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View Full Version : Tone Settings - Presets AD series etc.

November 12th, 2005, 02:47 PM
I was thinking maybe a section setup for presets for modelling amps might draw more attention to this site. After looking over who is here at the present I have noticed alot of people have migrated this way do to searching out the VOX Valvetronics AD series and finding Robert Renman and his video/audio clips on the AD50VT, many sites have preset sections for say the J-Station , V-Amp2 zoom boxes etc... to attain a base point for certain songs or sounds of others.. but few have for modelling amps such as the AD series..
example of what I mean below although each sound is subjective to a person... its a basis to get started into such a sound/tone

Song: november rain solo setting
guitar: neck pickup tone 3
amp: gain 2, bass 4-5, contour/mid 3, treble 8.
Effects: "Fill in the blanks"

November 15th, 2005, 09:04 AM
Hey Justaguy,

I agree 100%. But then I am new and have been looking for information like this. Not knowing how amps work, I don't know how to tune in a tone.

I have no idea on how to adjust amps to go from a rock sound to a blues sound to a country sound, etc. This experience I do not have.

I read some of the information contributors have been inputting in the "VOX AD Series" thread. I believe before long I should understand all this amp lingo.

I also think that other amps (Fenders, Marshalls, Peaveys, etc) should be their own separate thread. This forum needs the meat to attract new people and new guitar players.


November 15th, 2005, 09:23 AM
Good idea! Let's hear what more comments we get about this. I think it's a good idea.

How about adding subforums for Fender, Marshall, Peavey? Not sure if that is needed. Is it maybe better to have forums for Tube Amps, Solid State Amps and of course Modeling Amps - regardless of brand? That should cover all types of amps shouldn't it?

November 15th, 2005, 11:26 AM
I would think a "presets" forum would need a sticky note attached to beginning of each specific amp section with a worksheet attached to explain/show how to put it in there.. not just for a message like "Well I set mine to high gain and tweed and adjust from there and it sounds cool" but actual setup start to finish with song related as most artist do change their sounds between them even if slightly. I dunno if regular amps would work but I guess you can set them for pedals used etc.. with again some sort of structure.

Fender G-Dec, VOX AD series, Spyders, Behringer, Cyber-Deluxe.. quite a few modeling amps out there which do use some sort of user presets.

November 15th, 2005, 02:15 PM
I have a digital camera. I also have those worksheets that Vox provided on their Valvetronix amps. I can scan a marked up sheet of that for anyone that wants to see the settings or I can take close up digital pics of my own amp with the settings. I can post these anytime I talk about amp settings...or even pedal settings etc.

November 16th, 2005, 11:15 AM
Well, you could always get fancy and take a picture of each control section and each control on the amp in each setting available and with some perl,cgi scripting produce pictures for each setting someone came up with much like watching the Jukebox demo at VOX but ofcourse just one picture.. possible, but a little work.. would make a neat database... just thoughts

November 16th, 2005, 11:33 AM
Hear that Rob? Get to work on that.... ;)

November 16th, 2005, 12:38 PM
Hey, anything is doable, but I'm already bogged down with extra programming work late at night... plus I need time to actually play some darn guitar once in a while. I've got some new gigs coming up and loads of new material to learn.
What jukebox are you referring to? Link? Tell me more about how this idea of yours might work, Justa.

November 16th, 2005, 01:54 PM
Oh My! Where is this going?

I was content with the written stuff back in the VOX AD Series thread. For example:

Blues Tone
Black 2x10,
Gain at noon,
Volume maxed,
Treble at 1:00,
Middle maxed,
Bass at 11:00,
And master maxed
With just a touch of reverb.

But I must admit that am having difficulty measuring what a touch (or tab) of an effect really means. Is it more or less than the already manufacturer's set optimal value?



November 17th, 2005, 02:03 AM
Written is cool... I was just throwing that out there as a suggestion.. Robert.. it would just be scripting to arrange pictures.. say starting with first knob on left.. snap picture in each setting.. then next knob etc.. saving each in order say Effect-1 effect-2 etc.. have a form a user fills out for settings per button to assure answers (except song name ofcourse).. Song: Effect: Bass: MID: etc etc.. which is sent and parsed through the system and sets up each picture in a row making the full layout of controls.. the Jukebox at VOX is what I was referring to but they are just running a Flash set in order..nothing on the fly.. I have done similar before but have not messed with perl or anything in 10 years or so... anyone that actually does this for a living should be able to fly through it.. (cough) .. ... sidetracked..sorry...anyways.. Just written in a Forum per each model would work and attract attention.. was just thinking of something fancy to attact even more..

