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September 11th, 2006, 05:35 AM
hey folks...i was in nyc the end of july 2001 and took a 360 degree photograph from the pier at the brooklyn bridge. A month and a half later the skyline was dramatically changed forever.

I was back in nyc at the end of february 2002 and returned to the same spot i had taken the photograph before and made a second image....this time with no towers.

here is a link to the images.....


never forget......


September 11th, 2006, 07:46 AM
New York will never be the same again. One week prior to the attacks I was on the visitor's platform. it is still a strange feeling coming to New York, and seeing this "naked" Skyline without the WTC.

September 11th, 2006, 11:40 AM
Thats crazy. I work at an international airport and I will always remember that day here. The FAA shut down everything and I had to create signage to assist grounded travellers in finding our "emergency holdover areas". I remember everyone in the department doing something specific to that event instead of their regular job and I will always remember all the aircraft parked head to tail one after another on Runway 8-26 because they didn't want any aircraft parked near the concourses. It was especially spooky when I left for home that day and did not hear a single airplane engine roar as I normally do.

September 12th, 2006, 12:11 AM
That was strange T2B!! Im a Private Pilot and we have a little GA airport by our house and the absence of planes in the air was real weird. Im always looking up checkin out which planes are flying buddies going overhead. This definately a black day in history. So very sad!

September 12th, 2006, 04:38 AM
it's interesting that you mention that....i don't necessarily remember the lack of planes flying overhead but i do remember the FIRST time i did hear one after 9-11....i was sitting on my back porch and a plane was making it's approach to orlando international airport. And then it hit how quiet the days before had been....


September 12th, 2006, 07:53 AM
It was very strange. I could hear BIRDS chirping thats how quiet it was. You don't hear the sound of silence around here. In a way I wish I would have snapped some photos of the planes parked on the runways. Now THAT is something you don't see everyday.