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View Full Version : The Ultimate Squier Classic Vibe Thread

July 12th, 2010, 09:16 PM
I changed the stock strings on my Classic Vibe 50s Telecaster today. I had a bit of buzzing with 9s. I think a couple of frets weren't perfect in height. I tightened the truss rod and slapped 10s on it, and now it's much better. Here are some shots I took today. The tweed Fender Pro Junior goes well with this guitar, yes? :thumbsup

(You can see more at http://picasaweb.google.com/DolphinstreetGuitar/SquierClassicVibe50sTelecaster#)


July 12th, 2010, 10:38 PM

July 13th, 2010, 01:23 PM
Great shots with the tweed Fender and black background.

I had to settle for the ol' fence in the back yard shots.



July 13th, 2010, 01:34 PM
I put a fresh set of 10's on my CV '50's Tele this weekend when I made the pickguard and neck pickup change. Been enjoying mine tuned to open G, run through my modified Blues Junior with a bit of overdrive. Been learning some of my favorite Black Crowes tunes on it. Since we're posting pics here:

http://www.duhvoodooman.com/miscimages/musical/CV50s_Tele/cv50s_tele_modded_full.jpg http://www.duhvoodooman.com/miscimages/musical/CV50s_Tele/cv50s_tele_modded_body.jpg

July 13th, 2010, 02:03 PM
Hey Bob that came out nice! I got one of the first ones that came out at a killer price. Best Telecaster I've ever owned and played.


July 17th, 2010, 03:26 PM
:dance I, too, had a bit of fret buzz on my Classic Vibe Tele. At first I thought it was because I was doing some less than perfect fretting on the bass E string. But I soon found out it was buzzing a little when played completely open.

My CV Tele looks exactly like Robert's, BTW. I did not go to 10s, however. I tweaked the height of the brass bridge bar. I had to retune, but it did not mess up the intonation. And the buzz seems to be completely gone.

I might consider going to 10s at some time, but I have a Blackout Deluxe Tele that I'm playing with 10s on it and like having the two guitars sound quite a bit different, as they do now.

I play a lot through Korg processors, but I have enjoyed playing the CV Tele through an Art tube preamp (a fantastic $30 bargain) and a Marshall MGR 15 amp with a little bit of the amp's own reverb. I use the preamp to take the digital edge off the Marshall's sound and the preamp makes it very easy to calibrate just the right amount of overdrive. I love the slightly warm, slightly gritty twanging of the Tele with this combination of gear.

July 23rd, 2010, 12:31 PM
:dance Hey I like that sparkly, tortoise-shell look on the Hopeless Tinkerer's Tele. Say, where did you get that?

Commodore 64
July 24th, 2010, 05:23 AM
Robert, if you wanted to add neck relief, wouldn't you loosen the truss rod? I'm asking, because I think I need just a tiny hair of relief added to my MiM Tele Squier.

July 24th, 2010, 07:40 AM
Robert, if you wanted to add neck relief, wouldn't you loosen the truss rod? I'm asking, because I think I need just a tiny hair of relief added to my MiM Tele Squier.

Yes you are correct.

July 24th, 2010, 07:55 AM
:dance Hey I like that sparkly, tortoise-shell look on the Hopeless Tinkerer's Tele. Say, where did you get that?

July 25th, 2010, 10:18 AM
Ah yes. I also LOVE my classic vibe strat now it's been heavily improved as I posted earlier:


Commodore 64
July 26th, 2010, 09:27 AM

I ordered a mint green one from GFS. I had to modify the little arc that goes around the control plate a bit to get it to fit on my MiM Tele (Squier Series).

July 26th, 2010, 03:28 PM
Here is my CV ThinLine






October 24th, 2010, 08:36 PM
Well, I stopped almost the only remaining guitar store in Boise, (GC), and was specifically looking for a used distortion for my son, and wanted to check out the CV teles. They did not have a 50's in stock, but I tried the custom with the 3 tone sunburst. It was a beautiful guitar, played great, felt really nice in my hands, and produced some really nice tones through the used C-30 I plugged into. I wanted to use an amph I was used to. The guitar was warmer sounding than I expected, and produced some really nice jazzy tones rolling back the tone a bit, and with flip of the switch and dialing up the tone, spank to spare.

Now I am really gassing for one. I was interested in DVM's neck bucker mod, but I don't think I will be in a rush. The neck sounded better than the last tele I remember playing. I still want to play a 50s next to the Custom, but I could see bringing a Custom home, whereas before I was only interested in the 50s. Now it is whatever one I like better when it is time to buy. They did not have a thinline to check out.

October 24th, 2010, 10:20 PM
Here is a vid of the type I played today:


And the same guy with a 50's


October 25th, 2010, 09:57 AM
Just tipping you guys off that Guitar Center had the CV Tele Custom on sale for $299 as part of their Rocktober sale. I am short by around half at this point, but that is a nice little price reduction on an already nice value. I did not see what price they had the 50's for or if it was also on sale as this store did not have one in. It must be in store only as I do not see that price online.

October 25th, 2010, 11:52 PM
That custom is a nice guitar, top and bottom binding on the body.

The price is better than I have ever seen.

Plus I hear there is a thirty dollar off coupon in the rockoberfest flyer bringing it down to less than 270 without tax.

I'm going to look around here and see if any of these GC's have any of the customs. I bet that would sound great with some EMG T noiseless pickups in it.

My problem with teles is that with my high gain capablilities I get a LOT of noise from standard single coils, cranked up a bit. Therefore, I have been playing humbuckers, like in my new Agile top/bottom bound AL 3100 and my Epi SG's. My Michael Kelly with Rockfield direct mounts is sitting up against the amps waiting to get played. These sound good with high gain, low noise.
But I want some single coil noiseless tone. I also want to get a real nice tele like the custom.

Living in Idaho SVL, don't you NEED a cowboy guitar? I know about trying to make it happen when I'm low on funds, but that deal is incredible.

October 26th, 2010, 09:10 AM
SVL - I actually like the sound of the 50s best out of both those videos. I hope that doesn't mess you up. :poke

October 26th, 2010, 09:42 AM
Hmm. I wish there was one of each at the store. But I really liked the Custom at the store, and felt it had a nice, warm, sweet neck tone that responded well to the tone knob. It may be that I am in the minority here too as I was with the CV strats. Everyone seemed to pick the 50s, whereas I seemed to like the 60s better.

In any case, I originally was thinking about changing out the neck pup anyway to a humbucker or something. But when I played it in the store, my thought was I did not need to be in any big hurry to do so.

October 26th, 2010, 10:03 AM
I've decided I don't like the stock neck on mine. It's got some buzzing still, and I can't bond with the feel of the neck either. I have a '51 neck that Tremoloman gave to me. I forgot about this neck completely. I checked it out, and it fits nicely! I just need a nut and tuners and I'll have the best Squier Tele in the world!
:pancake :french

October 26th, 2010, 10:15 AM
Hmm. I wish there was one of each at the store. But I really liked the Custom at the store, and felt it had a nice, warm, sweet neck tone that responded well to the tone knob. It may be that I am in the minority here too as I was with the CV strats. Everyone seemed to pick the 50s, whereas I seemed to like the 60s better.

In any case, I originally was thinking about changing out the neck pup anyway to a humbucker or something. But when I played it in the store, my thought was I did not need to be in any big hurry to do so.
Just be sure to play the 50s model before you make a final decision. You may still decide to go with the "twang factor" of the Custom, but a lot of players seem to prefer the warmer/bluesier character of the 50s. Just depends on what you're looking for from a Tele.

BTW, I'm still not sure I don't need one of each! :D

October 26th, 2010, 10:40 AM
For me, that guy is so talented and has such ability that it is difficult for me, if not impossible, to evaluate the two selections he plays. Had he played the same selections on both guitars I might be able to make a decision as to which sounds better to my ear.

The fifties sounds really twangy and bluesy like Albert Collins. The Custom has a mellower sound, to my ear, and is smoother and quieter - as in less noisy, but maybe the noise on the Fifties is something else.

