View Full Version : Can't we all just get along?

April 16th, 2010, 07:20 AM
I have a dream.

That dream is one day people will set aside their differences and work together to benefit the community, the state, the country, the world.

For the first time since the Cold War, I'm scared about the future. There is so much hate running rampant and unchecked. The inevitable conclusion to such a rapidly growing expansion of power is explosion.

No, this message isn't politically or religiously motivated. Just what's in my head and heart this day.

April 16th, 2010, 07:31 AM
I agree. I thought the same thing after I saw "How To Train Your Dragon" - great family movie by the way.

April 16th, 2010, 07:51 AM
Some days ago I heard a wise man say that we can not speak about MANKIND anymore, we can only speak about SINGLE HUMAN BEINGS.

Poeple started throwing values like for e.g. cutural heritage, religion, family values etc. over board to become a fast living society where it is more important to have a flat screen than educating your child or respecting your parents and now they are confronted with the results. :applause

April 16th, 2010, 07:53 AM
I hear ya Maine,I fear there will be War between the citizens and the government of our nation if things keep going the way they are going.Sumi :(

April 16th, 2010, 08:05 AM
Yup. I spent a lot of time thinking about this last night, actually. I feel like sometimes it's not anybody's dream to be happy, but rather to just be better than everyone else.

April 16th, 2010, 08:21 AM

In my job, I see so much conflict. And lately, it has gotten harder and worse, with all the financial pressures on people. But I also see a lot of people up here in my little valley getting back to basic values, and love of their environment. I hope those with hope, and love in their hearts win out in the end. I believe they will. I have to.

Ok, that was a bit melodramatic sounding, but those are my honest feelings. Have a good Friday fretters!

P.S. I also wonder if the coverage we read every day focuses too much on the fringe elements of hatred, though I agree those elements seem to be amped up these days. Most folks I know are much more moderate than those you hear about mostly on tv, internet, etc. Kinda like the skinheads getting all the coverage years ago, and the KKK before them. But anyway.

April 16th, 2010, 08:47 AM
3 words which I wish were in every heart, thought, and action...




There is no left or right, only up or down
(regarding which way we as individuals, political groups, countries, races, societies, or as a whole, are heading)

April 16th, 2010, 08:48 AM
3 words which I wish were in every heart, thought, and action...



I think that's a pretty good way to put it.

Who's that in your avatar these days?

April 16th, 2010, 08:51 AM
I think that's a pretty good way to put it.

Who's that in your avatar these days?

Sean Costello (http://www.seancostellofund.org/)
(blues prodigy that we lost all too soon 2 years and 1 day ago)

April 16th, 2010, 10:00 AM
Thanks for having my back, guys.

It's a little bit funny, really.. in my line of work (oh yeah.. I'm employed finally! Kinda...) there is no such thing as color, religion, gender, orientation, political affiliation.. any of that stuff. When the pager goes off, I get in my ambulance, go to where help is needed and do what I can to help.

It doesn't matter if my patient is Hitler or MLK Jr. Doesn't matter if my patient is Palin or Obama. Doesn't matter if my patient is the Dali Lama or the Pope. Doesn't matter if my patient is Michael Phelps or Greg Louganis (sp?).

Yet every day there is a constant war. Pick something. There's a war about it. Even "cover bands" vs. "original bands" are at each others' throats.

Beer time yet? First round is on me.

April 16th, 2010, 10:20 AM
Thanks for having my back, guys.

It's a little bit funny, really.. in my line of work (oh yeah.. I'm employed finally! Kinda...) there is no such thing as color, religion, gender, orientation, political affiliation.. any of that stuff. When the pager goes off, I get in my ambulance, go to where help is needed and do what I can to help.

It doesn't matter if my patient is Hitler or MLK Jr. Doesn't matter if my patient is Palin or Obama. Doesn't matter if my patient is the Dali Lama or the Pope. Doesn't matter if my patient is Michael Phelps or Greg Louganis (sp?).

Yet every day there is a constant war. Pick something. There's a war about it. Even "cover bands" vs. "original bands" are at each others' throats.

