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February 6th, 2010, 05:05 PM
As promised... I just made you $26 (http://www.tkqlhce.com/click-3720518-10577214).


I know it's not much
But it's the best I can do
My gift is my song
And this Bud's for you!


February 6th, 2010, 06:56 PM
Thanks for the beer! What did you end up buying? I don't think they sell cases of Bud at AMS.... ? :D

February 6th, 2010, 07:02 PM
I went with the Behringer 12-whatever powered mixer. Plus the nutr--whatever adapters so I didn't have to buy new cables as well..

Oh, and an acoustic guitar stand.

And no.. they don't sell Bud Light there, nor would I be so rude as to offer you that can of piss. If any cheap American Beer, you'd be getting some Coors Light... at least it's not made from corn and rice. ;-)

February 6th, 2010, 07:23 PM
Good, I don't like Bud! I'm a guy who likes dark ale... ;)

February 6th, 2010, 09:39 PM
Y'know.. I knew there was a reason I liked you... besides your guitar-playing. :-D

February 7th, 2010, 06:42 AM
Corn and Rice are staples of the American diet dammit :-) Don't be dissin my Bud Light........or course given my druthers....I would drink Hefewiezen from the Pacific NorthWest or Heineken only.......but in a pinch an ice cold Bud Light will get er dun

February 7th, 2010, 09:03 AM
Kazz.. Corn Flakes and Rice Krispies! LOL

I'm not dissin your BL, my friend... I really can't drink it, especially after visiting the brewery a few years back... no worries.. the brewery is spotless, of course, it was just the smell that got to me.

I prefer a Maine microbrew: Gritty McDuff's. Their Best Brown Ale and Pub Bitter are incredible. Second choice would be Sam Adams. I also love Gunniess (of course) and Smithwick's... Newcastle is good too, but I find the Gritty's Brown to be more to my liking.

But.. since I'm a broke college student, Coors Light is my choice. Colorado Coolaid. :-)


February 7th, 2010, 10:20 AM
I'll go ahead and diss Bud. ;) For my tastes. I have no problem if others like it. Same with Rolling Rock. Both are just made with weird stuff that tastes wrong to me IMHO. I can appreciate a really cold american pils in a can on a hot day, but it will probably be a PBR. :AOK

I am much more a western and particularly PNW IPA, pale ale, and the like fan. Stouts as well, but then I go Euro or Aussie. Used to like browns but kinda get bored with them now. Kinda makes me a beer yuppie, I know, but what can I say? It's da truth! :cool:

MSM, good on ya for helpin' out da place! :applause

February 7th, 2010, 10:34 AM
I dont drink much any more but ive always been a fan of Michelob lite or corona lite.I can tolerate BL on occassion, as the more i drink the better they taste. I recently tried the BL lime, its safe to say its just not for me..ill go on to say id rather bob for cat turds in a 3rd world country's septic tank then drink BL lime. Enjoy the SuperBowl tonight fellow string pickers !


February 7th, 2010, 12:39 PM
Thanks SVL... I'm just super happy that I was able to purchase what I was going to from where I was going to and help out.


February 10th, 2010, 08:44 PM
And it's here! I'm gonna have to wait til friday before I can really play with it.. but so far I'm not disappointed. :-)