View Full Version : Pickups, amps and tone oh my..

November 20th, 2009, 03:59 PM
I wonder if y'all consider the pickups when it comes to the amps? Like this set of pups sounded good on amp A but not so well on amp B. I noticed that I prefered my Blackheart over my Windsor with my guitars because the BH sounded better.

All that changed when I bought a set of M22s from Carvin to put in my DC127. This set sounded good on the Windsor but not so good on the BH.


I don't know if I want to keep this set because they're so different from the others I know of but kicks butt on the Windsor that's fo' sure. I have my Blackouts that I pulled off but rather go passive still. Maybe I'll go look at some Duncans. :)

November 20th, 2009, 04:15 PM
Hell yeah. I found out a few years ago about EMG's for instance.
They are usually considered very 'metal' pickups, and yeah, the 81 for instance is well suited for metal/thrash.

BUT those EMG's, 85, SA, etc...they sound just marvellous directly into an all tube amp. And I do mean, no digitals in between. And very few other pedals. The active system pushes the tube inputs STRONG and gives marvellous natural crunch and also they have much more high and low end, more natural and wider spectrum of frequencies.

Then again...once you start putting digitals in between, or too many pedals...they get cold and buzzy and lose the character.

So yeah...I like basic strat mics, Seymour etc. buckers into SS amps and lots of pedals...they retain some of the guitar's qualities even with lots of effects. But I love an active mic direct or almost direct to an all-tube amp...it's just great. Full of life and character and no cut-off frequencies...not much need for EQ knobs or anything, just pure guitar sound without excessive coloration or cutoff of traditional humbuckers.

November 20th, 2009, 05:31 PM
I have the same,My tele with buckers JB/pgate sounds bad into a blues jr pedals or not,the only thing that sounds good into the BJ is a strat or surprise the Parker P-36 on the Rodent with the piezo man that is a sweet set up.The ears do tell.Sumi:D

November 21st, 2009, 10:41 AM
I'll bet that our quests for tone comes from finding the pickup/amp combos. :)

About the EMGs, I had an 81/60 on an LP copy and they are sweet played clean as well as dirty. Especially the 60 in the neck, you'd think you're playing a flute and that's sweet sounding.

The M22V in the neck of my DC127 sounded like a flute too and went well with both of my amps but the M22T in the bridge didn't sound so well with my BH.

I just remembered that DiMarzio have pups with colored bobbins, gotta go see what kind. :)