Beer time yet? First round is on me.
I feel like there's frequently a lack of understanding in all of the arguments (e.g. the ones you listed), like we don't want to take the time to listen or understand, so arguments just ensure. That's an oversimplification for sure, but my 2 cents.

April 16th, 2010, 10:27 AM
It's emotionally draining...isn't it?
I'm outta gas when I get home after writing and talking about it in the media every day.

@Jimi75--Spot on, brother. Couldn't agree more.

April 16th, 2010, 10:34 AM
I watched this documentary last week ,scared me a little ...:thwap :what

The 4 extracts play one after the other..


April 16th, 2010, 10:44 AM
It's a little bit funny, really.. in my line of work... there is no such thing as color, religion, gender, orientation, political affiliation.. any of that stuff. When the pager goes off, I get in my ambulance, go to where help is needed and do what I can to help.

Thank you for doing that MSM. There is a reality there, about people (all of them!), that this kind of job brings I think

I have great respect for this kind of work.

I love nurses too. Seriously. My oncologist is a swell guy.

April 16th, 2010, 11:03 AM
If you don't want to be bummed out: turn off your TV and stop reading the "news." It's all propaganda, anyway. There is simply no reason to fret about things beyond your control. Spend all that extra time and money you just reclaimed on the things that you love and that make you happy.

April 16th, 2010, 11:05 AM
I started writing what I believed to be an original thought and realized that it was lyrics from a Peter Gabriel song...

Indeed, "fear is the mother of violence". Fear is what makes otherwise reasonable people unreasonable. Fear of weapons of mass destruction, fear of the left, fear of the right. Fear that someone might compromise what I, my family, my community, my country possesses.

I do believe that mankind has evolved in many positive ways. I think that an individual's capacity for compassion has grown considerably over the centuries. But the drumbeat of fear has the power to reduce us to our baser instincts.

We will be well out of this life in the blink of an eye. Best to learn to give when asked and seek to take nothing away. As one wise person said a few posts above me:
Integrity, Compassion, Love.

Sounds good to me.

April 16th, 2010, 12:12 PM
Man, what a great topic, and one that's had me concerned for the last three or four years, especially.

I have come to the conclusion (realization?) that this country, and this world, are in BIG trouble. And I'm afraid it's so far gone that it's likely unfixable at this point (I hope I'm wrong).

I stopped reading newspapers and watching the news on TV some years ago, for numerous reasons, but the main reason was that it all just upset me too much, and I realized that there was NOTHING I could do about it.

The main problem, as I see it...the bottom line, is that money - the dollar bill - has become more important than people, human beings. And that, my friends, just disgusts me.

This is also the reason that I decided, in 2006, that the money I had saved in the bank over the years, for my old age, would be put to much better use right now, in buying the things that I want, and have wanted over the years, and getting the enjoyment NOW (thus all the gear purchases in the last 3-4 years, and, especially, the most recent Martin guitars). Because, quite frankly, I don't hold out much hope for the future (of this country in particular), which really makes me sad for my three children and their children (my five grandchildren).

So, I keep pretty much to myself, my family and a few close friends, and try to ignore the world outside of that small group, and do what I can for them, as they do for me.

Am I sticking my head in the sand? Yes, and by choice. At my age (59), and with all that I've seen happen and been involved with over the years, I'm REALLY tired. I'm gonna take care of me and mine from here on out. It is now up to the younger generations to worry about, and try to fix this god-awful mess we're in. I've done my time - now it's your turn, and I wish you all the luck in the world. I REALLY hope you can turn things around.

Can't we all just get along? I sincerely, from my heart of hearts, hope it turns out that way.

My 2 cents...


April 16th, 2010, 12:27 PM
I'm gonna take care of me and mine from here on out. It is now up to the younger generations to worry about, and try to fix this god-awful mess we're in. I've done my time - now it's your turn
Wow. Great attitude.

April 16th, 2010, 12:39 PM
Wow. Great attitude.

