickup covers. With your eye for design, it's gonna look great!

Did I read that right.... You auctioned off a Hell guitar for $15,000?!?!? AMAZING! Congrats, and it looks like it went to a good cause. I doubt that it was Daltrey and the other signatures that made it go that high. It was Robert's playing on YouTube, and the testimonials from the other members of TheFret that have one, wasn't it? ;)

December 7th, 2011, 06:57 AM
Just finished inspecting the latest shipment at the factory the past 2 days. Very few issues this time, thankfully. Must say I'm not exactly in travel shape but all worked out ok. Tomorrow I will visit a company in S. China who is making some accessories for us to discuss some new products. I will also pick up the Gibby/Epi compatible covers I designed awhile ago (if any of you remember). Here's a pic just sent from the factory. The silver is actually raised but difficult to see here:


I'm looking forward to seeing the actual pieces tomorrow but these look pretty good I think.

Had a farewell dinner tonight. Lots of great food and even disobeyed the doctor with a little hooch (though very little indeed :nono:)

December 7th, 2011, 07:45 AM
Those look great!

December 7th, 2011, 05:00 PM

Had a farewell dinner tonight. Lots of great food and even disobeyed the doctor with a little hooch (though very little indeed :nono:)

Those look great! And good on you for ignoring Dr. No Fun a little. :dude

December 7th, 2011, 11:33 PM
You know what? I can almost see the book now "A Journey Into Hell. The Hell Guitars Story".

Those do look amazing SYO, I'm one of the many eagerly awaiting some pricing so I can add a Hell guilar to the collection :)

December 8th, 2011, 06:44 AM
As am I...

Perhaps a "fretters' discount" like 10-15% off list? :)

December 8th, 2011, 06:14 PM
Thanks guys.

As am I...

Perhaps a "fretters' discount" like 10-15% off list? :)

Yes, fretters with at least 100 posts will get a discount something like you suggest. I'll post the details soon.

My guitar stuff is finished here. This morning I'll fly to Shanghai for some rest and good food. Looking forward to it!

December 8th, 2011, 06:45 PM
Yes, fretters with at least 100 posts will get a discount something like you suggest. I'll post the details soon.
How about 1% off per post? :)

'Course, if you went by *quality* posts, I'd owe you extra.

December 8th, 2011, 07:06 PM
Thanks guys.

Yes, fretters with at least 100 posts will get a discount something like you suggest. I'll post the details soon.

My guitar stuff is finished here. This morning I'll fly to Shanghai for some rest and good food. Looking forward to it!

/me quickly checks post count.......Phew! I'm in.

Enjoy your time off SYO! I've heard the food in Shanghai is sensational :)

December 9th, 2011, 10:17 AM
How about 1% off per post? :)

'Course, if you went by *quality* posts, I'd owe you extra.

:rollover Oh, wait... I'm in the same boat! http://markweinguitarlessons.com/forums/images/smilies/facepalm.gif

December 10th, 2011, 05:13 AM
How about 1% off per post? :)

'Course, if you went by *quality* posts, I'd owe you extra.

Actually Reverend, humor scores big points with the bigwigs at Hell and I always appreciate yours. I'll put in a good word for you and who knows, maybe you won't owe anything at all. :D

Actually, maybe you could be our poster reverend for the worship market. Seems that market won't be ripping our guitars off the shelves (except mebbe to burn them? :thwap). Perhaps if we offer you our special Fretters+Manofthecloth Doublewaribiki discount we might convert you from your pointy ways?

Just got back a few hours ago. Nice to be home except now I have lots of work to do...

December 10th, 2011, 06:05 AM
By the way Ch0, yes, the food in Shanghai is quite good. I'm especially fond of their dumplings and one of my favorite "fake meat" vegetarian restaurants is there too. They have far more to offer though than that. Actually in my considerable time spent in China I don't remember having had a bad meal (well maybe one) and loads of good ones. :hungry

December 10th, 2011, 05:54 PM
Actually Reverend, humor scores big points with the bigwigs at Hell and I always appreciate yours. I'll put in a good word for you and who knows, maybe you won't owe anything at all. :D

Actually, maybe you could be our poster reverend for the worship market. Seems that market won't be ripping our guitars off the shelves (except mebbe to burn them? :thwap).
Yeah. The word "Hell" has a profoundly negative connotation. I can't speak for the CCM crowd (my tastes in sacred music are far more old school than that), but my guess is that you probably won't be inundated with orders from them.

