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View Full Version : Squire CV or MIM Standard?

January 10th, 2010, 12:35 PM
For those of you having experience with both, if you were going to buy one or the other at the same price point (the Standard being used), which would you go for? I played a CV 50's and liked it though the gloss neck felt a little 'sticky' - but I like the feel and the sound. The used Standard is a current model which sports a tinted neck and new, heavier trem block (but I won't have a chance to play it, as it would be an on-line purchase.). What are your opinions on the necks of the two, and of the stock pickups?

Thanks! Ted

January 10th, 2010, 03:27 PM
I assume you are referring to the Strat?

I thoroughly enjoy my CV Strat but the gloss on the neck does get sticky at times, but not all the time. I really enjoy a satin finish neck so if the MIM has a satin neck points go to it for that.

The pickups? Definitely the CV here. The pickups are better than any MIM I've ever played with the exception of a 2006 loaded with Texas Specials. CV wins here. CV=alnico, MIM=ceramic. The bridge alnico is fantastic with the second tone knob hooked up to it.

My CV is also light weight. Much lighter than any MIM I've played and has superb body resonation. Better than any MIM I've experienced.

No doubt you might be happy with either. If you have the chance go play each. If you don't have the option then play it safe and order the CV.

January 10th, 2010, 09:44 PM
Thanks, Spud - that was just the info I needed!
