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View Full Version : Dean Deleo's live sound

August 27th, 2010, 03:58 PM
Saw Stone Temple Pilots last night here in Detroit.

Sat about 10 feet from the stage, in front of Dean Deleo.
I really got a chance to watch what he does.

He uses some very interesting chord voicings, has a really "big" live sound, and his playing fills a lot of musical space. At times, he's playing melody lines with chords. The guy is a really good player.

He changed guitars for nearly every song, bringining out Les Pauls, Teles and a couple PRS hollowbodys with various tunings.

He gets a great classic rock crunch with chimey Vox clarity. Stage setup is very minimalist in appearance...with a couple small racks with VHT power amps, a Vox AC30, and a 4x12 Marshall cab, mic'd up.

Foot controller was hidden behind a monitor...but I could hear only a wah, boost, a touch of chorus at times, and a little delay.

I really like his style...and his live sound is spectacular.

Any other Dean Deleo fans want to chime in?

September 18th, 2010, 02:40 PM
he has that style that you can tell alot of his "sound" comes from his hands and chord/technique.

September 23rd, 2010, 07:18 AM
Hmm, missed this thread the first time around.

I really like STP. While I've generally thought Dean Deleo was overrated and Robert Deleo was the main reason their music was good, you bring up some good points.

I think a lot of the guitar lines in STP songs are pretty awesome, and it's more or less what I grew up on, so I suppose it's fair to say that he's been pretty influential in my guitar sensibilities. In fact, I think I listed him in that top-15-influential-guitarists thread. Hmm.

Anyway, cool stuff. Thanks for posting your thoughts. I love to hear about stuff like that.

September 27th, 2010, 09:40 AM
Ive always been a fan of STP and felt the Deleo's in general was under appreciated in the music world.

I dont think they use alot of effects mainly because they write almost all of their songs on acoustics. I think a big part of the switching of guitars is because Dean loves vintage instruments. And Ive always heard he hates not playing them. So he brings a arsenal on tour to be able to play them all.

What I found intersting was Dean learned how to play by sneaking into Roberts room grabbing a guitar and crawing under the bed so no one would see him in the room. You know little brother-big brother stuff.

Also did you guys know that Robert use to work for Schecter in the R&D department?

September 27th, 2010, 09:49 AM
What I found intersting was Dean learned how to play by sneaking into Roberts room grabbing a guitar and crawing under the bed so no one would see him in the room. You know little brother-big brother stuff.
That's cool, but...isn't Dean the older brother???

September 27th, 2010, 10:03 AM
Id have to look it up I very well could be wrong. I havent really followed the band since 4 was released. I was pleased to see the later release's but I was more into metal during those release dates. I do know it was the lil brother sneaking into the bedroom though lol.