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View Full Version : I have 2 new wah pedals sitting here beside me...

November 21st, 2009, 10:33 PM
I didn't buy any of them yet, I'm testing over the weekend (thanks Music Centre Canada for letting me borrow them!)

I've got here a Dunlop GCB95 Crybaby and a Dunlop EVH signature wah.

Both are really good. In fact, I think my Fulltone Clyde just can't match them when used with distortion. They much smoother.

First impression - the standard GCB95 Crybaby has a shorter sweep than the Clyde or EVH. Tone is great though, and found myself really liking the sound. It's very easy to get along with, both for clean and distorted tones.

The EVH wah - I first ignored just because I don't like using signature stuff. I see many compare this to an Albert Lee ring modulator - in order words a money making scheme since EVH rarely used wahs. One guys said "Why not make an EVH-branded disco ball, or an EVH snow tire." Whatever, people can argue about that if they want, I don't care other than to know if the pedal sounds good or not. I can always spraypaint it black. :)

I figured I should try it though, so I took it home. Man, I have to tell you, I am very impressed! Don't listen with your eyes - ignore the EVH stripes or close your eyes as you play it. You will notice it's definitely different and with a great tone. It has wider sweep and it is very bright when floored. It's a good bright though, and not "honky" or "chunky" - just a nice, clean sounding wah effect all the way. It works great for high gain guitar tone, but also very, very fun to play funky clean stuff with this wah.

The drawback is the EVH is of course much more expensive. I am not sure which way to go yet. I'll test them both more tomorrow at higher volumes and see what gives. I think I'll buy one of them anyway, just because I'm really digging either of them, and I think it might start using the wah effect more as a result.

November 22nd, 2009, 08:35 AM
Robert....how about a comparison video for us? I have looked at that EVH pedal a few times and turned my nose up at the higher price and the fact I have yet to hear a wah in Eddie's playing. (but then again I missed the pinch harmonics in ZZ Top's playing too) LMAO

Retro Hound
November 22nd, 2009, 02:35 PM
I LOVE the sound of a wah. When I get a little better I absolutely plan to get one. I would love some demo videos. I wasn't even aware that there were differences in the sounds of the different ones. I see a lot of Vox wahs on ebay, how are they?

November 22nd, 2009, 06:37 PM
I have the GCB95 myself, and while I like the tone a bunch, I do wish it had a bigger sweep. As you say, it works well w/ clean or OD sounds, it just doesn't seem to be an even sweep from back to front as I mash 'er down.

November 22nd, 2009, 08:40 PM
I have a GCB95 Crybaby that I've had for about 13+ years. Until a few months ago it was bog stock, and rarely used. Easily the least used pedal in my collection. I never used it for two, significant, reasons.

1. It's a tone sucker. It's not a true bypass pedal and when switched off there is a quite noticeable high frequency attenuation. (All my guitars sounded a little muffled when this pedal was in the chain)
2. I could never get the wah sound out of it that I expected. I wanted something of a cross between Hendrix and Tom Morello.

A few months ago though I thought I'd have a crack at "fixing" it and had a pretty good result out of it. Basically I removed the old buffer circuitry, converted to true bypass, added a switchable "Vocal" mod and "Bass" mods and tweaked a few values. It's now always in my chain because I'm loving it! I jammed with it the other night and I think a future mod will definitely be the addition of an indicator LED though.

Anyway, I've realised that none of that really has anything to do with what I wanted to ask, so I'll cut to it..

Robert. Does the new Crybaby you have on test have true bypass, and if not, do you notice any attenuation of your tone when its in your chain, but not engaged? I'm curious to know if the design has been revised at all after all these years (I mean it still has the same model number as mine so I'm thinking no..)

November 22nd, 2009, 09:02 PM
I don't know if it is true bypass, but I doubt it. Nothing mentions that on the Dunlop site. However, I don't notice any tone suckage though. I haven't A/B tested mind you, but I can't say I feel my tone sounds more muffled than before I added this to the chain. Videos coming soon of my tests today!

November 22nd, 2009, 09:16 PM
Thanks Robert, Great to hear you aren't noticing any tone degradation. Maybe they tweaked the design, maybe mine was just a bit of a dud, either way I look forward to your videos :)