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View Full Version : Rocktober-- holy cow!

Brian Krashpad
October 7th, 2010, 07:29 AM
Man, I just looked at my calendar for October, and I think I'll probably be setting a personal record for performances.

Check it:

10/1: Praise Band @ Paramount Plaza Hotel for LWML convention

10/3: Praise Band @ 11:00 service

10/8: Cinnamon Hill Unplugged @ Maude's Classic Cafe

10/10: Praise band @ 11:00 service and possibly 8:30 service too

10/14: Crash Pad @ Backstage Lounge

10/17: Praise Band @ 11:00 service

10/17: Pedagogy @ Oktoberfest

10/24: Praise Band @ 11:00 service

10/29: Praise Band @ Concert for Mission India

10/30: Cinnamon Hill @ Kickin' Devil Cafe

10/31: Praise Band @ 11:00 service

And the first weekend of November, Pedagogy is playing at Boo Fest. In the 4 weeks of October, that's at least 11 and maybe 12 performances, and if you go the 5 weeks into November it bumps up one from that. Not counting all the band practices/rehearsals.

Meantime, my Crash Pad drummer is in hospital, so I'm having to make contingency plans for next Thursday.

Say a prayer for me, kai?

October 7th, 2010, 08:49 AM
Wow, you've got your hands full. Good luck!

Brian Krashpad
October 7th, 2010, 11:55 AM
Wow, you've got your hands full. Good luck!

Thanks man.

One of those gigs is our Praise Band doing a Concert for Mission India at the end of the month. In general, as you may recall, the praise band feels a little beleaguered at this church, there is only a "blended" service with no all-contemporary one, and there have been many times where the overall Music Director (who does the choir/organ/handbell choir trad music) has seemed downright antagonistic.

Anyhow, recently church members were given $10 in "seed money," and told to live out the parable of the talents, and do something with that money to multiply it, and then bring whatever was raised back, for Mission India. However the money was spent was up to each person.

Being musicians, our praise team decided to do a concert. Our tenners (and those of others) are going to buy refreshments, which can be bought at the concert. The concert is free, although of course everyone is welcome to give a goodwill offering to Mission India.

I sent out a bunch of PR/promo emails to other churches in Gainesville about the Concert for Mission India (I love how that sounds, like the "Concert for Bangladesh"), and got back my first response today. I got some very nice feedback from one of the Presbyterians, who is doing what he can to publicize it.

When the person I wrote to forwarded the concert info, he included his thoughts. This is a direct quote:

"here's something that to me sounds very interesting--imaginative, creative, and purposeful. The whole music program at ***** Lutheran to me is about the best in town, and I'm sure this'll be up to the quality of their other stuff."

Nice to hear good things now and then.

October 7th, 2010, 11:59 AM
Wow, I know I'd take that as high praise if someone said it about the church where I play! That's a pretty cool idea for multiplying the money -- not sure I would have thought of that, exactly.

Brian Krashpad
October 13th, 2010, 02:47 PM
Well, 5 performances down (I did play both services this last Sunday, as I thought I might). As of tomorrow night it'll be 6, half way. The most important ones will be tomorrow's (Crash Pad's first in over a year, though our former drummer, also in the opening band, is sitting in for our ailing current basher) and the Concert for Mission India on the 29th.

As of Sunday evening I'll be at 8.

I'm a crazy man.

October 13th, 2010, 03:18 PM
You are one busy man, Brian!

Crazy too, I agree.

Brian Krashpad
October 15th, 2010, 07:26 AM
You are one busy man, Brian!

Crazy too, I agree.

Haha, yes, both! Last night went really well. We got a DVD but I haven't had a chance to watch it yet. Our former drummer did a great job sitting in with Crash Pad. I cut one song from the set on the spur of the moment that he'd never played before, although the way we were chugging I probably needn't have.

My rhythm guitarist's Marshall AVT head crapped out unexpectedly, so he ended up using my little 15 W Super Champ XD combo amp, with the ten inch speaker disconnected, driving his 4x12. It sounded great! That thing really is a champ. As usual (for Crash Pad) I played my Sovtek MiG50H 50W head into my old Risson 4x12, no effects or pedal, just pure master-volume tube amp distortion. Nom.

By the end of the last song all three of the front stringed instrument players (2 guitarists and bass) were rolling around on the floor. A little grodie but well worth it, haha!

Now I gotta unpack the van. Ugh.

If/when I get pics will post here.

Brian Krashpad
October 16th, 2010, 06:05 AM
If/when I get pics will post here.

Here's one there are a batch so I'll start a separate thread later:


October 16th, 2010, 08:48 AM
great photo

Brian Krashpad
October 16th, 2010, 11:38 AM
great photo

Thanks, my rhythm guitarist's gf did a good job. The battery on my camera was dying so no flash, which resulted in some cool shots.

This is kinda epic. I don't look nearly as old and fat as I actually am in it, haha!

Brian Krashpad
October 18th, 2010, 01:05 PM
More pics here:
