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View Full Version : A little semi-acoustic older piece

September 19th, 2010, 11:09 AM
Well seems nobody ever comments on these anyway, but nevertheless...this one features a cello as well, and a rare emotional guitar solo by yours truly - I very seldom use such FX'd sounds but they fit the song.

The song was built over the acoustic riff devised by my buddy; made the vox and lyrics over it. It's a tad older actually, but just stumbled to it just now, thought I'd post it.


And oh yeah, warning there's a few swearwords there in the choruses.

September 20th, 2010, 12:56 PM
Geez...I think I comment on your stuff pretty regularly!

The guitar solo was cool. I also liked the intro.

What're you looking for in terms of feedback, anyway? As you know, I can pretty much always offer constructive criticism, but I know not everybody wants that.

If it's a finished product, it's cool. If it's not, it's cool.

I dunno...I liked it.

September 20th, 2010, 02:19 PM
Yes you do Eric and I sincerely thank you for that. I'm not really looking for much comments either on this one, just some indication if someone checked it out or not :-) sometimes posts just get lost and there may be no replies, makes me wonder why post the next one if it happens. No comments as of yet on Whobody's latest Dear You song - I posted to other forums as well and on that one I'm still mixing, could re-sing/play too and await comments but in, hm 4 days no comments anywhere...I guess I'm being dumb, as if anybody would be obligated to check them out and seriously, I'm delighted if even a few people ever hear them songs or comment...It's just, you know, a lot of these songs I never release in any real form anywhere, if they don't seem to stir up anything at all. Still, you kow, you spend days on a song and then it's just lost in the drawer, if that happens much, it gets somewhat depressing. Like this particular song...it was recorded a good while back and this is probably it's 'swan song' in terms of will it be heard anywhere after this.It's on my website too but I doubt anybody ever listens to other than just the first few if they visit. I mean, hell, my own wife doesn't listen or care to check out most of my songs, I don't really expect much reception elsewhere either, LOL

This particular piece, my vox is a tad off at the start and the verbs are a bit much, but it's a finished piece alright. The solo I'm very happy about, it's probably the best I ever recorded in my own book. It's loosely about Kurt Cobain and some stuff he spoke of in an interview.

September 20th, 2010, 07:31 PM
Oops. I forgot to look at the other one. Sorry. I left some comments now.

I don't know what the deal is. I actually like your music. A lot of the stuff people post on forums isn't really music I'd call listenable, as it's samples or demos or instrumentals. I'm not sure why I don't download your music. Maybe it's because I'm not sure how it fits together or something, or whether it's the final mastered mix or what.

I'll give it some thought, anyway. Maybe there's a simple way to make your music more noticeable, because if it's free, I think it's something a lot of people would probably want to listen to.

IMO, anyway.

September 20th, 2010, 11:50 PM
That's a good point actually, I suppose I should try to collect songs into clear-cut releases like they would be on an EP or CD, and only then see if I can put it out to be heard.

I guess my biggest problem is, whenever I get a bunch of songs done like a full CD of 'em, I just kind of tend to feel so done with it I don't bother to push it anywhere or release properly, market it or whatever. It seems so much easier to just drop it out there and start making a new bunch of songs :-) it's already super annoying it can take years with one project to make a few songs and make them good, while I'd have ideas for a hundred songs many much better than the ones I'm still working on...it just gets too exhausting to even try to 'market' them, all I want is to make new songs, to get some of my creativity out.

September 21st, 2010, 04:22 AM
Interesting. I can see your point, but on the other hand, wouldn't something like constructing an album/collection of songs give you more focus, like to make the songs be cohesive? It might take more effort, but it seems like the increased push toward a goal would yield better results for me.

September 21st, 2010, 06:12 AM
How would it work to post a link to a page with a collection of songs, such as one of my older solo releases here:


Or is it too much at once then, plus leads to another site? Kinda seems to me I could then just links to my bands, P-43, Spookbox, Whobody, D-A, Refrain, No Class, Crankenhaus, BrutMag, etc. etc. instead...

Or if I posted a bunch as links only, like this acoustic piece with all the songs that came off the same project:


Indeed CD's were easy to give out and handy in that sense...it's really quite difficult coming up with handy ways of putting materials on the web.

Anyways...I think I'll add these older songs to another 'mikseri' page too so it's easy to listen. The thing is, I have clean forgotten what I have where, some albums are on Myspace, some on Soundclick, I think I had something on Broadjam too...but I have lost the passwords and can't even remember what I used for login for my various myspace sites for instance, LOL....too much work to keep track of all that crap.

September 21st, 2010, 06:41 AM
Well, I generally like a zip file with a bunch of songs just archived together -- it makes it so I can get them on my computer and do as I please with them from there. The individual links aren't bad either though.

For online stuff, I find soundcloud to be the most convenient, followed by box.net, then soundclick, then probably myspace.

I don't know. I guess I'm not sure what the best system is, but probably a representative song or two from a project, followed by a zip with an album's worth of material would be my ideal setup.

September 21st, 2010, 06:54 AM
Hmm, soundcloud does seem interesting...maybe I'll try that next...thx...