Not attitude at all, Eric. Simple reality...pragmatic decisions. My SUBJECTIVE (one of the most important words in the English language) decisions, of course, for my life. Works well for me. I'm quite happy and content, don't worry about much, and definitely stop and smell the roses at every turn, living life one day at a time and enjoying it. It took me quite awhile to finally get to this point...but I've made it.

April 16th, 2010, 01:01 PM
I've been bringing this exact message up to people for many months now. It's when this sort of topic keeps coming up that change begins to happen. Keep bringing this message to light for those around you. Chances are it's apparent to them as well they just haven't found a voice yet. When enough of us have a voice then the bankers, politicians, and power hungry wrongdoers of the world will have to listen.

As humans we have an incredible capacity to do good yet much of what we see is not good. We can all make changes and with consistent enduring change real change will happen.

From the evolutionary biological perspective - there are so many human organisms on the planet, more than ever before, that like any other organism food, environment and resources become the focus. There is huge stress in these areas and that furthers stress throughout the whole species. Because we are thinking creatures and not purely reactive there are going individuals that calculatingly try to insure that their genes carry on. Nature. So this whole issue is pretty much our nature and has been shown to be for thousands of years. The plus side is that we have conscience and thought and can creatively move ourselves beyond where we are now.

A flood starts with a drop. Be the drop. If each of us becomes the drop then sooner or later the flood can be a flood of positive change.

April 16th, 2010, 01:03 PM
If you don't want to be bummed out: turn off your TV and stop reading the "news."

I must agree with this. I listen to the news on the radio on my way to work. I use to read the newspaper online but my eye always wanders down to the bottom of the page where people comment on the article. The anonymity that the internet affords people is enough to turn normal human beings into soulless monsters. I'm not just talking about political issues. Locally, there was an 83 year old woman who was killed when a parked car popped out of gear and rolled over her. Only three people had commented on the article but they were all making fun of the woman who died. I made the mistake pointing out how rude and thoughtless that was and was ridiculed myself. What the hell is wrong with people?

April 16th, 2010, 01:04 PM
I haven't had TV for 1½ years. I see an occasional thing on the job (on TV, I mean), and sometimes look at the random news story on the Web, but for the most part, I've tuned out of world events. I live my life with what I believe to be good principles; Do no harm, be honest and worthy of trust, love those around you, and keep a positive attitude. I honestly believe that life is what you make it, and seeing the world through positive eyes affects your environment. This isn't based on metaphysics, but rather quantum physics. I won't go into it right now, but look up the Observer Effect sometime.

Okay, done rambling. Good post, MSM.

Peace, everyone!

April 16th, 2010, 01:15 PM
I firmly believe it is, and has been always, getting better and better. Sure, locally there may be setbacks, and on short timeline, but in the grand scheme of things, it keeps getting better.

Not far back, say in my grAndparents time, people died like flies in war, child delivery, disease andcrime. And the further back you look, the higher percentages of people faced viklence and deathregularly. Even further, entire populations wiped out by neighbors etc.

We never heard of the millions dying far away just a decade back. Alone in NYC there were more murders a year than now in like the whole state at one point.

These days we just see and hear so much more it feelz like more. but it isnt. Its less and less all the time actually, in the grand scheme.

if everyone would just quit being scared and locking their doors itd be much nicer already. But the media wants us scared. fear makes money and makes people easy to manipulate by the government or whatver.

April 16th, 2010, 01:46 PM
I firmly believe it is, and has been always, getting better and better. Sure, locally there may be setbacks, and on short timeline, but in the grand scheme of things, it keeps getting better.

Not far back, say in my grAndparents time, people died like flies in war, child delivery, disease andcrime. And the further back you look, the higher percentages of people faced viklence and deathregularly. Even further, entire populations wiped out by neighbors etc.

We never heard of the millions dying far away just a decade back. Alone in NYC there were more murders a year than now in like the whole state at one point.

These days we just see and hear so much more it feelz like more. but it isnt. Its less and less all the time actually, in the grand scheme.
Hmm. Excellent counterpoint as usual. I'm glad you're around on here -- you definitely bring a valuable perspective to a lot of things.

April 16th, 2010, 03:53 PM
if everyone would just quit being scared and locking their doors itd be much nicer already. But the media wants us scared. fear makes money and makes people easy to manipulate by the government or whatver.