November 17th, 2005, 12:47 PM
What jukebox are you referring to? Link? Tell me more about how this idea of yours might work, Justa.

I think this is the jukebox he is referring to:


But why not using this simple picture?
I think it would do the job!



November 17th, 2005, 01:52 PM
...umm yeah thats what I said. ;) Btw...that flash stuff on the Vox site is really cool. Its what made me want to get my AD30VT.

November 17th, 2005, 02:13 PM
Btw...that flash stuff on the Vox site is really cool. Its what made me want to get my AD30VT.
What!? It wasn't me??
:( :cool:
haha, just kidding

November 17th, 2005, 02:19 PM
...umm yeah thats what I said. ;) Btw...that flash stuff on the Vox site is really cool. Its what made me want to get my AD30VT.

Oh, eh, oh, now I see. I begin to loose the overview. :o


November 17th, 2005, 02:22 PM
What!? It wasn't me??
:( :cool:
haha, just kidding


Let us not make things to complicated.

The same with subforums. As we do not have 23478 User here, I think we do not need a subforum for every amp, do we?

In my personal opinion, to many subforums do not help to track the threads.
And you see: I know what I'm talking of ;)


November 18th, 2005, 01:39 AM
I think this is the jukebox he is referring to:


But why not using this simple picture?
I think it would do the job!


Well, exactly Chris... the only thing is the missing knobs..With the nice color pictures though and with some parsing of answers it would generate the settings with knobs as it should look in a picture through framing.... once again.. written would be great alone.. this was just a suggestion for flashy setup... I think you would still have to seperate the amps per models or its gonna confuse say a Rolands Cube guy trying to find November rain settings in between all the AD series settings.. and although there is not many people here YET.. does not mean there wont be in the future with enough to offer people. (Besides the Robert Renman clips..;) )

Once again..just suggestions..umm thats what the forum said..lol

November 18th, 2005, 05:21 AM
I have been visiting the "patchtronix forum". There is a person over there working on a ADxxVT template for patches to be loading into. It is mirrored after the VOX VTX/VTH amp series. The template is in the draft form.

The thread is located in the Patchtronix.com Related ONLY section. Here is the link to the template if you’re interested.

It looks like the challenge is on. This should be interesting to watch as the two sites move forward.

As I said on that website, it is great that people are interested in the lower 15, 30, 50 watt amplifiers users like us.


November 18th, 2005, 12:14 PM
Thanks for the site tip Tim..nice site... And you can also see why I mentioned placing each amp style in its own datatbase.. go through the patches there.. there are VTX ADVT and even ToneLab boxes all together.. so in the end you still do not know if your getting for your specific amp till you try it. That seems to be a downfall on most patch sites when multiples are added together...

November 18th, 2005, 01:15 PM
AMEN Brother!!!

November 19th, 2005, 09:36 AM
i noticed most of the settings posted are for VOX AD30VT and AD50VT

I do not play out and have the smaller AD15VT...are there any places to find settings for this smaller amp?


November 19th, 2005, 10:55 AM

The AD (15-30-50-100) VT amps are all the same except the wattage out put. One patch should produce the same tone results except for headroom.


November 19th, 2005, 10:57 AM
when i look at the patches it seems there are more settings for the 30 and 50...do i just ignore the extra settings?...or trade my 15 in on a 30 : )

btw: i love st. augustine (i live near orlando)


November 19th, 2005, 11:06 AM
Are you sure you are looking at the right amps. All the AD (15-30-50-100) VT amps use the same book. The control panel is layed out the same for all.

See http://www.voxamps.co.uk/downloads/AD15_30_50_100VT_E4.pdf.


November 19th, 2005, 11:27 AM
maybe i am....i was on the patchtronix.com website and did a search for santana and the patch had settings for model = RECTO which i don't have as well as settings for presence, drive, level,and others that are not on my amp. I just assumed those were settings on the higher wattage units

I thought i was searching the VOX Valvetronix AD15VT / 30VT / 50VT but maybe the search included other amps

thanks for the help


November 19th, 2005, 12:10 PM
i noticed most of the settings posted are for VOX AD30VT and AD50VT

I do not play out and have the smaller AD15VT...are there any places to find settings for this smaller amp?