You don't really want me as a poster child for anything, unless you are planning on tapping into the lucrative "crappy guitarist" market. Then I'm your man :)

Perhaps if we offer you our special Fretters+Manofthecloth Doublewaribiki discount we might convert you from your pointy ways?
Well, I will always be pointy at heart, although my current two instruments would give little evidence of that. The only thing pointy on my guitar is the headstock and inlays. My bass is about as non-pointy as can be.

I'm also not sure what "Doublewaribiki" is, but it sounds awesome ;)

December 10th, 2011, 09:40 PM
Just an update to say that this conversation led me to look at the pics of the No. 2 and listen to Robert's clips. I really like your take on the classic Tele. Robert's video showing it via a distorted Marshall reminded me of why I've always liked the Tele bridge pup more than a Strat. Lots more in the cojones dept.

December 10th, 2011, 11:29 PM
The Zero Dot is what's giving me crotch pains.

SYO feel free to pimp your warez over at my site. Get the word out on as many places as you can.

February 10th, 2012, 10:34 PM
Those who have signed up for the Hell Guitars email newsletters got an update about the latest production run recently, as well as a chance to win an amp and some Hell prizes. For those of you who haven't signed up and are interested in these cool guitars, you might want to soon.

February 11th, 2012, 12:02 AM
i got that too...cant wait to get my hands on the semi hollow...

February 11th, 2012, 05:04 AM
Thanks, Tig, for the bump.
Yes I would encourage any Fretters who would like the chance to win a nifty Little Lanilei amp (or custom truss rod covers or T-shirts) to sign up for the Newsletter. No purchase necessary, no salesman will visit your home, etc. etc...:)

By the way, on another Hell related note, I have discovered a rather encouraging market for my custom truss rod covers, a couple of which were posted earlier in this thread. I've been test marketing them on eBay and they are doing quite well. 6 more designs are being made this week. I even have the interest of someone with a certain venerable old U.S. guitar company to design covers for their guitars (but should I?). The accessory market is very interesting to me. I can design and create alot of cool stuff without having to spend years and many thousands of simolians in development. Nice to get some quick gratification sometimes...

Here are the designs being manufactured now. They are diecast 100% brass, covered in enamel with a clear epoxy finish.
As always, opinions/comments are most welcome and appreciated. Thanks!


February 11th, 2012, 09:21 AM
Those are awesome looking Michael....a must have for my Zero Dot.

February 11th, 2012, 10:39 AM
How much are they? That 'custom' one sure would fit my Sg custom prophecy something sweet! Good idea to have both 2&3 hole models...which model/brand guitars have only 2 holes though?

Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk

February 11th, 2012, 10:55 AM
How much are they? That 'custom' one sure would fit my Sg custom prophecy something sweet! Good idea to have both 2&3 hole models...which model/brand guitars have only 2 holes though?

Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk

The Gibsons have just the two holes. At least the Les Pauls do.

February 12th, 2012, 11:05 PM
How much are they? That 'custom' one sure would fit my Sg custom prophecy something sweet! Good idea to have both 2&3 hole models...which model/brand guitars have only 2 holes though?

They are currently selling on eBay for $16.99 but they will be going up to $18.99 as soon as the new designs come in.
But Dee, if you promise to take and post a picture of the cover on your SG, I'll send you one for free. Just send me your address.

Sean is quite right about the 2-hole. They fit most of the Gibson LP, SG, 335 models.

February 12th, 2012, 11:37 PM
Those who have signed up for the Hell Guitars email newsletters got an update about the latest production run recently, as well as a chance to win an amp and some Hell prizes. For those of you who haven't signed up and are interested in these cool guitars, you might want to soon.

Haha you are so much less selfish than I. I also received the email, entered, and kept it very quiet ;)

I'm hoping to buy a ZeroDot myself, but you mention a hollow? I must have missed that one because I'd love another SMALL semi, or hollow (think roughly LP size as opposed to 335 size). What are the specs for this hollow body of which you speak? Maybe I should have been saving for two Hell guilars instead of one....

Oh also, LOVE the trussrod covers, but sadly all of my current guitars have truss rod adjustments at the body end, not the neck end so the covers are a completely different animal.

February 13th, 2012, 09:02 AM
@ chojin: I was thinking the same thing, although, after the reviews from Robert and BcDon, I cant wait to get my hands on any one of them. There's a link to them here: http://www.thefret.net/showthread.php/12941-Hell-Guitars/page2

and here's the pic i found:http://i1234.photobucket.com/albums/ff416/shawn296/no6_colors.jpg

Cant wait till these become available. There's another pic somewhere, but I cant seem to find it. Can you see the Bigsby on those? :) I'm going to Hell for that 'brownburst'.