Fear out sells more than any other tactic. Pharmiceutical companies use it in almost every commercial. News sells it like a dealer sells to willing crack heads. Politicians use it the most during election years. Fear is the first step in controlling people.

"The Science of Fear" by Daniel Gardner is an excellent study of the amazing powers that utilizing fear has on us all. One of the main subjects is how much safer we are now than 20, 30, 50, or 100 years ago, but due to the bombardment of fear based media stories, we, as a society, are many times more afraid than we used to be.

Great thread, BTW! :AOK
Amazing how constructive we can get without bringing up the things that separate us the most... politics and religion (oops, did I just blow it?!).

April 16th, 2010, 03:56 PM
A flood starts with a drop. Be the drop. If each of us becomes the drop then sooner or later the flood can be a flood of positive change.

Throughout time, the few still drag along the masses in the slow, steady improvement of society. Progress and advancement have always been met with resistance by those unwilling to accept change.

When all is well and easy, we don't grow. When we are pushed outside of our comfort zones or in a challenging situation, that is where growth happens and character is revealed!

"Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!"

April 16th, 2010, 04:11 PM
So many great posts... I had no idea my little rant would start this... :beer:

April 17th, 2010, 01:02 AM
Wow. Great attitude.

Not sure if sarcasm is/was intended but it is up to the young-ins to turn things around.

I think this thread is to charged for this forum.

No disrespect intended ,just not in this guitar forum Mainestratman.:cool:

April 17th, 2010, 04:52 AM
No disrespect taken. Sometimes though, I find it beneficial to give a voice where none are heard.


April 17th, 2010, 07:47 AM
Not sure if sarcasm is/was intended but it is up to the young-ins to turn things around.

It's up to us ALL to turn things around.

April 17th, 2010, 08:00 AM
It's up to us ALL to turn things around.

I wasn't sure who you were replying to in your earlier thread about floods starting with a drop, but I agree and find that idea to be encouraging.

April 17th, 2010, 01:41 PM
It's up to us ALL to turn things around.

+1 +1 +1

We old 'uns can't just create a huge mess and then say, "It's up to you young 'uns to clean up after us now - good luck!"

April 17th, 2010, 02:38 PM
Man, I so love this forum, it's such a nice place and has tons of people with good ideas and good hearts. None of the crowd that just want to fight and argue, but just sensible people all round. Being such a straight talker and freely expressing my ideas, whether right or wrong, I sometimes feel I probably sound like the biggest a-hole around here now and then & pushing the envelope of what is acceptable in the rules...but nevertheless, I find myself constantly getting pleasantly surprised about how well people here can get along, regardless of how they might find things.

Which brings me to the original topic...why can't we all just get along...people are just built that way...what ever it is a person is lacking, that is what makes people not get along. Being jealous of something, maybe not being as well-off as the other guy, maybe being fatter or disgruntled at the office, whatever it is, it has to come out somehow, and the natural outlet is the other guy, who is better off or has a better job, or whatever. It's never one's own fault they are down and poor and whatever, it's somebody else's fault, and it has to be compensated for by using hate, violence or just plain words.

I was brought up by a father who never ever got mad at me, or anybody, ever. He always understood everybody. I don't, but I do try to live as well as I can and trust and forgive people, and accept the fact that sometimes I'm wrong. I can't ever be as stable a rock as my father always was...sometimes i get mad, sometimes I yell at my kids and sometimes I yell at myself and don't know what to do...he never did. The only time I ever recall him even raising his voice at me was when I slammed the car door shut so that his fingers got trapped in the crack between the body and the door, and he said pretty angrily something like 'get the door open real quick!' and after that he said to me in pretty angry voice that I should really watch what I do a little better...

So anyway; I must accept that I'm weaker in that respect. I don't hate anything or anybody and always try to think the best of the next guy, but however I try, I sometimes feel anger towards how people are or do. Can't be helped. But it is a human condition, and something that is probably built into us as a survival method, as we are animals still in many respects. And driven by our hormones and DNA and things I don't fully understand, nevertheless being biological beings it is in our nature to be, in some degree, natural in the same way as animals are, in that we strive to survive and make sure that our offspring and ourselves thrive. And that sometimes means attacking those that step on our turf, infringe on our priviledges.

