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View Full Version : GFS Crunchy Pats

November 27th, 2009, 06:43 PM
I have a new Xavier XV500 with chrome covered
GFS crunch pats in it and they sound incredible.

These are some great picups for a lot of people. The bridge pup can't compare to the output of my toneful nickel covered SD JB bridge pickup on my Epi Std plus top with the fifty nine neck pup, but the comparison is otherwise very similar with lots of crunch and really great tone and good hottness. The neck GFS crunch pat is incredible sounding, full, sweet and really woody. Maybe the three quarter inch maple cap on this LP copy has something to do with the incredible tone but these pickups are indeed great pickups for not much money.

I would put them in another guitar without hesitation and probably will whan I isolate the need.

Also, after my initiation to Xavier guitars, I would buy another one without too much hesitation; like one of the new offsets that come in three versions, including the telemaster that has the standard tele bridge pup and a mini humbucker in the neck. These are supposed to be great and the other two versions are twin p nineties and twin hb's.

I like the Chrunchy pats better than the rockfields on my Michael Kelly.

Commodore 64
November 28th, 2009, 06:05 AM
Interesting. I just ordered one of the GFS lipstick pickups for the neck position on my EPi strat copy. Trying to decide if I should just go for it and order 2 more, 1 for the middle and one for the bridge, or use an SD SH-4 that I have. Problem with the SH-4 is that I'd need a new pickguard I think, as the existing one has that angled bridge position so even if I widened it, it would still be angled..

November 28th, 2009, 10:15 AM
Hey 64: I would check what is under the PG. It may not be routed for an HB.
Not all Strat copies have the "swimming pool" routing.
Duff: aren't they GFS version of the Gibson Paf with a little extra winding. It would be nice to check the output. I bet it is in the 13 to 15 range.