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December 29th, 2009, 07:43 AM
Quite literally:



December 29th, 2009, 07:47 AM
Wow! That's a great layout. My buddies and I used to run the slots for hours at a time back in the day. Congratulations!

December 29th, 2009, 07:59 AM
Boy does that bring back some memories. I used to love messin with those things back in the 60's. I remember seeing a guy that built a brake for his car that was two D batteries hooked to his controller. When you let up on the controller it made the car go backward. This acted like a brake in the curves and what not. Well...I made me one up and when I plugged it in it started smoking and filled the whole place with smoke. That is when I started to zero in on my electronic skills...

Cool I bet you are having tons of fun during your holiday. Nice size track and nice layout deeaa :AOK

street music
December 29th, 2009, 08:10 AM
I too remember those days. Use to play for hours.

December 29th, 2009, 08:23 AM
Looks like fun!
A bike mechanic friend of mine has gotten into slot cars very seriously. Racing is making a comeback.

December 29th, 2009, 08:30 AM
I was looking at a slot car set for my boy for Christmas. I decided to hold off for a year. he is almost 4. I have no doubt that he would have fun with it BUT my daughter is almost 2 and super destructive so I'm holding off.

December 29th, 2009, 09:03 AM
I was looking at a slot car set for my boy for Christmas. I decided to hold off for a year. he is almost 4. I have no doubt that he would have fun with it BUT my daughter is almost 2 and super destructive so I'm holding off.

Oh yeah, good choice. My son is soon 5, but the cars are a tad too fast for him really - he can drive but it _is_ a bit too difficult for him. I wouldn't recommend these for anyone under 5 at the minimum.

I'm going to get him a pair of those 'super resistant' cars that take a huge beating without breaking (no lights etc.) and he can practice with his friends.

It is really fun even for me. It's surprisingly sweaty stuff to run a 50-lap race for instance against a buddy. The lap counter is a MUST I must say.

I figure, when my other kid gets older, and in case they really dig it even years from now, I might upgrade it to digital. Also might relocate the track for permanent installation to cottage shed, there I could even extent it further still & it'd probably keep interesting when you only get to drive when at the cottage.

I bet it'd be great fun also with my friends to have a few beers and run a proper championship some day :-)

BTW these cars are pretty cool. They're 4wd and there are also front-and rear wheel drives, with lights and all, and the controls are very efficient, they even brake properly when you let go quick.

The digital conversion would cost ~200 in all, but then you'd get up to six cars on at once and a couple of spots where you can switch lanes and take over...would make for much more interesting races. But this is quite fun for now even as is!

December 30th, 2009, 09:58 AM
Sweeeet !