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October 7th, 2009, 02:50 PM
I haven't been on much lately due to various projects that have been consuming my time. Sorry about that.

In my guitar playing, since I got my Martin 00X1 and Taylor 310, I have not touched an electric guit! Big time into acoustic playing!

Well, on Monday I had a blind A-B-C test set up at my local Martin dealer, between a Martin SWDGT, a used Taylor 810 (mint condition), and a Martin D-18. Each was labeled #1, #2 and #3, respectively (w/o my knowledge). This was for me to make a final choice by tone and sound alone: strummed, flat-picked and finger-picked on each.

The results: I preferred the sound of the Martin SWDGT first, the D-18 second and the Taylor (!) third! Chris, my guitar tech and shop proprietor, was grinning from ear to ear, 'cause he's a BIG Martin guy and he loved that, in a blind test, I preferred the much less expensive Martins over the $3200 MSRP Taylor!

BUT, the story doesn't end there. Neither the SWDGT nor the D-18 really "spoke" to me, if ya know what I mean. I was perplexed.

Also on that Monday, Chris had shown me a Martin M-36 (MSRP $3200 - street $2399) which I fell in love with, but felt I could no way afford. BUT, that M-36 was why none of the others were "speaking" to me...grabbing me, as in "I'm the one".

End of story: Today I went to the shop again, played the M-36 against the SWDGT and the D-18, and truly there was just NO comparison. The M-36 had such a more rounded, bell-like tone, and the smaller M body size, w a neck and action that was heavenly...I knew then and there I had to have the Martin M-36. THAT was why the SWDGT and D-18 weren't doing it for me. The M-36 rang my bell immediately!

So, after some friendly bartering (he lowered the price from $2399 to $2369), and the shop is having their annual "no tax" month, both Chris and the owner allowed me to pay $1500 now, take the guitar home, w the understanding that I would pay the balance of $869 within 30 days (will probably be done next week). And, just to make myself feel better, I insisted they hold one of my electric guits as collateral. They said "No, man. No need, we're not worried about you at all". THAT is a good feeling! But I let them hold one of my electrics anyway, because I felt better about it. (They're like family now. I've bought all of my Peavey gear from them, as well as Ibanezes that have come and gone, the Taylor 310 and two Martins...)

As of today, I am the VERY PROUD owner of a full-blown, full-fledged, REAL Standard Series Martin M-36 acoustic guitar! With Geib style HSC included...just beautiful! AND, I got a free guit stand and Martin T-shirt w the guitar...AND, I will be receiving, from Martin, a goodies package of 13 sets of strings, polishing cloths, polish, a tuner turner, picks...and I can't remember what else! Man, what a feeling, and what a guitar! I am so pleased, and so humbled, I'm about off my nut!

What a GREAT day! Now to go and play my new M-36 for about, oh, 4 or 5 hours...!

Yours in all humility...

G :agree

October 7th, 2009, 03:11 PM
Wow, that sounds like a seriously good guitar!


I am happy for you. :happy

October 7th, 2009, 03:23 PM
Thanks, Roberto! It is a seriously good guitar! I can't imagine wanting for another acoustic. This, to me, is the pinnacle! This one will be handed down thru generations, and fetch a pretty penny someday. Definitely a collector's item!

October 7th, 2009, 03:29 PM
Wow! Great adventure. Congrats on the new guitar. What does she look like?

I hope the termites don't find it.

October 7th, 2009, 03:33 PM
Thanks, mr. spud!

Here's Martin's page on her:


She's a beaut! Absolutely gorgeous! (Of course, the pix don't do her justice.)

October 7th, 2009, 03:49 PM
Cool! I have my "speaks to me" martin as well, that I hope to obtain someday. Congrats on getting yours!

October 7th, 2009, 03:57 PM
Thanks, SVL! It only took me 59 years! :thwap

A little advice from an old sot: don't wait forever for the "perfect" time, or the "right" time. If I knew then what I know now, I would have spent this kind of $ long ago. Life is too short and too uncertain to wait. Expensive, yes. Too much money? Maybe. But there's no such thing as too much money if it's what it takes to get what you truly want.

I don't want to look back on any part of my life and say "geez, I wish I would have..." - when it's too late.


October 7th, 2009, 04:32 PM
AllI can say is to keep that baby in a case and an eye on humidity............wowza nice ride brother:happy

October 7th, 2009, 06:17 PM
Congrats bigG!
I can certainly relate to your adventure. After all, the extra money spent will soon be forgotten and you have a great guitar to enjoy the rest of your life.
I'm in the market for a new acoustic so your post really got my gearage up.

Maybe it's time to spend a little more than I should too...:AOK

October 7th, 2009, 06:20 PM
Personally, I think you're making it all up. Of course, if we could see some of your own photos, I might be persuaded you actually bought this guitar.... :poke ;) :D

Seriously--congrats....but I still wanna see pix!!! :drool:

October 7th, 2009, 06:46 PM
Thanks, guys!

Mud: she ain't gonna be in the case much at least for the next few days! Man, that case is made especially for this M-36. Snuggles right on in there w/o a hair's width to spare! What a beauty!

syo: didn't mean to get your gearage up! :( But maybe it was meant to be, eh? Sounds like you got a good plan to me!

vood: believe me, man, I'd LOVE to have pix of all my gear on here. But this beauty in particular. The 3-piece East Indian Rosewood back is really stunning! Pix will come, all in good time, I suppose...(I hope!)


October 7th, 2009, 08:25 PM
I am sure ya know I meant keep it in a case when not playing.......which might be awhile brother:happy

October 7th, 2009, 08:35 PM
Super sweet, and I really like the story about how and where you got it. Going local is the best way to go and both of you are happy.
Looking forward to some pics!!