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October 13th, 2009, 06:40 AM
The cardiologists and gastro-enterologists in Philly must be swamped today after the Phillies weekend. Geez, we are all plumb worn out from the games this weekend. Nail-biters for sure and nothing is ever guaranteed with our
Fightin' Phils.

Dodgers are next. Get the Maalox and Valium express delivered, we'll probably need it.

On a side note.....congrats to Strum, whose Browns finally won a game this past week. Congrats to Shiner/CB for their 'BOYS comeback against the lowly Chiefs.

October 13th, 2009, 07:27 AM
I hear ya. The series overall wasn't as close, but I had the good fortune of being able to attend the 2nd game of the Yankees-Twins series in New York last Friday evening. Amazing game, with my Yanks tying it up on a two run HR by A-Rod in the bottom of the 9th off Twins closer Joe Nathan, then winning it on a Mark Teixeira dinger to lead off the bottom of the 11th. And that after the Twins had loaded the bases in the top of the 11th, but failed to score (thanks in part to a truly rotten umpire call on a slicing Joe Mauer fly ball to LF--called foul but fair by at least a foot). Had my son with me and was thrilled that he got to see such an exciting game.

Best of luck to your Phils....unless they meet my Yanks in the WS! :dude

October 13th, 2009, 07:34 AM
Yep A-ROD finally came through!!!!! I am a redsox fan(vood dont hold it against me) but they were horrible the dynasty/run is over:thwap

Congrats pie!!!!:AOK

October 13th, 2009, 07:46 AM
Yep A-ROD finally came through!!!!! I am a redsox fan(vood dont hold it against me) but they were horrible the dynasty/run is over:thwap
Yeah, and I'm glad to finally see him come through in the playoffs.

Like any true Yankees fan (and keep in mind I was 10 years old when Maris & Mantle were taking turns banging 'em out of the park in '61, so I'm no Johnny-come-lately fan), I can't stand the BoSox. But I was still stunned to see the 9th inning Papelbon meltdown, 'cuz that boy is tough! But the pitching is still strong--the offense needs some retooling, though. Too many old guys now...

BTW, after the game in NYC on Friday, it was off to Boston on Saturday afternoon to see my daughter. Stayed overnight in Brighton, and we drove down Commonwealth Ave. just a couple of blocks from Fenway on our way out of town Sunday afternoon, while that 3rd game was going on. Heard the end on the radio on the Mass Pike on our way home...

October 13th, 2009, 07:47 AM
Thanks....the city is getting ready for the Thursday start out in LA. Our bats are slowly starting to rumble and that's a good thing.

Good luck to ya DVM with your Yankees....until the WS....when you can kiss your Yanks bye-bye......:poke

October 13th, 2009, 07:56 AM
Good luck to ya DVM with your Yankees....until the WS....when you can kiss your Yanks bye-bye......:poke
Gotta get by the Angels first, and they're (1) a very good club, and (2) always play the Yankees very tough. My boys are going to have to hit better than they did against the Twins--a homer here and there by A-Rod & Teixeira won't get it done against the Angels. Gotta be able to play "small ball" and grind out some runs....

October 17th, 2009, 08:09 AM
Well, the PHILS split in LA, which is great but we had a golden opportunity to go up 2-nil and we blew it. UGH!! They're shipping in the MAALOX and Valium by the truckloads due to our Phils. Plus, we have the IGGLES tomorrow at 4PM, right before the Phils play at 8.

October 19th, 2009, 10:10 PM
Down by 1 run with 2 out in the bottom of the ninth......and........we pulled it out. Oh baby, this ain't good for the innards. :AOK

Vood's Yanks lost in the 11th inning against the Angels. WOW!!

What drama in both games.

Tired eyes all over Philly come tomorrow morning.