This guy gets some sounds out of each of the guitars that are very polished. He makes that Custom sound really good, and gets a deeper more mellow, woody, sustain type tone out of it - never ice picky, probably because of the Alnico V pickups. The Alnico III pups on the Fifties are probably more of a vintage tele sound - clear, bright, cutting.

It's hard for me to tell though because he has a lot of stylistic differences going on between the two selections and we don't know where his amp and guitar controls are set at.

To my ear both guitars sound great and there can be no doubt that the Custom delivers some really great sounds in this guys hands. It seems like he plays the bass and mid strings more on the Custom, maybe because of the darker tone of the guitar to begin with.

I have to agree with SVL to some degree, in that I really like the sound of the Sixties CV, but own Fifties CV strats. They had a nice Sixties by me brand new for 279 and it sat around a long time but is now gone. It was a great guitar all around. I remember the guy that bought it thought it sounded as good or better than the American Special and cost a little more than a third of the Special.

October 26th, 2010, 01:18 PM
Just be sure to play the 50s model before you make a final decision. You may still decide to go with the "twang factor" of the Custom, but a lot of players seem to prefer the warmer/bluesier character of the 50s. Just depends on what you're looking for from a Tele.

BTW, I'm still not sure I don't need one of each! :D

I purchased the CV Custom about a year ago. Now I am not a tele guy in any shape or form. I have tried maybe 25 different ones over the years and I could not find one that I really liked. The only one that really felt good was the 52 reissue but it had the 7.25 radius on the neck. When I saw the CV50s
I really wanted to try one but I could never find one in stock. When the CV Custom was released I talked to my local guy and he was ordering a couple in. I asked to be the first on the list when they came in.
Right frome the start this guitar just felt good. I really like the Alder body and the color and finish are amazing. To get a double bound body on a guitar this reasonable is just crazy. I wanted a maple neck but this rosewood board is smooth and very nice to play. I had never had a 3 saddle bridge and I was worried about intonation. The 3 saddle works perfectly. I have the CV50s Strat with the A3s and I like the tone, but I really like the combo of the Rosewood, Alder and the A5s. I was ble to get a really nice low buzzless action.
Having 1 Tele out of my 17 guitars suits me just fine, but I have been keeping my eye out for a blowout on the "Pine Caster" Fender has really outdone themselves with the Classic vibe Series. If you could get both of them for 600 bucks that would be the deal of the century they are real bang for the buck.

October 26th, 2010, 04:33 PM
Well, if one or two of my items will sell I am in! I liked that Custom. Plus I talked to the store, and if I put money down on the Custom, but they get a 50's in and I like that better, I can switch the deposit over to that one.

October 26th, 2010, 07:42 PM
ZMan, Thanks for the input. I have not been a tele guy before either, but this Custom seemed to work for me. Glad to know you felt the same way. Funny, you have a strat like mine too. This guitar felt a bit like my strat did when I first picked it up. Very comfortable, and right in my hands. The sounds worked for me too.

October 26th, 2010, 09:38 PM
I'm not sure what I'm going to do, because I found a near mint '07 black with maple board Fender MIM tele for 260 used at a store near me. Super low action.

I can get a CVC for 299 at a GC not far from here.

The MIM seems to make more sense than a Squier, even if I upgrade it with EMG T active pickups.

A lot of people are saying the CVC's are superior to the MIM's, so it's a difficult choice involving essentially the same amount of money.

Any advice before I make my final decision is welcome. In the end it will be a matter of personal preference, but your input is appreciated.

October 26th, 2010, 10:05 PM
Duffy, your preference is my only advice. Go play them and see which one talks to you more, and feels better to you in your hands. That's all I can say. Or save your dough. You already have a couple teles! :poke :thumbsup

October 26th, 2010, 10:25 PM

Some good blues tones here I think.