I am No. 6

February 13th, 2012, 03:04 PM
I am No. 6

Uh... so, you have to take a number!

February 13th, 2012, 06:51 PM
I am No. 6

"What do you want?"
"Who's side are you on?"
"That would be telling. We want information..information..information."
"You won't get it"!
"Who are you?"
"The new Number 2."
"Who is Number 1?"
"You are, Monkus".

Unfortunately we are still at least 6-8 months away from having these available. As I may have mentioned before, the prototypes play and sound great but there were some cosmetic construction issues that need to ironed out before we go into production. So this one has been delayed while we focus on our current production models. This is definitely coming though. I love this guitar. So for now...er, yes, please take a number...;)

February 13th, 2012, 07:36 PM
I am not a number! I am a free man!

February 13th, 2012, 08:00 PM
I am not a number! I am a free man!

Oouu Hu HuWHaaHAAAHA Ha HA HA HA HA ha! (Leo McKern version)...:)

Leo McKern rocked. Great as Rumpole and absolutely terrific on the London stage.


February 13th, 2012, 08:24 PM
Oouu Hu HuWHaaHAAAHA Ha HA HA HA HA ha! (Leo McKern version)...:)

Leo McKern rocked. Great as Rumpole and absolutely terrific on the London stage.


I watched most of The Prisoner episodes back in high school, and got a kick out of later hearing the opening dialog at the beginning of a metal song, I think it was in Iron Maiden's The Number of the Beast album?

February 13th, 2012, 08:46 PM
I signed up for the mailing list. Does that mean my email has gone to Hell?

February 13th, 2012, 08:49 PM
I signed up for the mailing list. Does that mean my email has gone to Hell?

I did notice your sign-up Reverend. Frankly, I'm a little worried about your soul... :)
Welcome to Hell!

February 13th, 2012, 09:04 PM
Welcome to Hell!

Here's your accordion!


February 13th, 2012, 09:17 PM

February 14th, 2012, 07:37 AM

February 14th, 2012, 08:01 AM
no problem Syo, or as we say "No Scene dred...." :)

Here's the thing, I've been gassing for a semi-hollow for a couple years now and been drooling over the Gretch 5122, Epi Dot, Epi Dot Studio, Hagstrom Viking, Ibanez Artcores, and almost pulled the trigger on the Gretch and Epi Dot a few times. But I'm constantly reminded of the No. 6. I did cave and get the Carvin AE185 at a great deal, but with an acoustic bridge and the ability to blend the the piezo and the pups, she's a different personality. The Carvin is perfect for church, since I can get a great full acoustic sound with a turn of a knobbie.

Something about that No.6 Brownburst grabs me and shakes me to bits. So I'll wait patiently till she's available and bring her home. The rub will be if I can resist the Bender till then. Maybe I'll just get both... :)

February 14th, 2012, 02:34 PM
Here's your accordion!


Oh good, I am set. I already have both, mailing list sign-up and accordion!

February 18th, 2012, 08:13 AM
I am not a number! I am a free man!


I wont be free till i have my hands on that No. 6. :agree

February 20th, 2012, 09:11 PM
I can't wait to have a #2, no, not that!

This!! With the maple fretboard. What kind of Bare Knuckle pickups are you putting on these bad boys? :dude


February 20th, 2012, 09:16 PM
I can't wait to have a #2, no, not that!

This!! With the maple fretboard. What kind of Bare Knuckle pickups are you putting on these bad boys? :dude

Love the maple fretboard version. I'd like that one with a humbucker in the neck, that would be perfect!

February 20th, 2012, 09:25 PM
I would love that white #2 with a black guard, humbucker in the neck, maple fretboard, and reversed plate (my hand always hits the switch). That would be the bomb! Please say it can be done.

February 20th, 2012, 09:29 PM
Love the maple fretboard version. I'd like that one with a humbucker in the neck, that would be perfect!

You are a man who loves his humbuckers!! :dude

February 20th, 2012, 09:30 PM
I would love that white #2 with a black guard, humbucker in the neck, maple fretboard, and reversed plate (my hand always hits the switch). That would be the bomb! Please say it can be done.

That sounds pretty sweet too!

February 20th, 2012, 10:57 PM
I can't wait to have a #2, no, not that!

