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View Full Version : I have a Tele Mod idea!

December 13th, 2009, 10:34 AM
I love my Tele type guitars, but in my opinion, they are not ergonomically correct.

I'm not trying to offend anyone, knowing how many millions of Tele lovers there are out in the world. When you play a guitar, the motion is up and down, most of the time, not sideways.

If you if you are picking up and down and then have to to go sideways, you will slow down a little bit. It's just the laws of physics. If a car is going in a straight line and has to make a 90 degree turn, it must slow down. I was tinkering around with an old cheap Tele copy and made a mod to the control plate. It is much better and faster now.

I took some photos of it and drawings and sent them off to the US patent and copyright office last week, just in case I might be on to something. Who knows, maybe nothing?

If the volume is moved forward and a 3 way micro switch or regular switch is placed in the middle at a 45 degree angle, it is so much easier to play. If you don't think so, you should try it!

Volume swells are really easy and faster switching of pickups is possible. I think that the standard Tele would be more appealing to future players if it is easier to operate.

What do you think?

Here is a photo!


December 13th, 2009, 10:47 AM
Good idea. I've never been fond of the Telecaster control layout.

December 13th, 2009, 11:13 AM
That's pretty cool. I always liked the Tele Deluxe layout, which was pretty much like a Les Paul. More control over those two humbuckers (which in itself was a sin to Tele purists). AAMOF, a heavy bodied Deluxe could give a Les Paul a pretty good tussle for a rock sound.

street music
December 13th, 2009, 11:43 AM
I think that mod is already available from a few mod shops, I know that I have considered putting on of them in my Tele with a full hotrod kit.

December 13th, 2009, 12:12 PM
Looks like a useful change, and by moving the switch in the middle, it prevents accidentally hitting it during strumming.

Terry Kath reversed the whole assembly since he didn't use the switch much, and wanted the volume pot to be more accessible (forward) for volume swells. I've been thinking about doing it to my Reverend.


December 13th, 2009, 12:40 PM
I am sure that it is available, but everytime I have an idea that I want to sell, I always get it copyrighted. This way, I can sell it with no problems. As long as I use different pots and switches, it will be a little different.

December 13th, 2009, 12:42 PM
Looks like a useful change, and by moving the switch in the middle, it prevents accidentally hitting it during strumming.

Terry Kath reversed the whole assembly since he didn't use the switch much, and wanted the volume pot to be more accessible (forward) for volume swells. I've been thinking about doing it to my Reverend.


I still like the 45 degree angle switch better. It is quicker to flip.

December 13th, 2009, 04:15 PM
Now, I am told on another forum, that I can't get a patent on it, since it is an obvious change mod.

What about the "Snuggie" on TV selling by the millions. It's a blanket, that has been around for millions of years, with two arm holes cut into it?

How did they get a patent on that thing?

December 13th, 2009, 08:36 PM
hmm...I really like this idea. I may have to order one of these:

Tele Control Plate: No Holes (http://store.guitarfetish.com/cumatecoplno.html)

I would seriously consider doing this with my guitar...I consistently hit my pickup switch on my tele. I'm considering ordering the GFS noiseless tele pickups too...anyone used those before?

I definitely want to try out this mod though...maybe after Christmas.

December 13th, 2009, 08:50 PM
It's too bad that I can't get a patent on it. So far today, on about 10 guitar forums, I have a lot of people interested in it now and want one. What a bummer? The good news is, I have a a lot more guitar mod ideas. I think I will just build a website and start a guitar mod company within the next few months and also sell my stuff on ebay.

Geoffrey Charles
December 14th, 2009, 08:24 AM
Just curious, how do you patent the order of two pots and angle of one switch? Not trying to be rude, but anyone can change the pot positions and angle a toggle however they want. Even if you get a patent on a kit, who would buy it when it could be done so easily?

December 14th, 2009, 09:29 AM
That's cool,now I would like the pickup switch in the back so I could also use the tone control also and not bumping the pickup switch.Sumi:D

December 14th, 2009, 10:37 AM
Just curious, how do you patent the order of two pots and angle of one switch? Not trying to be rude, but anyone can change the pot positions and angle a toggle however they want. Even if you get a patent on a kit, who would buy it when it could be done so easily?