October 26th, 2010, 11:03 PM
...I'll have the best Squier Tele in the world!
:pancake :french

Second best :poke I REALLY love my Modified Vintage Modified Squire Tele since I installed a Warmoth Vintage Modern neck with a 10-16" compound radius... plays like butter and a great deal :R


October 26th, 2010, 11:19 PM
Bring it over, so I can inspect it closer, Trev! And we can jam a bit. :)

October 27th, 2010, 01:30 AM
Second best :poke I REALLY love my Modified Vintage Modified Squire Tele since I installed a Warmoth Vintage Modern neck with a 10-16" compound radius... plays like butter and a great deal :R


That kind of raises a question, how is it a Squire any more with a Warmoth neck?

IMO the neck is like 60% of the guitar, the pickups 30% and all the rest make up the 10%. Hardware has little to do with how the guitar sounds anyway, as does the body wood as long as it's in the ballpark.

A Warmoth neck over here costs more than a complete MVM Squire....so I'd call the guitar a Warmoth with some Squire parts.

October 27th, 2010, 06:24 AM
ZMan, Thanks for the input. I have not been a tele guy before either, but this Custom seemed to work for me. Glad to know you felt the same way. Funny, you have a strat like mine too. This guitar felt a bit like my strat did when I first picked it up. Very comfortable, and right in my hands. The sounds worked for me too.

I did just about what you are doing with your local shop. I have a pretty good set up there. If there is anything new on the horizon I call him and ask if he plans to bring them in. He usually has them on order. I get first dibs on the guitar when it comes in. He sets it up for me and if I don't like it, he puts it on the floor for sale. So far I have never put one back. In fact when the Deluxe Squiers came in I picked up both colors. To tell the truch I never really had a lot of gas for the white Tele. I have several white Strats. I did see a couple when I was in Maine but they were still priced in the 350 range. I am crossing my fingers that they come out with a Butterscotch/maple in the CV series.

October 27th, 2010, 06:43 AM
Butterscotch/Maple would be really cool. But then they would sell fewer '52 re-issues I bet.

October 27th, 2010, 07:35 AM
SVL, actually I'm upgrading my collection and selling some of my older guitars.

This is why I'm debating the excellent CVC or the MIM teles right now.

I'm thinking a black MIM with a black or black pearl pickguard with EMG T active pickups or Seymour Duncan tele noiseless will make a real nice addition to my collection, even though this deal on the CVC seems real good.

October 27th, 2010, 07:48 AM
That kind of raises a question, how is it a Squire any more with a Warmoth neck?

IMO the neck is like 60% of the guitar, the pickups 30% and all the rest make up the 10%. Hardware has little to do with how the guitar sounds anyway, as does the body wood as long as it's in the ballpark.

A Warmoth neck over here costs more than a complete MVM Squire....so I'd call the guitar a Warmoth with some Squire parts.

Same here... think the neck alone new would have been well over $300 USD. I found it on a local classified site for a fraction of that :thumbsup

October 27th, 2010, 08:01 AM
Butterscotch/Maple would be really cool. But then they would sell fewer '52 re-issues I bet.

The 52 reissue is over 1500 here, so a 300 dollar version that played and looked as nice would be a big seller. Plus the added plus as far as i am concerned would be the 9.5 radius neck.

October 27th, 2010, 08:22 AM
Yeah that would be a big seller. I would jump all over that. I agree with you on the neck radius too, which as you know is basically the same as my strat. I am sure that is why this CV tele felt so comfortable and at home in my hands.

October 28th, 2010, 07:46 PM
Well, I put 10% down on the one I liked today to hold it at GC at the sale price. ($299, the additional $30 coupon does not apply to the already on sale items.) Looking forward to selling some gear, saving a little more, and bringing it home!



October 29th, 2010, 09:39 AM
Knowing that you like the 60th Anni, you will really like the CVC. You just can't go wrong with this guitar. I still am amazed that they can sell this and the Classic vibe Strat for that money. I am waiting for a Black top Strat now.
They won't be in Canada for another 40 to 50 days.

October 29th, 2010, 12:29 PM
Yep, Zman, that's the way I view it too. I am excited for it.