This!! With the maple fretboard. What kind of Bare Knuckle pickups are you putting on these bad boys? :dude


Dude! Are you going for the full set or what :)

February 20th, 2012, 11:11 PM
Dude! Are you going for the full set or what :)
Yes, I am! Bender, Zero Dot, and then the #2.. I have to say, both the Bender and the Zero Dot are such awesome guitars that I have to complete the Trifecta. :dude

February 20th, 2012, 11:16 PM
Yes, I am! Bender, Zero Dot, and then the #2.. I have to say, both the Bender and the Zero Dot are such awesome guitars that I have to complete the Trifecta. :dude

My Number 2 has put the CV 50's Strat in mothballs. I'm thinking of using the Strat in a trade in.

February 21st, 2012, 07:45 AM
Love the maple fretboard version. I'd like that one with a humbucker in the neck, that would be perfect!

I would love that white #2 with a black guard, humbucker in the neck, maple fretboard, and reversed plate (my hand always hits the switch). That would be the bomb! Please say it can be done.

Well, I assure you gentlemen that your suggestions will be filed and we will be sure to get back with you. Once the guitar gnomes arrive to handle our custom orders...;)
Actually I would love to be able to offer custom orders like these. Who knows, if we have a little success, perhaps we can. If we have enough interest in a humbuckered No. 2 I may do a limited run of those sometime.

I can't wait to have a #2, no, not that!

This!! With the maple fretboard. What kind of Bare Knuckle pickups are you putting on these bad boys? :dude

Those come with a set of "The Boss" pickups from BK. My personal No.2 has Brown Sugars in it which have more of a classic Tele tone (though superior to stock US Tele pups) . The Boss are a little hotter. Both rock.

February 21st, 2012, 01:41 PM
Well, I assure you gentlemen that your suggestions will be filed and we will be sure to get back with you. Once the guitar gnomes arrive to handle our custom orders...;)
Actually I would love to be able to offer custom orders like these. Who knows, if we have a little success, perhaps we can. If we have enough interest in a humbuckered No. 2 I may do a limited run of those sometime.
I was going to add that I wanted mine as a flying V with a Floyd Rose, hand-delivered by syo his own self riding a unicorn.

I don't ask for much :)

Although I have always had an unexplained soft spot for Teles with maple boards . . .

February 21st, 2012, 07:03 PM
Actually, it wouldn't be so hard to fulfill my request. There's a maple board model 2 and it comes in white and one model appears to have a black pickguard. It would be fairly easy to switch pickguards and put the maple neck on the white #2. As for reversing the electronics, no biggie. I can flip it and rewire at leisure.

February 21st, 2012, 11:26 PM
Actually, it wouldn't be so hard to fulfill my request. There's a maple board model 2 and it comes in white and one model appears to have a black pickguard. It would be fairly easy to switch pickguards and put the maple neck on the white #2. As for reversing the electronics, no biggie. I can flip it and rewire at leisure.

You're right stingx, it isn't a huge task. Unfortunately I'm burning the midnight oil as it is. I have put together some custom combinations for a few people however I have had to refrain from doing so for now. Just not enough time in my day, unfortunately.

Regarding the unicorn, Reverend, I traded him in for a fret press. I kind of regret it now though...:)

March 7th, 2012, 11:38 AM
Howdy folks. Finally an update worth dating up...
The Hell Guitars website is finally live! After 3+ years (which seems more like 30!) we are finally officially open directly to the public. Thanks so much to so many of my friends here who have offered their opinions and support. I owe some of you quite alot.

Please tale a look at: http://www.hellguitars.com

I guess now I've got to pay Robert the extra 30 bucks for a merchant account... :dude

March 7th, 2012, 12:13 PM
Howdy folks. Finally an update worth dating up...
The Hell Guitars website is finally live! After 3+ years (which seems more like 30!) we are finally officially open directly to the public. Thanks so much to so many of my friends here who have offered their opinions and support. I owe some of you quite alot.

Please tale a look at: http://www.hellguitars.com

I guess now I've got to pay Robert the extra 30 bucks for a merchant account... :dude

Congratulations, syo! I'm still exploring your site.. it looks great!!! :dude

March 7th, 2012, 12:44 PM
Looks awesome also on my mobile!

Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk

March 7th, 2012, 12:46 PM
Congrats, Michael the site looks great. Looking at your truss rod covers, might have to get one of them. They look awesome. Lovin' my Zero Dot!!!