Well, It's like orange juice, you can buy the oranges and squeeze them yourself, or you can just buy the juice already in the bottle.

I am a plumber. People call me to unclogg their sink. When I get to their house there is a plunger sitting right beside the sink. Instead of unclogging the drain themself, they pay me $75.00 to do it for them. I do this kind of work everyday.

People pay a guitar tech to set the intonation on their guitar and it is very easy to do.

Most people that I come across are just too lazy to do much of anything for themselves anymore, which is good for me, because that's how I make my living.

I have quite a few guitar mods that I have made for myself. When guys see them they want one, so I might as well try to sell them and make some money. It may be a flop or it might turn into something good?

December 14th, 2009, 10:46 AM
Well, It's like orange juice, you can buy the oranges and squeeze them yourself, or you can just buy the juice already in the bottle.

I am a plumber. People call me to unclogg their sink. When I get to their house there is a plunger sitting right beside the sink. Instead of unclogging the drain themself, they pay me $75.00 to do it for them. I do this kind of work everyday.

People pay a guitar tech to set the intonation on their guitar and it is very easy to do.

Most people that I come across are just too lazy to do much of anything for themselves anymore, which is good for me, because that's how I make my living.

I have quite a few guitar mods that I have made for myself. When guys see them they want one, so I might as well try to sell them and make some money. It may be a flop or it might turn into something good?

I find this pretty much true in lots of instances myself.....I know people who will pay someone to re-string their guitar for them, even if it's the same set/gauge strings and no other work is needed. It's not rocket science. If you're a complete newbie, sure, but most minor work or maintenance is pretty simple stuff.

December 16th, 2009, 03:39 PM
Some of you think that I am nuts:

All during the 1990's and up to a few years ago, I went online and found dozens of uncopyrighted guitar wiring diagrams. I put them on a CD and sold them for $15.00 each on ebay. I made thousands of dollars, selling them as a collection. My ebay feedback was great! Everyone really liked the product. I had a regular CD factory going on in my bedroom.

Now, there are so many guitar websites with diagrams that the sales dropped of to almost nothing, but it was a good run at making extra money for a while.

You can sell dog poop if you put it on ebay or other online stores. The reason for this post is because, I am just trying to figure out some guitar mods that I can start selling. If I don't need a patent, that's great!

December 16th, 2009, 04:09 PM
Hey Telewanger,


I'm a big fan of guitar mods. I can't say how many times I've wondered what is it that keeps people buying/using the same old tired configs. Change is needed.

Here's a few I've always thought just plain annoying:

- Guitars too big, almost all. Why so much material? Smaller is better
- So few neck profiles. Why no more asymmetrics/changes along the length?
- Controls too close (strat) or awkward (tele) or just plain stupid (Flying V/Explorer PU switch). Sometimes a matter of relocation, sometimes needs tweaks like your 45 degree idea. Me, I switch strat switches to upper horn entirely. Or even, why have switches when volume pots work fine?
- too little clearance between pickguard and strings (fenders)
- Stupid, clumsy bridges and sting trees.
- Hardly ever enough room for low E string intonation adjustment
- Not very usable pickup configs; always too many PU's or stupid combos.

Well, superstrats usually pretty much do away with strat annoyances, but not all.

December 16th, 2009, 07:19 PM
Off Subject:

Thanks for your comments!

The wiring diagrams that I found and sold were available online for free, but not as a collection. So I made a collection of them. My wife is an artist. All of her photos and artwork has a signature, date, or copyright symbol. The diagrams that I found online were free for public use. I have no idea what countries they came from, after all these years! Nobody will ever know where online photos originate, unless the photo has some information on it, or copyright. I would never use or sell any known copyrighted material.

It's like, if you find a giant bag of money on the side of the road with no name on the bag, who's money is it? If you take it to the police station, they will just have a big party with it, or buy a few new cop cars. If you find something online, who owns it, if it has no name?

You could look up hundreds of food recipes online, write a recipe book, and sell it online. What goes around, comes around. People do it everyday and make money. Knowledge has to come from somewhere. This is why I was trying to find out about patents.

Anyway, enough about that subject.