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View Full Version : Hughes & Kettner...your thoughts?

October 11th, 2009, 08:52 AM
I've been on this Hughes & Kettner kick lately, but I rarely see much about them.
I don't care much for the high gain stuff, but I'm really diggin the Statesman combo for it's vintage vibe, crystal cleans and nice crunch.
A new Dual EL84 20W 1x12 version can be had or around $1000.
They also have a 25th anniversary Edition Tube combo priced around $700, but the Statesman series is probably a better amp.
Would love to hear from you if you have one, played one, like them, hate them? :dude

October 11th, 2009, 09:31 AM
I have really been interested in the Statesman series. Looks like a good combo of sounds for my taste, based on the online vids. I know they have been discussed here before. I have not been able to play with one in person to verify, and am not likely to get one soon, but it is on my radar to check out. Spud has a smaller H&K that he can comment on. He likes the clean channel but has not been in love with the gain channel as far as I know.

October 11th, 2009, 09:48 AM
I have the Edition Tube 20th. Initially it was a great amp. Sparkling cleans, fat lows and a very loud 20 watts. Then the stock tubes went bad and for the life of me I could not find any replacements that sounded good so I put the amph on hold and didn't do anything with it for months.

I finally dug out my whole tube stash and started experimenting. I didn't do this earlier because it's a pain to swap tubes and after my first few tries I didn't want to take all the time to unscrew the back and swap any more. Recently I told myself I would give it 2 solid days of swapping and it worked. I found some old tubes that seem to work pretty well and used the amph all weekend playing out for 8 solid hours. The clean channel is a little weaker than it was originally but still good enough that I'm happy. The gain channel which has an amazing amount of gain on hand also sounds much better and more in control. The only quibble now is that the reverb is way too much. I'm not sure if that is even tube related. I just turn it off and use the reverbs in my M13.

I think H&K does a very good job on amphs and I would certainly not hesitate to get a Statesman if that's what you want and have the cash for. However, before you buy go some where and check out the Bugera (hold on) V55 combo. You might be surprised how good it is and might justify saving some major $.

October 11th, 2009, 03:28 PM
I just played a Statesman a few times in a local store. It's a nice enough amp, sure. I was astonished how the high gain channel was very much like Tech-21's gain sounds, it is very tight and keeps the full chord clarity exceptionally well for such high gain. I really enjoyed some full chords at high gain on it, they sound very full and big yet tight with an EMG driving it.

I like most any EL84 amp, my main amp is an el84 ceriatone head...and in comparison my ceria is, well, much more alive and 'present' if you like...probably because of the simple ptp construction and the 4x12" I use with it. It doesn't need a reverb or anything, it still sounds like there is reverb or something, very very big and lively. The Statesman is much more compact in behaviour as well as size, but on the plus side it can handle a lot more gainy sounds without getting too messy. On the ceria I need to use my OD pedals with a huge bass and treble cuts to get it more midrangey and retain control, because otherwise it'll be too bassy/messy and too trebly too.

But yeah, I'd take a long hard look at one if I was shopping for a compact nice amp, although my personal fave still would probaly be a Tech-21 TM60 if I was in the market for a new combo.

October 30th, 2009, 04:24 AM
I own 23 H&K amps at this moment(+Framus,Crate,Fender...).And between all this amps is Statesman Quad.It is fantastic amp from Clean to old rock.But for metal you should check for somethings else.It is very dynamic.I prefer G12M25 speakers.
But I am crazy on H&K stuff, so mybe I am not the best answer to you.

October 30th, 2009, 07:59 AM
I own 23 H&K amps at this moment(+Framus,Crate,Fender...).And between all this amps is Statesman Quad.It is fantastic amp from Clean to old rock.But for metal you should check for somethings else.It is very dynamic.I prefer G12M25 speakers.
But I am crazy on H&K stuff, so mybe I am not the best answer to you.

No, you are exactly the guy we want to hear from. What other H&Ks have you played?

