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View Full Version : Is there a way to "try out" strings?

Retro Hound
October 14th, 2009, 03:02 PM
I did a search on strings and found several threads where people name what they use, but my question is a little different.

1. Is there a way to try out strings with out buying new ones all the time? My wife is not too happy with my new-found GAS (just today I called someone about an amp on craigslist and you should have seen her reaction). You can try out guitars, amps, etc, but I'm new and kinda flying blind when it comes to strings.

2. Is there a chart that can give outlines at to what certain strings sound like? You know, "brighter" "deeper" "dirtier" "mellower" "sonicy" so that when I get some, I can figure out which direction to go?

Just to be clear, I'm not asking what you use, but how do I figure out where to start?

Perfect Stranger
October 14th, 2009, 03:16 PM
This might be helpful to you!


good luck!

Retro Hound
October 14th, 2009, 06:34 PM
PS, that's great! Thanks!

October 14th, 2009, 09:55 PM
Great link, PS ... good reference for comparing acoustic strings, until they add more clips...

D'addario has a kinda 'meter' on all their strings that classifies their degree of 'brightness' to 'mellowness'. Not as good as actual sound clips, but an approximate way to compare expectations.
d'addario products index (http://www.daddario.com/DaddarioHome.Page?ActiveID=2626&language_id=1&currency_id=1)

October 15th, 2009, 05:10 PM
I did a search on strings and found several threads where people name what they use, but my question is a little different.

1. Is there a way to try out strings with out buying new ones all the time? My wife is not too happy with my new-found GAS (just today I called someone about an amp on craigslist and you should have seen her reaction). You can try out guitars, amps, etc, but I'm new and kinda flying blind when it comes to strings.

2. Is there a chart that can give outlines at to what certain strings sound like? You know, "brighter" "deeper" "dirtier" "mellower" "sonicy" so that when I get some, I can figure out which direction to go?

Just to be clear, I'm not asking what you use, but how do I figure out where to start?

I think you will find after a while that most strings sound very similar through the same rig, and feel will be your most important consideration. You'll only gain this by playing the strings...............a trial and error right of passage that we all go through.