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View Full Version : There is still a few good guys out there.

October 27th, 2010, 07:17 PM
I went to a local shop today to do some swapping(no new guitar just a case and some supplys). While I was there I was explaing to the owner how my playing is kind of in a funk. And how Id like to learn more about how to play more of a traditional style of blues. I asked him about lessons he gave and how in the past when I showed up for lessons to figure out stuff I was working on they treated me like a beginner. Next think I knew almost 2 hours had passed. He showed me alot of stuff in those 2 hours to show me what he can help with with and explain where he's limited by what he knows. He then told me to think about it for a few days and let him know to make sure what he can teach me is the right direction. At $10 a 30 minute lesson Im all but positive I will take lessons for a while. But even if I thought he couldnt help me I gained a ton of respect for a guy I already admired as a shop owner. One of the few guys I know that is more about the music and sharing the knowledge then how fat he can fill his pockets. And I felt I should give a shout out never know when someone from my area might stop in TheFret and be looking for a teacher....area is southern indiana. :applause :applause :applause

October 27th, 2010, 09:38 PM
'Sounds like a good guy alright. And $10 for 30 minutes is good.

You can also log on to dolphinstreet.com
Robert has posted a wealth of free stuff there to improve your skills

October 27th, 2010, 09:54 PM
That's a great price for lessons. Hope it works out for ya!

October 27th, 2010, 10:03 PM
yea, Ive logged onto dolphin street and like it alot. one reason Im leaning towards lessons is that sometimes I have questions about how or why this lick works in this spot and what not and I dont want to burn robert up with pm's about his free lessons. he has paying students to attend to.

Commodore 64
October 28th, 2010, 06:34 AM
10$ per 30 minutes is dirt cheap.

October 28th, 2010, 06:39 AM
Good price and a really kind step of that guy. Good to hear about good people :dance