View Full Version : Megadeth - "Endgame"

September 25th, 2009, 08:55 AM
Megadeth is one of those bands that I gave up on years ago when the writing and overall sound lost the original magic, similar to Anthrax and Metallica. With Dave's latest release, "Endgame", I expected more of the same uninspired stuff of recent albums. I was wrong. The thrash is back.

Although still not quite the same level of "Peace Sells... But who's Buying?", "So Far, So Good... So What!", or "Rust In Peace", I have to say, Dave is back! He appears to have renewed his angst filled lyrics ("Endgame" is based on the 2003 controversial Homeland Security "Endgame" document), and the tunes are catchy for the most part. A few of the songs (Head Crusher) are hard for me to take seriously, but most are worthy enough to make it onto my already filled-to-the-max iPod. Plenty of great dueling solos on each track.

If you were ever a Megadeth fan, this might be a good one to buy or download. If you were never a fan, no big deal I suppose. I'm not some band worshiping zombie, and rarely fall for media hype over a new release, but this is a welcome return from a band I wrote off years ago.

A few short cuts from each song:

September 25th, 2009, 05:08 PM
Sounds like some classic Megadeth. Apparently converting to Christianity hasn't removed the burr from old Davey's britches.