March 7th, 2012, 12:54 PM
Site looks awesome! Love it! Love the prices too :)

March 7th, 2012, 01:16 PM
Congrats Syo! Looks great !!!

March 7th, 2012, 01:54 PM
It's alive!!!

Congratulations, Michael! The site looks fantastic.

March 7th, 2012, 08:46 PM
Fearless-leader and the Hell #2...


March 7th, 2012, 09:04 PM
Ah, the wait is finally over. Looks great so far. It could be just me, but the gallery link doesn't seem to work.
Great work, Michael. Outstanding!

March 7th, 2012, 09:27 PM
Woo Congrats! I got the email this morning and had a quick look around the site and it looks great!

Loving my ZeroDot immensely! That BareKnuckle bridge humbucker is pure awesome!

The new set of tubes in my amp and the ZeroDot have proven to be an wicked combination. :)

March 7th, 2012, 09:52 PM
Ah, the wait is finally over. Looks great so far. It could be just me, but the gallery link doesn't seem to work.
Great work, Michael. Outstanding!

Yeah, I think some of the pages have an issue with the URLs, try this http://hellguitars.com/gallery/

March 7th, 2012, 10:01 PM
Yeah, I think some of the pages have an issue with the URLs, try this http://hellguitars.com/gallery/

Thanks guys for letting me know about the link. Yes I know there's a problem with the main Gallery link and a couple others. Not sure what happened. Something got overwritten when I built the site. I'll get to it hopefully in a couple of hours.

March 8th, 2012, 09:07 AM
The site looks great, as do the guilars! The prices look reasonable, for the quality as well.

I wish you high sales and much prosperity from this endeavor!

March 19th, 2012, 02:09 PM
I can't wait to have a #2, no, not that!

This!! With the maple fretboard. What kind of Bare Knuckle pickups are you putting on these bad boys? :dude


Gentlemen, we have a trifecta! :dude I ordered the #2 Friday before last, Michael shipped in this past Monday and it arrived to my Washington shipping address on Saturday, and now it is here with me at my office. This guitar is absolutely gorgeous! The maple neck is spectacular and the entire guitar is a work of art. I can not wait to get this home tonight and plug it in. I'll post some pictures later on but I have to say what great work Michael at Hell Guitars does. Talk about bang for the buck! :AOK

March 19th, 2012, 02:40 PM
Nice . . . .

March 19th, 2012, 05:31 PM
Congrats Don I just ordered mine too. Shipped today. I got the sunburst. Really like the white with the tort pickguard but that's the same as my Zero Dot plus 2 other Fenders. What color did you get?

March 19th, 2012, 05:53 PM
Congrats Don I just ordered mine too. Shipped today. I got the sunburst. Really like the white with the tort pickguard but that's the same as my Zero Dot plus 2 other Fenders. What color did you get?

I got the sunburst with the awesome maple neck. You're really going to dig it. When I get home I'll post some pictures. :dude

March 19th, 2012, 06:06 PM
Cool...so you have all 3 models now?

March 19th, 2012, 07:45 PM
Cool...so you have all 3 models now?

Yes! Presenting my Hell of a Wall!! :dude

March 19th, 2012, 07:50 PM
That burst with the maple board is gonna turn some friggin heads FOR SURE!

March 19th, 2012, 07:59 PM

March 19th, 2012, 08:01 PM
That burst with the maple board is gonna turn some friggin heads FOR SURE!
You will not believe how glassy this neck is... it is spectacular. I have an Epiphone with a maple neck but it is nothing like the Hell #2. What a great guitar!! I'll take some better pictures when I have a chance but this guitar is unbelievable.

EDIT: A couple more pictures here (http://www.thefret.net/showthread.php/18565-Hell-is-on-the-way?p=223409&viewfull=1#post223409).

March 19th, 2012, 08:12 PM
Yea saw those wall of hell pics...pretty spectacular. Waiting in anticipation...:dance

March 20th, 2012, 06:56 AM
Very nice, Don! I'm a big fan of maple boards on Fender style guitars, and that just looks right on that #2.

March 20th, 2012, 08:21 AM
Yea saw those wall of hell pics...pretty spectacular. Waiting in anticipation...:dance

I'm sure you're going to be super happy with it. :dude

March 20th, 2012, 08:24 AM
Very nice, Don! I'm a big fan of maple boards on Fender style guitars, and that just looks right on that #2.

