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View Full Version : Guitar Rig Mobile IO

April 13th, 2010, 09:49 PM
What do you guys think of Native Instruments Guitar Rig Mobile (http://www.native-instruments.com/#/en/products/guitar/guitar-rig-mobile/)? When I purchased my Epi LP I got it for "free." It's been sitting on the shelf but the other night I pulled it out and started playing around and it's pretty nice way to get your guitar into your computer.


BTW, what inspired me to plug this thing in was the following videos. It works with both. I tried the demo version of Amplitube 3 and it is pretty sweet.



April 14th, 2010, 05:43 AM
Both the products are freaking AMAZING.

Neither works for me by playing thru them, as I can't cope with the slight delay in the sound...BUT I almost only record guitars of late by simply playing it straight to PC, imagining all the sound as I do it, and add sounds later via AMplitube and Guitar Rig. I don't think I ever had as good sounds and it's so ridiculously easy too.

All it requires is to learn how to play direct, and imagine how it will sound...I assume it would be very difficult even if I had little experience of playing thru amps, but as it happens I find it ultimately easier to play like this. You're not limited by the sound and you can also play with ultimate accuracy as your sound doesn't mask anything etc.

Plus you can just duplicate the tracks and run it thru several simultaneous plugins...

April 14th, 2010, 11:23 AM
I was playing some more with AmpliTube and it is awesome. It has tons of models and routing options and I really like the tuner.

I tried plugging AmpliTube's output into my Jet City and it sounded okay but sounded much better with my headphones. Maybe I just need to learn how to adjust the amp/cab models.