You can use the settings for the AD30VT, AD50VT and AD100VT.

The AD15VT is the same amp, only speaker are smaller and power is less. Two minor differences are the missing power regulator and the missing plu-in for an external speaker.

But you can user the settings without problems.


November 19th, 2005, 01:44 PM


NUMETAL is the RECTO amp. Page 22 of the manual discusses how to obtain the RECTO sound.

You sound like I was at the begining. I had no knowledge of electric amps. So you must read, read, and research in order to find the information. Then you must tweak your amp to find the tone to want.

As far as the other controls settings for presence, drive, level,and others that are not on your amp, "forgetaboutem". Presence is a higher treble control, drive is just another gain and level is an other volume.

I hope this helps.


November 19th, 2005, 01:58 PM
I thought i was searching the VOX Valvetronix AD15VT / 30VT / 50VT but maybe the search included other amps

I think you found patches for the 60/120 VTX. They have more options.

November 19th, 2005, 02:07 PM
As far as the other controls settings for presence, drive, level,and others that are not on your amp, "forgetaboutem". Presence is a higher treble control, drive is just another gain and level is an other volume.

I think you found patches for the 60/120 VTX

Thanks Chris. I forgot to mention that those controls were most likely from the 60/120 VTX amps.


November 19th, 2005, 02:18 PM
thanks guys....time to get out the manual!


December 25th, 2006, 03:14 PM
It's a old thread but I found one good page,where can set up guitar amp equalalisatsion,it worked on me perfektly.

And some other examples:
Jimi Hendrix
Gain 4
Treble 5
Mid 5
Bass 8
Reverb 5

Kurt Cobain
Gain 7
Treble 7
Mid 4
Bass 3
Reverb 2

Slash(for example Sweet Child o Mine)
Treble 3.5
Middle 4.5
Bass 7
Reverb 4
Overdrive 10

Old metallica:
Mid 3
Bass 7
Treble 6
Gain: heat :D

Offcourse it all depends of amp and guitar but I hope it will help!

February 4th, 2007, 08:41 AM
Our own DVM has MS Paint and Excel templates on his website just for this purpose. Don't know if our MAC users will be able to use them though.


Now that we are on the subject of sharing tones, how about Line 6? Seems like we now have quite a few Line 6 product users and their tone files interchange between most products and are a breeze to share. I noticed that I cannot upload the tone files directly to the forum though as it will not allow the file type/extension, but they can be posted individually, in bundles or collections on box.net. So it wouldn't have to be a lot of extra work. Maybe just a sticky in the Modeling section would do it. Whadaya think?

February 4th, 2007, 12:01 PM
It might be better to keep them on box.net to avoid too much traffic on the fretserver..

April 11th, 2007, 03:11 PM
I dialed in a really nice tone on my AD50VT this week. A SuperSweet (SS trademark here) Vox AC30TB tone that should bring joy to your ears and goose bumps.

I will post a picture of my settings. I was actually thinking that might be a great way to share favorite settings - just shoot it with a digital camera and post it on here?

April 12th, 2007, 04:25 AM
A template would probably be easier and better. Why not collect all sound settings in a little PDF book when we have a couple more? It could be cool to have a "Fretter signature sounds" book when you need some inspiration!

April 12th, 2007, 08:49 AM
Our own DVM has MS Paint and Excel templates on his website just for this purpose. Don't know if our MAC users will be able to use them though.


Now that we are on the subject of sharing tones, how about Line 6? Seems like we now have quite a few Line 6 product users and their tone files interchange between most products and are a breeze to share. I noticed that I cannot upload the tone files directly to the forum though as it will not allow the file type/extension, but they can be posted individually, in bundles or collections on box.net. So it wouldn't have to be a lot of extra work. Maybe just a sticky in the Modeling section would do it. Whadaya think?

Excel (via the Mac version of Office) opens straight across Windows to Mac and vice versa. Don't know about Paint. My first Mac, back in 1984, had MacPaint, but I am not familiar with MS Paint.

April 16th, 2007, 12:56 PM
The MS Paint stuff is just a bunch of BMP files. Any decent image editing program should be able to handle them.

May 21st, 2007, 08:39 AM
I am a mac user, and DVM's templates will open up fine in Preview if they are saved as .bmp files. Thanks DVM, much appreciated. Will try to post some of the settings I use which I like. Hope to see more from the other Vox users too.