My Epiphone has a maple fretboard that I really dig but this one is really, really nice. I swear, it's like some of those super expensive teles I was playing with recently on my trip back home. What a great guitar! The pickups sound great. I'm really enjoying the neck position right now.

March 20th, 2012, 09:44 AM
I really dig maple boards meself, and I gotta say the top row looks SWEET...but sunbursts always fail to impress me. I just can't get past thinking they look like something tobacco-stained peeled off a couch of a cheap motel :-) I know it's a classic color scheme, but pretty much the only sunburst types I like are more like Gibson Lemondrop or something...usually prefer solid colors as a rule. Slightly off-or bone white and basic black are the best. Brown burst on a strat...meh, it's just so dated feeling to me. Maybe because my first factory-made guitar was like that.

Not that I wouldn't take that one 4 meself with pleasure :-) just that in some things I don't want a certain color if I can help it. Like also on cars; I would never want a red car, and now that I've had like four dark metal green cars (I used to love that color) I won't get another one if I can help it in any way...

March 20th, 2012, 10:03 AM
I like the sunburst and think it matches very well with the gloss maple board. I bet that fretboard is really nice. My Fender tele with the SD alnico II pro's is a little too white but looks good with the white pickguard and maple board. Plus it plays great and sounds beautiful.

March 20th, 2012, 11:09 AM
I really dig maple boards meself, and I gotta say the top row looks SWEET...but sunbursts always fail to impress me. I just can't get past thinking they look like something tobacco-stained peeled off a couch of a cheap motel :-) I know it's a classic color scheme, but pretty much the only sunburst types I like are more like Gibson Lemondrop or something...usually prefer solid colors as a rule. Slightly off-or bone white and basic black are the best. Brown burst on a strat...meh, it's just so dated feeling to me. Maybe because my first factory-made guitar was like that.

Not that I wouldn't take that one 4 meself with pleasure :-) just that in some things I don't want a certain color if I can help it. Like also on cars; I would never want a red car, and now that I've had like four dark metal green cars (I used to love that color) I won't get another one if I can help it in any way...
I'm actually a sucker for sunbursts on guitars. Not really sure why, but I end up with a lot of them. I do agree that the tobacco sunburst on a strat just screams 70s a la Bob Seger to me.

I also always ended up with black or dark green cars too, but right now I rock a bright-red econobox. Feels kind of strange.

March 20th, 2012, 11:25 AM
The sunburst is nice, but it's the maple fretboard that gets my attention.

March 20th, 2012, 12:23 PM
Too few maple boards out there. If I could choose, pretty much all my boards would be maple. Well just look at marnold's avatar there; picture that Jackson with a dark board and it'd be nowhere as cool any more.

March 20th, 2012, 12:42 PM
Too few maple boards out there. If I could choose, pretty much all my boards would be maple. Well just look at marnold's avatar there; picture that Jackson with a dark board and it'd be nowhere as cool any more.
I never quite understood the attraction to maple fretboards, at least in terms of looks. I have a couple, but I like rosewood or ebony considerably more.

March 20th, 2012, 01:58 PM
I never quite understood the attraction to maple fretboards, at least in terms of looks. I have a couple, but I like rosewood or ebony considerably more.

Maple screams class, that's why. :canada (not sure where the Canada icon went, but you get the point.) :dude

March 20th, 2012, 02:12 PM
Maple screams class, that's why. :canada (not sure where the Canada icon went, but you get the point.) :dude
Indeed. Well played, sir.

BTW, I think you were in search of a trailing colon: :canada:

March 20th, 2012, 04:27 PM
Indeed. Well played, sir.

BTW, I think you were in search of a trailing colon: :canada:

Wow... Is anyone ever -really- in search of a trailing colon? sounds kinds gross.

March 20th, 2012, 05:33 PM
Wow... Is anyone ever -really- in search of a trailing colon? sounds kinds gross.

Thank you! I was going to leave that one alone but I'm glad you didn't. :rollover

March 20th, 2012, 06:53 PM
Ebony, rosewood, maple...irrelevant. I like them all but some colors look better with one or the other.

March 27th, 2012, 08:49 AM
I suppose with this announcement I will probably be making less announcements in this thread (perhaps a relief to some of you!)
I just started a blog as both my personal and Hell related mouthpiece. I'll be talking about Hell Guitars (of course) and also guitars in general and really just about whatever comes to mind on a given day. It's fun to be writing again. Hopefully I can keep it up.

