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View Full Version : Robert's minor blues in Bm lead recording

October 21st, 2010, 01:24 AM
I don't think I've ever played over a backing track from Robert although listened to them many a time...so this morning I decided I'd do one, and here's my rendition of Robert's minor blues in Bm:


Recorded D/I to PC with my latest, the whammy-Yamaha w/an EMG 81.

Any comments welcome. I found it very difficult to try and come up with new variations all along the song, it's rather long. Especially the first 2 minutes or so are pretty damn boring now that I listen to it. Warmed up a little later on and going up the fretboard & started playing with the whammy bar.

October 21st, 2010, 03:09 AM
BTW is it OK Robert to post these clips with your backing to other forums as well? With mention to where the backing is from?

October 21st, 2010, 06:22 AM
Good smooth sound. I don't find the first two minutes boring. You spice up the typical pentatonic with some Santana-notes. Try some variations on your target notes in the end of your licks. Good melody runs from 4:30 on. Nothing to complain here. I enjoyed listening to your take deeaa. :digit

October 21st, 2010, 07:28 AM
Thanks Jimi...to me it sounds very boring, though...but then again most any AOR-style blues does to me. Although it's fun to play stuff like this, I would never ever listen to anything remotely like this myself, really...but I think this won't be both the first and the last time with such backings, it makes for fun playing.

I went for a smooth slightly Santana-type sound with the mix, but since it's completely D/I and just a dry guitar signal recorded on track, I can still flip it into complete Metallica or ultra-clean sparkle no problem...that's what's so brilliant with these plugin amps. I had it on a little less saturated, bluesier drive at first, and maybe that works even better.

October 21st, 2010, 07:48 AM
Thanks! That's great stuff! I liked the controlled first part.

Yes, go ahead and post it anywhere you want. If you mentioned where you got the backing track, that would be great. This one I didn't actually create though - I don't even remember where I got it from.

October 21st, 2010, 01:06 PM
Sounds good for blues, but I agree that I usually wouldn't listen much to this sort of thing. Some of the vibratos really added a lot of character to it. I also like the sparse beginning, because you seemed to wring a lot of meaning from the notes and make them pop out more, due to the lack of a continual line.

I'm always amazed by that: just how much of a difference space makes in music. In large part, that's what makes riffs stand out, and your boys in AC/DC are a perfect example: basic chords, but played with interesting gaps in between that make it memorable.

Considering that was an EMG 81, that was a pretty full sound!

October 21st, 2010, 05:52 PM
Nice playing. May not be your first choice of music, but you did a nice job nonetheless. There is lots of room for nice melodic construction within the blues envelope, even if it seems a bit restrictive. It's all in the execution. Enjoyed that.:applause

October 21st, 2010, 11:38 PM
Thanks guys! And yeah, an 81 works fine for D/I...I find in D/I recording all that really matters is the pickup is noiseless. You can basically record with a singlecoil neck pickup and still make it sound like a biting bridge bucker, or vice versa...any suitably strong signal works fine with D/I and plugin modelers, they take the sound and change it so completely if wanted, it's all the same which guitar or pickup you use.

October 21st, 2010, 11:55 PM
Would love to hear it but nothing's coming down. Did you remove it?

October 22nd, 2010, 01:20 AM
Um, no...do try again...probably some glitch in international lines :-)

October 22nd, 2010, 02:54 AM
Um, no...do try again...probably some glitch in international lines :-)
Got it. Don't know about the international line glitches but downloading required copying and pasting the link in the browser for me. Otherwise no dice...I mean no deeaa :D

I like it. Nothing boring in there whatsoever. I read Jimi's comment after listening. For me 4:30 or so is when I was really flowing with it. Very nice. :applause

October 26th, 2010, 09:12 PM
Cool Deeaa! I missed this last week. I liked it very much! That playing at around 4:30 or so is really effective and nice for at the end! It was even more effective because you had to wait for it. :thumbsup

October 30th, 2010, 08:16 PM
Tasty playing, Deeaa. We're always most critical of our own playing.

October 31st, 2010, 03:25 AM
I missed this too.. nice playing and great tone :)