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View Full Version : What happened to the ZZsounds link here...?

October 15th, 2009, 10:02 AM
I am, er.. cough... contemplating an entry-level drumset purchase, maybe a new Ludwig Accent (wish me luck!).

I thought of ZZsounds and the link that used here on the forum. Is the ZZsounds "reward" program still in effect?

EDIT: OK, link is there at the bottom of the page. Duh... but would the Fret.net reward apply to non-guitar purchases..?

October 15th, 2009, 10:58 AM
If you click on that Support our Forum banner and buy, TheFret.Net gets a commission, no matter what kind of product you end up buying at the Zzsounds.


October 16th, 2009, 10:26 PM
Earlier this year I got a Ludwig Accent CS fusion kit. I've been playing guitar 47 years, have dabbled with a bass for 2, but drums is a whole new thing. I'm having a ball and highly recommend that kit.
4 of my friends that are drummers have played the kit and they all love it. I did upgrade the heads, bass pedal, and high hat clutch. But nonetheless, the kit is a great value.
Too bad you are not closer to Harrisburg, Pa. A friend of mine, Dale, owns Dale's Drum Shop and has a great deal on that set. I got mine with a crash, ride, and high hat cymbals for $659 if I remember correctly. Maybe you could find a similar price near you.
Have fun, and be patient~ it's frustrating
My set looks like this


October 20th, 2009, 02:47 PM
Wow, very nice, and well priced.
I hear good things about the Ludwig hardware

Yes, I am too far from your friendly dealer, sadly.

Spending a lot of time on my local CL, and amazed at how many drummers can't spell cymbal right... a lot of "symbols" involved in drumming!
There are a few interesting vintage sets cropping up, tempting, but I do not have the experience to properly care for them.