If you care to, please take a look and let me know what you think. Feel free to leave a comment as well. Right now it all has to do with Hell but we'll open things up to other topics soon.

March 27th, 2012, 09:20 AM
Awesome man. I'll be checking it out.

BTW I dropped a really subtle hint to my wife about the zero dot. I told her that I was developing an unhealthy obsession with it and it was going to affect our relationship. We'll see if she picks up on it ;)

March 27th, 2012, 05:41 PM
I suppose with this announcement I will probably be making less announcements in this thread (perhaps a relief to some of you!)
I just started a blog as both my personal and Hell related mouthpiece. I'll be talking about Hell Guitars (of course) and also guitars in general and really just about whatever comes to mind on a given day. It's fun to be writing again. Hopefully I can keep it up.

If you care to, please take a look and let me know what you think. Feel free to leave a comment as well. Right now it all has to do with Hell but we'll open things up to other topics soon.

Very Nice syo!

May 7th, 2012, 08:35 PM
Now that Hell Guitars has been launched and business is becoming a little more predictable, I've been turning some of my focus to designing/manufacturing accessories. This is something that I really enjoy doing. Also, I've always seen accessory sales as way to help subsidize our guitar prices. Anyway, I've come up with a new product called Pup-Caps which are thin (.10mm) adhesive backed, nickel-plated, copper strips which fit on top of your pickup covers to make your guitar look cool. So far I've manufactured 3 humbucker caps and one single coil cap. I'm designing more which will include a Tele lipstick cap. The effect is subtle and changes with the light angle. I think they look cool and integrate themselves well with the guitar without looking tacky. I guess we'll see if there's a market out there for them or not.

Here are some quick shots I took. Please let me know what you think. I'd really appreciate any opinions/thoughts. Thanks!






Here's a single coil version up close:


May 7th, 2012, 08:53 PM
I saw these on your site last week. I think they are a really cool, innovative idea. I haven't seen anything like them out there, and they are not over the top.

Unfortunately, I have only a Strat with the right pickup covers for these to work on. Time to buy more guitars, eh?

May 7th, 2012, 09:02 PM
Very nice syo. I like the rising sun. Great idea.

May 7th, 2012, 09:48 PM
Now THAT, my friend, is true innovation. You have an incredible eye for small detail, and overall design. That single coil cover would go perfectly on my Strat. Any chance you'll make a similar cap for an open coil humbucker, too?

May 7th, 2012, 10:06 PM
Hm. I'd have to see 'em live to have a proper opinion. Since I respect your work immensely & really dig Hell designs, I'll be brutally honest :-) I think they toe a fine line between being a bit gimmicky / cheap trick or a neat little upgrade, much like those fretboard marker stickers...and based on the pics I can't really tell which they are. Interesting in any case, the idea is good.

The designs sure look cool no doubt about that. The single-coil version is the best - I can instantly see it as sweet looking and I can imagine it would look great on many a guitar, because it looks like a flush fit. But the bucker ones suffer a little from the oval hole exposing the pole pieces. I fear the metal of the actual cover may look too different & be too conspicuous on some guitars, making the more matte/aluminum looking sticker look too plainly an added decoration. If the polepieces were traced closely too it'd likely look more convincing, but I understand it might create a host of issues with fit. I imagine there's lots of different spacing's for bucker poles.

All that said, I'd try 'em...I've tried those fretboard stickers too and on some guitars they work very well and I think these might suit some axes like gloves too. But I don't have anything but EMG pups right now :-) but something like that on my SG would make it look even less 'metal'. If you make something like this to make EMG's look more like normal buckers I'd try em for sure.

May 8th, 2012, 12:24 AM
Now THAT, my friend, is true innovation. You have an incredible eye for small detail, and overall design. That single coil cover would go perfectly on my Strat. Any chance you'll make a similar cap for an open coil humbucker, too?

Thanks Kat! Yes, I would like to make caps for open coils too but this will have to wait until we see how they do, first. There are so many small (but significant enough) differences in pole spacings/dimensions etc. that we need to see first if there is a solid market for these first with the most common pickups.

Hm. I'd have to see 'em live to have a proper opinion. Since I respect your work immensely & really dig Hell designs, I'll be brutally honest :-) I think they toe a fine line between being a bit gimmicky / cheap trick or a neat little upgrade, much like those fretboard marker stickers...and based on the pics I can't really tell which they are. Interesting in any case, the idea is good.

