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View Full Version : "The Heritage" compared to the ESP LTD EC1000 Deluxe

February 3rd, 2010, 12:37 AM
"The Heritage" H 150 Kahuna, used, with special vintage Gibson type pups designed by the Heritage guy that worked for gibson on the PAFs,compared to a brand new ESP LTD EC1000 Deluxe with EMG 81/60 pups.

"The Heritage" about four years old, honeyburst, great shape, 1000dollars.

The ESP LTD EC1000 Deluxe, new, blinged out gloss black w gold hardware 700.

Never played the Heritage and don't read much about them. Played the EC1000 many times and dig it for a lot of reasons. Best LPs I have are Epiphone Standards with SD pups, so a Heritage might have that specific traditional gibson LP sound at half the price.

These are two guitars I'm considering buying but only want to get one.

Pros: I really like the ESP LTD; tone, feel, playability, bling - hey what can I say, I don't, however, usually like blingy guitars, so this would be my mega bling guitar. "The Heritage" would sound like a gibson LP probably.

Cons: ESP LTD will not sound like a gibson LP. "The Heritage" is used and is not a gibson and does not appreciate in value and I already have a few LP tribute type guitars with passive pups that approximate the general gibson LP sound. "The Heritage is probably overpriced although it is a very limited run called the "Kahuna", co-designed by my personal friend Chris Bovard and the model has been discontinued for some time but is basically a H 150 with vintage pickups. Heavy, real solid mahogany body, unlike gibson's chambered semi hollow, so called solid body LPs. Ever seen inside one of those? I would be worried about cracks and definitely would freak out if I dropped it. Those things are mega chambered, unless you get a gibson custom shop, then you get high quality mahogany and a solid, non weight relieved, unchambered body.

Anyone have any experience with "The Heritage" H 150? Is 1000 dollars a lot for a used version of this in great shape, like I think it is? I don't see too many advertized. This one is mint.

Money is money, and aside from personal preference, value is value; if you know what I mean - avoiding the "it's all personal preference" ambiguity, and "we are comparing apples and oranges" paradox.

Straight up; can anyone estimate the relative material, objective value of these two? General idea of course.

I'm asking about value here, considering both guitars sound great. The deal on the "The Heritage" comes from a need for immediate money perspective; but I question if it is really a great deal and assume the guitar retailed for about 1500 new but could be very wrong, not knowing anything about Heritages except that they are made in the old Michigan gibson building by, reputably, some old gibson employees, originally.

February 3rd, 2010, 05:20 AM
Duffy, get The Heritage. It will hold it's value better as time goes by. The Heritage H150 sells new for around $1700-2000, and can be had for around $750-$1500 used depending on condition. It will continue to be worth at least the price you'd be paying, or go up in value.

This assumes you are wanting the guitar that will be worth the most $$$ in the future, not personal preference.
However, if you like LP type guitars, you won't get a better one, IMO.
Built by the folks who built Gibsons before Gibson closed the original Kalamazoo plant and left. That's about as original as you can get.
I'd buy that guitar in a heartbeat if it were me, Duffy.

Brian Krashpad
February 3rd, 2010, 07:17 AM
I'd be all over the Heritage like white on rice, comparatively. But then a blingy EMG-equipped guitar is pretty much the opposite of my guitar aesthetic, so consider the source.

February 3rd, 2010, 08:34 AM
As an owner of six Heritage guitars I would have to go with Heritage. We're not even talking a level playing field though. You're comparing the Heritage to an LTD. If you were talking about an actual ESP that would be a more realistic comparison. LTD is equal to Squire in ESP land. ESP, however, makes some very good guitars. I feel that the Heritage would look and feel more traditional than ESP's offering. If it is a real Kahuna you should pick that up immediately. That's a fairly rare guitar. Check out heritageownersclub.com for more info.

February 3rd, 2010, 11:46 AM
Hubberjub, it's absolutely a Kahuna. I know Chris Bovard personally and he is a friend; the guy bought it from Chris. The name of Chris's band is The Red Hot Kahunas blues band. Mostly original material, never heard a cover I recognized, but people know a lot more about blues than me even though I'm a blues fan and have a decent collection including Gary Moore disks.
Talked to Chris in person two days ago when he told me it was available. Mint condition, sort of tan outside burst and lighter honey type inner stain. Supposedly nicer than his own personal model. But Chris's skill is at the master level, mine is intermediate. Super low action and the improved bridge. Well maintained guitar. Definitely discontinued. I have seen the guitar but it was over two thousand used. Now it's one thousand. I'm able to check it out financially now but won't have the money for a few days and something like this doesn't sit around.

I can get a ESP LTD any day and already have an active LP looking Ibanez ART 300 with the alligator hide type maple top in amber burst, awesome guitar.

Maybe I can make some kind of sales agreement.

February 3rd, 2010, 01:22 PM
Heritage WINS hands down I have not ever played but once I heard of them on this web-site and asked around about them from guys who know their axe's

The answers all came back get one if you have a chance too.

One of my closet friends has toured with various jazz artists since the 80's (the list is too long to go into) as it turns out I thought he was playing Gibson's all these years it was actually Heritage guitars he was playing.

I have jammed with him over the years me on bass him on guitar and his sound/tone is fantastic. He uses Vox & Bogner amps with all his axe's what a great fit they are for his Heritage Guitars.

February 4th, 2010, 08:43 AM
As hubberjub would be hands-down our resident Heritage Maven here (and a lucky dog scoring 4 sweeties in one shot :cool: ) I'd seriously heed what he says.

His point about LTD:ESP as Squier:Fender is a good one.

I'd take that analogy another step to apply it here:

Heritage:Gibson as G&L:Fender.

No, you don't see many Heritages around, mainly because they're essentially a custom order product, ordered through Heritage dealers. My local store is both a G&L and Heritage dealer. I had a shot at a used but primo Heritage H535 from him for $1,000 a couple of years ago, I was about to trade my Epi Sheraton and cash for it, but I didn't have the funds fast enough to jump, and it went fast.

I still rue missing that chance to own what I'd personally consider to be more of a 'true' Gibson ES335 today, given it's bloodlines.

You've got a shot at a rare model Heritage like this at a great price.

If you can swing it, take it.

Like you said, you can get an LTD any day. You may never see a chance like this at a Heritage again.

Seriously, putting LTD's and Ibanez Artcores on the same playing field in this game is like your local High School Footbal Team, even if they were State Champs and not chumps, going up against the Saints or Colts in the Super Bowl.

March 18th, 2010, 11:04 PM
hi,i was just come here to read out the word heritage because i am completed my thesis on this topic.people are true here about their opinion otherwise i have seen many people who just want to make their so called PR.thanks for sharing such a fabulous information here.see you in future soon