November 2nd, 2009, 09:37 AM
I play Metal Master (Metal schredder) from my friend and this is only what I play and I do not own.I like them all, really.Even Blue edition 30 an 60 are diferent.30 is better for blues and they have more punch and dynamic beacuse of Jensen 10 inch speaker-good for lead guitar, 60 have very warm sound (like Fender) and more warm distortion(Celestion 12 inch).Otherwise I own and play next H&K amps:
-Blue Edition 30DFX
-Blue Edition 60R
-Matrix combo
-PCS 50
-VORTEX 212 combo
-WARP 7 head (SS amp)
-Attax 100 head (silverface hybrid preamp with 1x 12AX7)
-Attax 200 head (silverface hybrid preamp with 3x 12AX7)
-Zenamp combo
-Edition tube 20th ann
-Tube 50 combo
-Tube 50 head
-Triamp Mk1 combo with 6L6GC
-Triamp combo Mk1 with EL34
-Puretone combo
-Duotone combo
-Warp T (tube amp)
-Tour reverb head
-Triplex combo
-ATS sixty combo
-Statesman quad El84 combo
-Quantum 310 bass amp
-Warp factor
I hope I did not forget something, beacuse I own more than 45 amps and some of them, I did not see some times.I probably need to build another house to have enoght places for buying more.

November 2nd, 2009, 10:03 AM
Holy S**t!!! :drool:

I play Metal Master (Metal schredder) from my friend and this is only what I play and I do not own.I like them all, really.Even Blue edition 30 an 60 are diferent.30 is better for blues and they have more punch and dynamic beacuse of Jensen 10 inch speaker-good for lead guitar, 60 have very warm sound (like Fender) and more warm distortion(Celestion 12 inch).Otherwise I own and play next H&K amps:
-Blue Edition 30DFX
-Blue Edition 60R
-Matrix combo
-PCS 50
-VORTEX 212 combo
-WARP 7 head (SS amp)
-Attax 100 head (silverface hybrid preamp with 1x 12AX7)
-Attax 200 head (silverface hybrid preamp with 3x 12AX7)
-Zenamp combo
-Edition tube 20th ann
-Tube 50 combo
-Tube 50 head
-Triamp Mk1 combo with 6L6GC
-Triamp combo Mk1 with EL34
-Puretone combo
-Duotone combo
-Warp T (tube amp)
-Tour reverb head
-Triplex combo
-ATS sixty combo
-Statesman quad El84 combo
-Quantum 310 bass amp
-Warp factor
I hope I did not forget something, beacuse I own more than 45 amps and some of them, I did not see some times.I probably need to build another house to have enoght places for buying more.

November 2nd, 2009, 10:29 AM
thats a helluva' list there.

i have an edition blue, its at my bassist's house for jams at the moment.

November 2nd, 2009, 12:26 PM
I love the original Attax 80 combo amp (blue furry cloth model).. I used to work in a music store and we sold a lot of these amps..

November 2nd, 2009, 02:11 PM
I really liked my H&K Cream Machine:


It was insanely loud for a 2W amp.

April 7th, 2010, 08:10 PM
Hello everyone... My first post here :happy

I just wanted to chime in here on the Hughes & Kettner thingy... Even though I am late to the party. LOL

I currentyly own an Edition Blue 30R and I like it lots and lots. At first, though, not so much, I did not like the Jensen speaker (something people rave about on these amps), it was too bright (harsh, shrill) for my tastes plus at full volume, the speaker "farted-out" too much. So, when I got my Marshall Lead 12 that had an Eminence Ramrod in it, I drooled and made the swap as quickly as I could. The tone is much darker, the way I like it. In addition to making the clean channel sound pleasing to me, the lead channel is now useable as well, as long as you don't go more than 11 O'clock or so.

I just wanted to add my opinion to the thread. Thanks...

April 7th, 2010, 08:42 PM
Nice input, DeanEVO_Dude.
Oh, and welcome to The Fret! :beer:
Be sure to introduce yourself over in The Fret Players section (http://www.thefret.net/forumdisplay.php?f=13) and tell us a little more about you/your gear/music or whatever you want to share. This is a really cool place!

Oh, and pictures of your cool gear are always welcome, because descriptions alone are...

April 7th, 2010, 09:17 PM
I played a H&K 50 watt combo in a music store recently, and was impressed. All the gain one would possibly need, and a lot of versatililty. The cleans were good.

The only issue was the price. They ain't cheap.