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View Full Version : Mandatory Organ Donorship

October 4th, 2009, 09:47 AM
LOL, I got an instant Monty Python vibe...you know the classic scene in 'The Meaning of Life' where they came to harvest organs from somebody - long before he's dying...hilarious scene...

This from latest news that they're soon making organ donorship mandatory, i.e. when you die they'll take what they can use and no questions asked. Used to be that relatives could deny doing that, but no more. They have made polls and found that over 90% of the population see no problem in their organs and body parts being recycled back to use upon death, and thus made it so. They estimated that up to 70 lives yearly have been lost due to relatives denying organ harvesting, although the victims themselves would have nothing against it.

I can understand that completely...I wouldn't mind my parts being recycled, or my relative's parts, but in the moment of grief it might be easy to think otherwise and deny the use of your loved one's parts...so it's really a good thing there won't be that option any more.

October 4th, 2009, 09:56 AM
question, who is the they? what country are we talking about?

there is no way this could happen in the united states. not to get into a political or religious discussion, but there are some religions that do not permit their adherents to donate organs. i can't see a law being passed which would force them to do so.

October 4th, 2009, 10:39 AM
question, who is the they? what country are we talking about?

there is no way this could happen in the united states. not to get into a political or religious discussion, but there are some religions that do not permit their adherents to donate organs. i can't see a law being passed which would force them to do so.

Ah, sorry...Finland.

There will still be a possibility for the would-be donor to deny the use of his/her organs personally, based on religion or such indeed, but the change is that where currently the doctors will have to ask for the permission before they can harvest, in the future they don't have to ask anyone, but they just check their files whether the person in question has denied it. Relatives etc. will have no say in it after the fact.

So basically everyone will be harvested, unless they have specifically denied it. No doubt some will, too....but according to research over 90% want to be donors anyway, so it makes much more sense that way round.

Trailer Park Casanova
October 4th, 2009, 02:01 PM
I thought this thread was gonna be a "Cash for Clunkers" on old, ancient Vox Continentials and Farfisas.

October 4th, 2009, 02:29 PM
Here. I'll donate my organ. I have no problems with that. :)

October 4th, 2009, 02:43 PM
A Wurli E200? My address is...

just strum
October 4th, 2009, 03:45 PM
I would give my left http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h16/auroraohio/Smiley/smiley35.gif for a ES335 - does that count?

October 4th, 2009, 04:26 PM
Ah, sorry...Finland.

There will still be a possibility for the would-be donor to deny the use of his/her organs personally, based on religion or such indeed, but the change is that where currently the doctors will have to ask for the permission before they can harvest, in the future they don't have to ask anyone, but they just check their files whether the person in question has denied it. Relatives etc. will have no say in it after the fact.

So basically everyone will be harvested, unless they have specifically denied it. No doubt some will, too....but according to research over 90% want to be donors anyway, so it makes much more sense that way round.

thank you for clarifying

i suppose had i been more awake i'd have noticed that you are from finland and would have figured that one out. :mybad

it's very interesting. i will have to read up on it more.

just strum
October 4th, 2009, 06:02 PM
Everyone in our house are willing organ donors as noted on our drivers license. Even though I consent, I still get this feeling I am going to need them after I'm gone.

October 4th, 2009, 07:38 PM
Here. I'll donate my organ. I have no problems with that. :)

obviously, that's not your singing organ.

October 4th, 2009, 07:41 PM
We are signed up as noted on our licenses too, but I have to wonder how many people do that just to get cheaper DLs. At least that's the way it is here.
I don't think I would have any problem with the assumed 'yes' unless you specifically deny it, but then again, I can see how that would cause issues with the same people who need a warning label on their coffee cups.

October 4th, 2009, 08:01 PM
I'm signed up too but anyone who gets my liver or lungs won't think it's their lucky day :nope

October 4th, 2009, 09:58 PM
Having the info on drivers' licences would be very good too...the main issue here is that even though most people would donate their organs, very few actually have gotten the card and even fewer carry it with them. And in either case the doctors have to ask the relatives and that causes all kinds of unnecessary stress and people may readily deny in their grief, even though they might be sorry about that later on.

It the info would be on the driver's licence that would certainly help a lot with the problem too, maybe so that the default 'yes' assumption would be unnecessary.