So, I don't know if it will ever change in a very basic way. Put two men on a desert island with food and drink just for one and before long they will fight for it, however humanistic they may be. And so it should be. BUT I still firmly belive, that however thin the layer of civilization is on us, there is still hope for humanity and it _is_ getting better every day. I see it on my sons, and I hope they might be better people than I am, when they grow up.

April 17th, 2010, 07:21 PM
Man, I so love this forum, it's such a nice place and has tons of people with good ideas and good hearts. None of the crowd that just want to fight and argue, but just sensible people all round. Being such a straight talker and freely expressing my ideas, whether right or wrong, I sometimes feel I probably sound like the biggest a-hole around here now and then & pushing the envelope of what is acceptable in the rules...but nevertheless, I find myself constantly getting pleasantly surprised about how well people here can get along, regardless of how they might find things.

I, and I'm sure many others here, appreciate what you have to say here, deeaa (even if you are almost always wrong). ;) :D

Seriously though, your contributions are always thoughtful and often thought provoking. You have intelligent things to say but you always say them with respect and don't flame anyone who may disagree.

I think the reason why The Fret is such a great place is that no one here takes advantage of their anonymity to do harm to others (like one finds in so many forums). The members here overwhelmingly foster a culture of mutual respect and support. A culture that developed, I'm sure, from the original idea behind it all.

Deeaa, there are some people who post here that I am more inclined to read than others. I'm am always particularly interested in what you have to say. I may not always agree with you (often do though), but I always like your style.

However, if I can choose who to be stranded on a desert island with (with "food and drink just for one"), perhaps you would not be the safest choice...:saw:

April 17th, 2010, 08:09 PM



OK, one more, and this is a biggie that is applied all too little...


April 17th, 2010, 09:19 PM

April 18th, 2010, 12:20 AM
However, if I can choose who to be stranded on a desert island with (with "food and drink just for one"), perhaps you would not be the safest choice...:saw:

LOL yeah the best choice in that situation would be somebody very fat & in poor shape to they'd be easy to knock down and provide lots of nutrition :spank: :pancake:puke:

April 18th, 2010, 01:52 AM
:saw: :rotflmao:

April 18th, 2010, 03:39 AM
LOL yeah the best choice in that situation would be somebody very fat & in poor shape to they'd be easy to knock down and provide lots of nutrition :spank: :pancake:puke:

:spank: :pancake:puke::rollover

April 18th, 2010, 05:33 AM
You guys rock. :-)

April 18th, 2010, 06:14 AM
I believe that civility is at an all time low. It has to do, IMO, with the stressors that we put ourselves through on a daily basis.

Rush here. Rush there.

Work more / harder.

Get more stuff so we can look cool to our neighbors.

It all leads to less human to human contact in a very real way. With no outlet, it has to come out. When it does, it's usually not nice, or productive.

There's always going to be conflict, in the world between nations, localities, and in our homes. It's part of the human condition. However, the way we interact can change. All it takes is one person at a time, working at being more civil with the next guy or gal.

What I like about this forum is that when we disagree, we either work it out, or agree to have differing opinions, without degenerating to some of the nasty squabbles that happen on other forums.

I'm just a guy. I can't control the behavior of others, but I CAN change how I react.

April 18th, 2010, 06:25 AM
I believe that civility is at an all time low. It has to do, IMO, with the stressors that we put ourselves through on a daily basis.

What I like about this forum is that when we disagree, we either work it out, or agree to have differing opinions, without degenerating to some of the nasty squabbles that happen on other forums.

I'm just a guy. I can't control the behavior of others, but I CAN change how I react.

Maybe knowing that we'll treat and be treated with respect and civility is what keeps this forum so focused and positive. We have a safe place to share without fear of being flamed for every little disagreement or opinion difference.

The positive momentum here is maintained by each of us. Pretty cool, eh? :thankyou