December 24th, 2010, 12:31 AM
Well, I happen to know I will be receiving for Christmas most of what I need to bring this baby home. I will probably be able to do it next time I get to Boise in January or so. Sweeettt!!! I just need to sell a couple of my items, and I can probably hang onto my EH Little Big Muff, which I really did not want to get rid of. :happy

December 24th, 2010, 07:46 AM
Well, I happen to know I will be receiving for Christmas most of what I need to bring this baby home. I will probably be able to do it next time I get to Boise in January or so. Sweeettt!!! I just need to sell a couple of my items, and I can probably hang onto my EH Little Big Muff, which I really did not want to get rid of. :happy
I love it when a plan comes together. One thing to note I had them put 10 D'Addarios on mine, and set the intonation. It really plays well. That is one of the problems with the 3 saddle bridge. It is harder to set the intonation as close as a 6 saddle. I was told by my tech that if I didn't like the 3 saddle you can swap in a 6 saddle very easy with a fender bridge. So far so good. I checked the intonation after 6 months and it is still spot on.
I don't know how to explain it but with the 3 saddle bridge the 10s don't seem as heavy, but ring out very nicely. They actually feel like 9s on my strats.
When you get over just staring at it, and start playing it you will really love the tone you get. I am sure it will sound really sweet through your vintage Fender.

December 24th, 2010, 08:17 AM
I was thinking 10s would go on, as they do on my strat. They told me they would set it up, so I will just have them put my usual D'Addarios on there. Good to know about the bridge and set up.

December 24th, 2010, 09:58 AM
I prefer 10's on a Tele, 'cuz they can tend to sound a bit thin with 9's, being a brighter sounding guitar to begin with. YMMV....

December 24th, 2010, 11:43 AM
Time to bring on some GAS... Found this used USA Standard Tele in natural that is haunting me.

February 14th, 2011, 12:42 PM
My 2008 Tele CV50



February 14th, 2011, 03:46 PM
2008, were they even available then? Man, time flies and I'm getting older by the minute! :eek:

February 15th, 2011, 03:08 AM
What a great thread and a lovely bunch of nice guitars, I really love the Telecaster's they have such a great vintage vibe :rockya

February 18th, 2011, 02:56 PM
I just got a Squier CV Tele Custom. I'm going to change the pups. But was wondering if I need to replace the nut??? Has anyone done that?

February 18th, 2011, 03:14 PM
Before I changed the PUPs I would play it for a while. I think they are pretty damn good as is. I have changed nothing on mine. I had contemplated a 6 saddle bridge but the stock bridge is really good. They say that are hard to intonate but mine is perfect.

February 18th, 2011, 03:52 PM

Why are you gonna change the pups? Just curious.

It's possible that the nut on your guitar was cut incorrectly... Are there any buzzing issues?

February 18th, 2011, 06:00 PM
Yeah Riverick, those stock pickups are supposed to be real decent.

I just put a set of Fender Vintage Noiseless tele pickups in one of my tele's and it doesn't sound like a traditional tele, but it sounds real neat. I have two Fender teles with stock pickups and they twang way more.

If you put in new pickups you might want to know, if you don't already, that those are thought by some to be actually made by a real good pickup company, so if I was going to replace them I sure wouldn't get GFS ones or any cheap ones. Seymour Duncans or something would be a different story, but we don't know what your ideas are for new pickups at this point; and it's your call anyway right? It's your guitar and you can do whatever you want to it.

Guys are just mentioning that the stock pickups are considered by most to be real decent pickups, way better than one would expect.

I can't complain, because I put a set of Fender Custom Shop Texas Specials in my Lake Placid Blue Classic Vibe 50's and an white pearl pickguard. I just put Fender brushed nickel locking tuners on it too. I guess it isn't supposed to be a CV anymore, but going by the serial number I guess it still is, just modified.

Congratulations on the great new guitar.

By the way, just in my opinion, for my own use, nothing to do with your choice of pickups, I think a set of hot Seymour Duncan dual rail humbucking tele pickups would be really neat in a tele. That would be a totally different sound from a traditional tele, for sure.

February 19th, 2011, 03:23 PM
I was considering Rio Grande Vintage tallboy for the neck & Muy grande for bridge. I just figured that a guitar that cost under $400 had to have some crap parts on it. Maybe I'm all wet after hearing whats been said here. Thanks for the input.