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View Full Version : New"er" Vox AD30VT

January 23rd, 2010, 09:22 AM
Went in to a pawn shop yesterday and spotted an ol' TS-909
for 69 bucks... I grabbed it up and when I got home, Found
it was in a real bad way. Apparently it wasn't checked out
when it was taken in and I was in a pinch for time... Soooo,
Took the pedal back and would only recieve "store credit"...
Looked around and decided on the AD30VT. Had heard some
fairly decent reviews on 'em so I figured what the heck. With
the "credit" and $7.11, I drug 'er home with me. In all reality,
I came out for the better... This little VOX is actually a cool
little 'ol amp. In fantastic shape and plenty of FX to mess
around with vs. a single pedal..?:AOK

January 23rd, 2010, 03:03 PM
Cool Congrats!
Those are very cool amps.

January 23rd, 2010, 03:22 PM
Good deal they are nice amph, have fun:happy

January 23rd, 2010, 03:25 PM
excellent choice.. your in for some treats.. check out the uk80´s channel!

Retro Hound
January 23rd, 2010, 04:32 PM
You got a STEAL! I love mine.

January 23rd, 2010, 05:40 PM
Ya' know, It really is a cool amp!! I'm amp poor in all reality
and this thing is a constant blast!!!:cool: Even when you
bypass the FX, This Vox is a tone monger..! I haven't had
just a whole lot of time with it just yet But, It's been just
some of that fun:happy Yeah, I did get an outrageous deal
on it as I'm finding out. Wow! I am really impressed!!
Thanks so much!

January 24th, 2010, 08:29 AM
Ya' know, It really is a cool amp!! I'm amp poor in all reality
and this thing is a constant blast!!!:cool: Even when you
bypass the FX, This Vox is a tone monger..! I haven't had
just a whole lot of time with it just yet But, It's been just
some of that fun:happy Yeah, I did get an outrageous deal
on it as I'm finding out. Wow! I am really impressed!!
Thanks so much!

Let me add my congrats as well. You got a sensational deal on a great little amp.

January 24th, 2010, 09:12 AM
Congrats on a nice Score!

January 24th, 2010, 03:20 PM
excellent choice.. your in for some treats.. check out the uk80´s channel!

Indeed! That's where I leave mine set...with gain around 1 o'clock...EQ to taste.
Crank it, and have a blast! It nails the classic rock crunch.
The amp also responds well to the guitar's vol knob and your attack.