The designs sure look cool no doubt about that. The single-coil version is the best - I can instantly see it as sweet looking and I can imagine it would look great on many a guitar, because it looks like a flush fit. But the bucker ones suffer a little from the oval hole exposing the pole pieces. I fear the metal of the actual cover may look too different & be too conspicuous on some guitars, making the more matte/aluminum looking sticker look too plainly an added decoration. If the polepieces were traced closely too it'd likely look more convincing, but I understand it might create a host of issues with fit. I imagine there's lots of different spacing's for bucker poles.

Nice points, Dee.
Well, they certainly aren't for everyone, I'm sure. They are though, a non-destructive way to enhance one's guitar and fairly inexpensively at that. I'm also looking into licensing logos of popular bands and such (AC/DC being the first that came to mind) which could broaden our reach. I've applied for a patent so hopefully I can control the development of this idea.

Actually the stickers themselves are plated in actual nickel on a copper base. So they don't look aluminum-y at all. About the pole pieces on the bucker, yeah, I agree with you. But I would have to make several of the same design which is quite costly especially if I want to do alot of different designs. Actually though, whatever the spacing I think they look petty good if not ideal.

May 8th, 2012, 12:48 AM
Mm, that logo licencing idea sounds real good.

One thing that sprang to mind is could the oval area be also included in the sticker with fake pole pieces pictured, the oval ready-cut but included, so you can pop it out if you do have pole pieces higher than the PU cover and use also that part if not? That way you could use the same stickers also with flat pups like actives to make them look like normal ones, and / or when someone has pups that have flush polepieces or lower than the cover, or maybe even some open-coils like those ugly Carvin ones, the sticker could still be popped on most any mics to transform the look completely. I'd only add very little to the manufacturing costs methinks but broaden the possible uses quite a lot. I bet there'd be plenty EMG etc. users who'd prefer a more classic look instead of the black plastic on their LP's for instance.

May 8th, 2012, 02:07 AM
I like the way you think Dee . Actually I also thought about having removable parts to the stickers but I`m a little concerned about the ease of application. These can only be applied once. If mis-applied they are easy to damage. Not because they tear as they are actually quite strong, however they are very easy to bend and mess up.

Making caps for actives is an interesting idea. Perhaps I`ll try a run and send you one to try out.

Sent from my IS11CA using Tapatalk

May 8th, 2012, 02:40 AM
Yeah, I can imagine the material, I've likely seen similar stuff. It's very thin but stiff, right? Makes for nasty sharp bends easily. Maybe the polepieces part could be entirely separate a sticker, perhaps even a wee bit bigger than the hole so it'd be easier to apply....I think the material is thin enough they could layer slightly without issues. You could sell them as optional additions to these existing ones, could even have different ones or rails and poles etc. And yeah I'd be keen to try a set on my SG :-)

July 23rd, 2012, 11:53 PM
Just taking a moment to resurrect this thread because I've had my Black No.2 (http://www.hellguitars.com/no2.html) (aka, Bernice) for 3 weeks now and...

Admittedly, I don't fully appreciate the range of tones yet, but I've had zero difficulty transitioning my play. Great balance and feel. It has an amazing neck. It's just too easy to pick up, play and lose sleep. It's the most comfortable guitar I own. I expect my other electric will be hitting eBay sometime in August.

Anyways, back to my No.2: when I finish moving into my new home, I'll post a bunch of pics and a more comprehensive review. She is definitely worth bragging about. (And that price can't be beat!)

July 24th, 2012, 12:48 AM

July 24th, 2012, 12:52 AM
"It's the most comfortable guitar I own."

I say the same thing all the time about my Hell ZeroDot! Whatever that neck profile is, it's a winner! I recently "fixed up" my old 80's MiK Squier, and the neck on it is like a bat compared to Hell.

The Grand Vizier
July 24th, 2012, 04:28 AM
I would probably buy a Hell if they ever pull the finger out of the Devil's lair & make lefty version's, but I won't hold my breath waiting :deadhorse:
Yeh I know "shudup yah whinging lefty & be happy with the meager offerings available" :sarcasm

October 26th, 2012, 06:45 AM
Well, after being AWOL for quite a long time here at the Fret (posting anyway), I stumbled upon this long past post...

As promised (I think maybe even to you!) lefties are coming in November. I'm going to the factory in a little over a week to check production.
Hopefully we will get some support from the lefty community out there. We're trying to please!

October 27th, 2012, 10:02 PM

Side note: have you heard of the book Delivering Happiness. It's an amazing read for anyone with an entrepreneurial spirit.