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View Full Version : jack position

October 3rd, 2010, 06:42 PM
the most common mod im getting asked for is jackplates, sg players want their jacks moved especialy after the introduction of the robot. i reccently worked on the hohner steinberger clone and fitted an upside down strat jack system in black on it, which i actualy quite liked and its strat jacks i realy hate ironicaly. where would you say the best jack position is on a guitar. i personaly like it on the front or 3 inch down from the end pin routed in at an angle on the side so it loops straight over the strap and it is very neat and out of the way.

October 3rd, 2010, 11:30 PM
They way you describe it would be pretty much perfect in most ways, out of sight and easy. Slightly more prone to yanking the cord off if you step on it, though, than if it's downward, but in that case you risk breaking the cable in the same situation.

I don't know, I never had any real preference, it's much the same to me where it is. I guess it's in a different place in all my guitars. Somewhere low enough and out of the way towards the back and it's fine by me.

Scotland, eh? I'm going to Edinburgh for a week on Monday. Never been there before. Any suggestion as to what kind of clothing should I bring, is it how cold and do I need rain gear likely?

October 4th, 2010, 08:06 PM
it will be cold probably wet and very dreary, i lived there for about 5 years lol very nice place but as it is coastal the weather can be horrific. i go up there quite alot as i am like only one train stop away. if you want to go to a good place at night for a gig. go to whistle binkies, spen the best years of my youth in that pub. :thumbsup

October 4th, 2010, 09:15 PM
OK we'll pack something waterproof and warm then :-) I dunno if I can slip out much at night - got a 1-yr and a 6.yr old w/us, but the wife will probably let me have at least one night free. Gotta remember the whistle binkies.

Do you know any music stores worth a visit? Especially the type that sell other than brand new stuff, i.e. not-big-chain stores? Or are there any interesting second-hand stores or pawn shops? These days it seems I do most of my music shopping in those...the big stores just carry the same stuff everywhere and no used or quirky gear at all.

Sorry, lotsa q's...thanks :-)

October 5th, 2010, 05:17 PM
theres a few if you go to ocean terminal there was like 3 the last time i was there, erm oh and my usual one i go to is up the south bridge and its got loads, red dog music isnt bad realy. to be honest edinburgh is full of the small useful kind of music shop. when i was there last i picked up a great condition tele for my girlfriend for like 200 quid in a pawnshop so gear is cheap and easy to come buy, the reason is it is a city full of student........ who have a nasty tendancy to drink the rent money so have to get rid of their beloved, so the disearning musician with G.A.S. like ourselfs have a field day.